3. The Search for Magiq: Cataclysm

Okay! Bear with me while I type then!
EDIT: I don’t know the name for that emoji at the end and I can’t add it any other way on this device so is it okay if I leave it out?


yeah, it’s all good, you don’t need the emoji, lol


Hi! My name is Bean, I’m sort of new but I’m sending this as a goss to make sure it got through. Did you receive the below message from @Nimueh? Please respond to Sabes or @SabineBean and let us know anything you can!

"Hey @Eaves, it’s Nimueh. Not sure if you remember me, but it’s certainly good to hear from you!! I think it’s safe to say everyone is so glad to hear from you, and we’re all pleased to hear that you found the path to the Sanctuary. As you can imagine, we’re also dying to know how you managed to get through to us?

We’re currently a bit… well, conflicted. Right now, we’re debating if destroying the Guide is our best option. With it as the door, it seems like the best solution, but we’re not really sure that’s something we want to do. What do you think? We could really use any thoughts you and those at the Sanctuary have on this.

We were also wondering if you’d heard from/know of anyone else outside the sanctuary that saw our lightshow?

Hope this reaches you! Thought we’d test if communication was limited to within Goss. You know us, gotta test all angles"


It’s er still there…


It sure is. Possibly a failure? Guess we wait and see…


Maybe it doesnt go away until Eaves logs on…so maybe we just wait it out and see if it goes poof


I haven’t seen anyone mention Astral Thinking. Is that a no go?


I’m afraid I don’t know what that is, @TheMadHare, but if it involves trying to use more magiq, I think right now we’re pretty much out and need to leave whatever fumes are left for a world ending emergency.

Random Friday morning thoughts (please feel free to adjust subheading to your local timezone if necessary).

My fear is Eaves is just choosing not to respond to us. He was already not sure he was talking to the real Mountaineers and being careful. Then we decided to share the idea about the whole ‘hey let’s destroy the guide to magiq’ idea with him. Eaves was one of the people who worked for years to track down and rebuild the guide to what it is now.

Eaves would probably be one of the least receptive to the whole idea. I imagine he has a lot to think about before continuing to talk to us.

I’m personally still confused by how little we still know of all this. I can still see an argument that the veil is meant to protect us while allowing us to gather new members/energy, kinda like a seed.

Is the veil a foe? A friend? Was it meant to isolate us to hurt us? Was it meant to isolate our friends to hurt them? What’s going on anywhere? Was the veil meant to keep us from doing something? Preventing something? Did that something already happen?


It may not have come up as a specific option just because it’s a Thornmouth affinity and we’ve made contact with a Goss, but that doesn’t mean it definitely wouldn’t work.


Eaves posted on another archive thread. Saving here for posterity.

Of course I remember you, Nim. Very happy to hear from you.

I’m going to say definitely don’t destroy the Guide. Yes, it’s part of the wall hiding you from the world, but it’s also the only way in, even though why it allows who it allows remains to be seen. As far as we know, destroying the Guide would be akin to you all going full Cask of Amontillado.

We’re working on alternatives and have the foundation of a plan, which I’ll update you on as soon as I can. We’re going to try and “source” the spell that hid you. Some of those here with sensitivities are certain that the corners were called to cast this spell, which means that residual purpose, intention, and origination will still be attached to those drawn elements, like Sullivan’s spell on Deirdre. I’m sorry I can’t give you better or more specific news, but please know that our focus is only on this problem. Strangely, the only reliable way to currently reach you is from the actual book that’s determining who can and can’t find you — the guild affinities. We all have to be careful and cautious with magiq now. One slip, one misspent spell, and it could all be over. I wanted to free magiq, but now we’re watching it circle the drain. It truly is darkest before dawn. Luckily, we’ll have lots of new help soon.

Alison and Port are days away from the sanctuary, and Martin is close to (begrudgingly) completing the 30 Day Spell. There are not many people I trust more than Martin, but it’s the only hard and fast rule of the sanctuary, so he’s on his own search for magiq to prove his intentions. From what I know, when the herald could still see into the dark, she became aware of people masquerading as or being controlled by other people, so even if we think we know someone, we have to be sure. Martin is doing this for you. He’s a good man.

The herald isn’t well. Her age, her power, it’s all taken a toll. But her granddaughter is here with her, and we hope her daughter will begin her search too before it’s too late. We’re all grateful for her presence and what she helped build, but also unsure about what we will be without her. She assures us that she isn’t what makes the sanctuary what it is… We never wanted a leader, but her guidance has been profound. Life-changing.

I promise I’ll be in touch soon. Trust in magiq.

P.S. What have you been up to since you disappeared? Did you sense something strange when it happened? Have you done your own research or memory-recall about the affinities? At this point, all information is helpful. I’m so happy to connect with you again, despite everything I felt before. None of that matters now. And it’s nice to not be speaking to you as a voice for the herald. Just Eaves.


Welp, we did get through then! Was it from me or Sabine though? Good to hear our friends are on their way, and that there’s a plan. Sucks that we’re still sat here waiting. Very curious though if it was from me, and what that means for guild affinities. I’m certainly no Goss, lol. And what’s this abouot a “memory-recall”? More questions as usual…


That was definitely from you, if it was from me there’d be some mention of it. Clearly it went through first time, which is good! Didn’t go through second time, which is not quite as good, because it means it might be harder to communicate from now on. You should reply, I think, if you got through before! We can plan the response together though if you like Nimueh


Yes, that was definitely you Nim.

I have no idea what memory recall is either, odd. He mentions it like we should know what it is. I don’t see it on the Affinity lists, but that’s a quick glance at best right now.

And what have we been doing since the veil went up? I suppose we discovered some more details of the Silver ambush in Neithernor via Woolie. We found a bit of info about the Book of the Wild ending via the missing Green sibling.


I don’t think memory recall here is referring to magiq, I think it’s genuinely just seeing if we can scour our own minds for instances where these things have popped up.
Clearly the affinities are becoming ever more important as magic dwindles, it might get to the point where some things will only be able to be done by those with the affinity for it, which would be… difficult. But for now, trying to figure out what we felt when it all started, or instances of affinities proving useful might be good? There’s bound to be something out there to help us, and help them as well.
What we’ve (I say we, I wasn’t really there yet at the time haha) done since then also might be useful to report, you’re right @Robert.


So, who feels like summerising Woolie’s story and our adventures finding his memories? That’s the main thing we’ve been up to recently, tbh, if my memory serves (lol). Though there is a memory spell we’ve used before, if we were thinking of that route (just covering all basis); Consolatory Teatime for Misplaces Memories. Not that we should probably be using magiq right now though…


We should definitely tell him about Woolie’s story, Avis’ story, and more importantly, that we have an aliquary in our possession. I feel like with ‘magiq circling the drain,’ the aliquary may become essential.


Something I thought up at like 3 am last night… A unicorn’s horn is called an alicorn. Could that be part of where the word aliquary comes from? And might it actually have something to do with a real unicorn?


Possibly! It seems like a spin on Reliquary, which is where holy relics and items are stored, so I guess whatever the Ali comes from is what it’s meant to store! If that Ali comes from a unicorn’s horn then it might be that it’s to store magical items such as a unicorn’s horn, or it might have something specific to do with unicorns.


I thought it was a portmanteau of “aliquot” (a portion of something) and “reliquary” (container of something holy, left over from someone who has died).


Both, neither, who knows, this is magiq after all.
Also, some one poke me in a couple hours, I have thoughts I’d like to share but have errands to run atm and don’t have time to put them to paper this moment.