Mountaineer Recap: The Week of April 9th

Originally published at:

So we did magiq again. NBD, just casting spells and stuff.

First though, Mounties helped Deirdre solve a clue from Sullivan’s journal that has her finally leaving Istanbul and heading to Cape Town.

Now, onto magiq…

  • Last week Mounties were still trying to figure out what the clues in the glitched video meant.
  • Mike speculated that the tweaked "T" in stumbled might mean we were looking for something on Tumblr.
  • And Kelsey found both a "thereareconstants" and "thereareconstance" domain on Tumblr. One was password-protected, the other empty.
A few Mounties tried to crack the locked one and others messaged the blank one. And then we waited. And waited. And then we finally heard back from "Constance" who wondered who the heck we were. We still weren't sure we'd found the right place, until after a bit of back and forth, Constance told us she wasn't going to talk to us until we "secured our site"...


  • A day later Constance wrote back. She'd requested a spell called The Joradian Safeguard from a library in "The Low" (which is basically the magic underground) and a couple days later she finally got a hold of it.
  • Mounties immediately set out to cast the spell as fast as they could. It required creating "keeping vessels", gathering the six elements, making elemental pledges, and putting an old norse protection wheel on the forum....
  • They had to perform it in front of each other AND in front of witnesses.
  • Then...
  • We had to wait a day for the spell to "learn" which direction to reflect negative energy.
With the spell finally working Constance joined the forum and filled us in on everything she knew about magiq, The Low, and most importantly, her best friend Aether. (You really have to read her posts to get the full details.)

She wasn’t sure why Aether wanted us to find her, until she tracked down the password to his Tumblr account and there was one post there…


Looks like he brain-hacked the Basecamp Youtube channel and come Tuesday, we’re having a hangout with Aether himself.

Mark your calendars.

Featured Mountaineer(s) Of The Week:

A special Mounty cheer (do we have one of those?) to Ricardo, Hannah, Leigha, Oracle, Revenir and Furia for risking their lives (and health, #spellsickness) to cast The Safeguard.

And an eeeeeextra special nod to Revenir for using positive Mountaineer memories (and probably-magiqal art skills) to create the work of art that now protects our community: