3. The Search for Magiq: Cataclysm

Astrologically speaking, an eclipse is a time of ending/beginning. It “eclipses” out - or “gets rid” of what no longer serves us, and brings us a step closer to that which is for our higher good.
So I’m viewing this eclipse as something that will strengthen our spell-casting, since this is our attempt to get rid of the wall keeping us from our friends and everyone else.
Also, this eclipse is happening in Cancer, which is THE sign of emotions. Considering that we’re using items which have very strong personal, emotional meaning to each of us, I think the timing couldn’t be more perfect for using the energy of the eclipse to channel through items with emotional ties, to help us reconnect with people with whom we have emotional ties.


Castle of cagliostro is a brilliant movie :3 one of my favourite miyazaki films.


Anyone wanna do a solidarity hangout the day Sabes seals up the spell?


The Day of Change happened on an equinox, so this falling on an eclipse seems right. The extra darkness may also make it easier to see whatever light this thing’s going to put off.


You know there is a beautiful logic in this. If you are looking for a very faint light emanating from a mostly sealed object you would want the surroundings to be as dark as possible. A new moon might really boost our chances of being seen.


Such a classic. The Castle of Cagliostro was a childhood favourite. Maybe a little foreshadowing


Maybe we should schedule my part on Tuesday, more maximum impact? It can’t be an accident that we’re planning to try and shine a light so close to an eclipse.

And maybe our friends in the outside will be looking extra hard on that day?


Well, if I’m reading the time right it looks like it’s saying 12:55pm HermanST for the eclipse (I’m assuming that’s the time of totality?)…

Hang on, that’s not looking right, time zones are hard…

Edit: Okay, it looks like 6:38pm-ish should be somewhere in the middle of totality, which lasts about four and a half minutes. So sometime between 6:36pm and 6:40pm EST (or EDT because daylight savings :aethereyeroll:) should have the most potential. :crossed_fingers:

And if that still doesn’t look quite right, someone feel free to triple/quadruple/what have you my time math.


The zones are evil. I think something isn’t right there though.

July 2nd 2019 eclipse

This is saying maximum at ~19.20 UTC (20:20 in the UK)
I’m pretty sure New York/East Coast America is 5 hours behind UK
So ~15:20 EST ?

Edit: just noticed this link has a count down to the beginning of the eclipse… Might be useful :hermanthumbs:


That looks closer. I was using some time calculator with GMT times I found in an article. No idea what that thing was thinking…

Doesn’t help that the spot with the longest time of totality is in the middle of the ocean.


For the purpose of using the eclipse energy to boost the final spell, it should be completed a minute or two before complete totality.
@Ashburn, doesn’t matter where, only when. As long as the timing is right, we know when and how long to hold our breaths.


18 days in the making… this is very exciting!


Today’s the day! (Wow, that was a quick 18 days!) I’ve lost track, who’s turn is it today? Wait, one sec, slightly confused, the finally part is tomorrow?

And yes, timezones suck…


The 18th person was never assigned last i looked. There are 5 on the backup list though.

@Tinker put together the backup list do not sure if she already picked todays person. If by this afternoon we do not yet have a fixed plan we can just open the last spot up.

Then we will have 18 items bound to the center (the forum). Saberlane will perform the last part which should…borrow…the magiq from the 18 objects to try to form a self sustaining wrought/borrowed magiq cascade…or at the very least hopefully kick off a hell of a magimystic light show that our friends outside the veil can see.


Cool! I was just confused cause that countdown is for tomorrow


I’ve had an item ready to post for the last week, since we nearly missed a day.

Happy to post it for the 18th slot.


I never selected a particular person from the backup list, but since @Sapphire is ready to go, I’d say go for it! for the other people on the backup list, I’m sure there will be more magiq for everyone coming up, so you’ll have a chance too!


Good luck tomorrow @Saberlane.
If you need us for anything let us know.


@Sapphire that was the cutest story. :heart:

Also, technical question. Do y’all suppose I should not be wearing the ring I bound to the spell tomorrow? I would be sad if my ring exploded or something but…I think a finger gets priority. :sweat_smile:


yeah, probably don’t wear it.