4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

so, all we gotta go, is use the aliquary to hit the book.

they said the door to this was the guide to magiq. we might need to destroy it again.


Random crazy idea:

We may or may not be able to take down the veil. We have the alchemical sigils, and those are powerful, we have the aliquary, we have the name of the spell and some form of itā€™s basic instructions. That might not be enough to crack the veil. Even if it did, it might destroy the Guide.

But what if we could move the veil? Move it from us to Sanctuary? Just unravel it with the sigils and aliquary enough to relocate it and rebuild it? (Maybe with a better mechanism for communicating in/out of it.)

Weā€™d have to recreate large sections of the spell. Unless we could find a way to contact Endri or Bash. Theyā€™d know enough about Determiner 12 to give us some pointers.


You might be right, it would probably be easier to just rework the existing spell, edit the whitelist as it were, so that weā€™re no longer hindered by it. We definitely need to be sure weā€™re ready before we attempt that though.


Hang on, hang on, hang onā€¦ The Silver canā€™t attack them if the canā€™t find them. If theyā€™re using a magical echo location to seek them out, what if we can send out a ā€œred herringā€ pulse? Throw them off track?
Instead of of breaking or moving the veil, what if we make use of it in its current function?
Likeā€¦ Ugh, the shapes in my head are so clear and putting them in text is an utter vexation.
Little Red House. The story and the items and the faith in the process - the utter dedication of everyone invested in it - created one of the most magiqal and influential spells pretty much ever, yeah?
Soā€¦ Letā€™s write a new story, one that protects all who protects magic, use the veil and the sigils as the artifacts, doubling the power of Ascenderā€™s sacrifice in pulling double duty for the veil, and our additional layer to it. Then we use the magiqal resonance of the veil as aā€¦ aā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦ focusā€¦ new keystone, but we use the story to change the shape of how it works - use its magical density and resonance to create a new magical pulse that can 1) disrupt the Silverā€™s echo location attempts and 2) act as a beaconā€¦ magiqal morse codeā€¦ conduitā€¦ vibration that carries messages and magiqā€¦ magiqal message in a bottle in a mundane oceanā€¦ kind of thing.
Is that possible?
Did that even make sense?
Oof. Poor Eaves - that message carrier nausea is no joke and I think I just accidentally caught a bit of itā€¦ :nauseated_face:


Ooooo. So youā€™re saying instead of breaking or moving it, we expand it to everyone the guide has (or would?) ever approved of? Wow, thatā€™s a heavy idea. I like it, but itā€™s kinda scary.

Everyone who cares about magiq would be inside, so we wouldnā€™t be out of communication. But would that leave the Silver to run rampant over the ā€˜normalā€™ world?

Iā€™m gonna have to sleep on this one. Thatā€™s a great big idea. Itā€™s crazy. I love it.


Iā€™m hoping that the magiq-locator bounce would ultimately trap the Silver in an echo chamber of their own making, but I have no idea how to specify that or weave it into a spell. I, too, also shall sleep on it, and maybe someone else can come up with a more efficient idea in the meantime :sweat_smile::sleeping:


Thatā€™s a pretty hefty idea, but still definitely worth adding to the drawing board.


I have a crazy idea, Iā€™m not sure if it would work or if thereā€™s a book in Thornmouthā€™s library that could help. Or even if itā€™s a good ideaā€¦ or if something like this has been tried before ( I havenā€™t read all the lore yet) Yuridia can sense an ā€œecholocationā€ what if someone could follow it back to the source? Back to the Silvers wellspring of Magiq? The Storm was a moving entity that was directed with no discernable tether but the echo would move in a ā€œlinearā€ pattern meaning if we could trace itā€¦ the possibilities!


As great as it would be to steal from the Silverā€™s source of magiq, Iā€™m not sure I like the thought of sending someone into the lionā€™s den. It would likely be warded and very heavily guarded. If the person were to get caught, chances are weā€™d end up with that thing on the Silverā€™s books in the Sancturary, which is definately not a good thing.

Hmā€¦ but using the veil to also protect the others might be an option. Crafting a story to alter it might just work, but weā€™d need to get on it right away as Iā€™m not sure how much time weā€™ve got with thay echolocation.


I actually really like @Hekateā€™s idea of sending out a decoy signal and getting the Silver to focus their assaults on the Veil. Not only would it take their attention off of the Sanctuary but would test the mettle of both the Silver and the Veil. ā€œWhat happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?ā€


What about using the guide as a two way entrance. If the sigils are some kind of lock mechanism when together we might just have to craft itā€™s key. If we use the sigils as the mold couldnā€™t we then have our key and use it to lock and unlock the veil. Then we wouldnā€™t have to destroy it at all. Weā€™d essentially have a giant portcullis that we could open and close whenever we needed to.


Ooh! I like this idea! The forum is centrally managed but accessed from multiple locations. If we could coordinate using them to access different places all over the place, maybe we could overwhelm the magiqal locator with too many signals!
The Herald did say she foresaw the sigils being all over the placeā€¦ Weā€™ve just got to spread the magic, get a bunch of people to bind a bit of story magiq to their utilization of the runes and BAM! Too many magiq signals for the silver to trace. We may not be able to magiqally communicate with the sanctuary like we have before, but if the stories reached the sanctuary, each one holding a bit of imbued rune magiq, maybe it could help them hide and/or rebuild some of their safeguards!


Itā€™s taken me some time to catch up on everything so I was hesitant to post here, but I stumbled upon this and it seems useful? I wasnā€™t sure if it was something that had already been discovered but it seems not.



Guys. The key has been discovered. Calling it now. This is what we need. Heres the major question: What the hellā€™s the passcode? We gotta put out some nightmare buddies level searches, and FAST. Time is no longer on our side, god knows what this will give us as help.


Nice find! Gosh, we really needed somewhere to direct our energies, and now we have one. Do we want to keep a list of codes people have tried (cause I know Iā€™ve already put some in)? Or do we think we need to do something to be given the password?

Edit: I tried both ā€œDeterminer 12ā€ and ā€œDeterminerā€. First thing that came in my head when I saw it was 12 letters (even though ā€œDeterminerā€ is only 10).


Hmmm 12 letter password, what information do we have currently unused or are there any clues in Ascenders letters?


Hey @Robert, whatā€™ve you tried so far?

I tried ā€œguidetomagiqā€ just to dummy check, but no dice. (also with each word capitalized to see if it was case-sensitive)

~ also ā€œStormslayerā€ and ā€œCagliostroā€ even though neither are 12 letters. :ascendershrug:


Initial ideas: The symbol on the top there looks like another rune. Do we need to combine our runes in such a way that we get that at some point? Does it even have to do with the runes? We were given them for a reason, surely.

Weā€™ll want to read over every one of eaves posts for anything out of the ordinary about them, maybe hes encoded a message or something that gives us a clue.

Its a 12 letter code. That implies to me that the word is like the ones we had in the fragments, unique to magiq as a whole. We wont find it by searching the local libraryā€™s dictionary, thats for sure.


Maybe the password has something to do with the aliquary?


" A L I Q U A R Y"ā€¦ nah, only 8 letters xD 'twas worth a shot.