3. The Search for Magiq: Cataclysm

I still don’t really know what “Astral Thinking” means, but if it’s anything like projection I don’t need magiq to do it. If guild affinities are really starting to come into play, I wouldn’t mind guinea pigging myself for this one.

EDIT: If anyone wants to talk about Astral Projection, I’m working on a topic for that.


I still don’t fully understand what Eaves means by the affinities and how we are using them as a loophole around the veil (other than Communion Magiqs). But, as he said, we will just have to trust the flow of magiq.


Part of me wonders if… and try and follow my :tinfoilhat: here…

Do the affinities work as loopholes through the door because they’re actually part of the door (the Guide) we’re trying to loophole through?


That makes a lot of sense to me…sort of like magiq reaching out through the Guide and seeing which affinities you have…um…an affinity for. But is there a way to invoke them in order make sure communications get through…is that what Eaves is suggesting?


Okay…so key points to maybe communicate back to Eaves…

  1. That time @Saberlane became super close roommates with a ghost and it was Bad
  2. The whole Avis Green story
  3. Artifacts now in AGP possession: the box (unless I’m being dumb and there’s no longer any mystery with that) and the aliquary…and any of the other assorted bits (that ticket from ages ago, etc?)
  4. Lingering questions from the last response: is memory-recall A Thing we should know about? what does he mean about the affinities and the guide? is there anything else we can do from the outside in the meantime?

The only thing that comes to mind for me regarding memory recall is the consolatory teatime.


The tea time came to mind for me, too. But if we were to do it, whose memories would we want to be recalling?


If (and a big “if” here), it is a Thing and not just Eaves telling us to use our thinking brains to remember things that we ourselves know/knew, I was wondering if it might in some way be recalling a collective memory? Like, we need to know about the affinities…and we don’t really know much concrete about them. But the old guilds surely would have lots mapped out about them. So maybe he’s implying that there’s some way to tap into those memories?


And remember, “Imagination is nothing more than memory transposed.”


I’ve been wanting for the appropriate moment to quote that for a looooong time.


It’s always the appropriate moment to quote that, honestly :joy:


I guess the first thing that came to mind for me when Eaves said that we should use memory recall is that we should think on the kinds of memories that brought (at least some of us) here. The '94 Mounties started out as a group of people who all remembered “The Lost Collection” even though it didn’t exist in The Book of Kings (aka the current Book). Maybe Eaves is asking us to call on those kinds of memories to remember what the world was like before magiq was edited out so that we remember what the affinities do?


Or…what if it’s like what happened with Neithernor?

Hear me out - back during the Book of Briars fragments, we all spent a ton of time spitballing about what we thought the various Guild headquarters might be like, and when the Book was finally unlocked, we got that video with the actual things we’d been discussing.

What if, when we’re imagining what an Affinity might be and how it might be used, we’re actually just…remembering something true? Whether it’s from the Book of the Wild or some other place we can’t categorize, what are the chances that the things we’re thinking about and making in our heads might actually be real, somehow?

What if our best way to research and recall the affinities now is just to imagine them, and tell Eaves and the Sanctuary folks what we imagine?


I think that integrates both the memory and the imagination parts of the quote perfectly :smile: and honestly, it makes the most “magimystical sense” to me. So maybe we should revisit all of the affinities and try and understand what affinities are the best for communicating with Eaves and co., and then see where we go from there? Maybe once we figure out which affinity is best suited for sending messages through the guide then we’ll be better prepared to send that next message?


There’s a message missing in this thread.
After Sorrel’s last post someone with a name beginning with S wrote a message but I was starting to make dinner and didn’t get a chance to read it.

Now it’s just gone?

EDIT: I swear I saw an updated message in the missing spot that said something along the lines of, “Can anyone see this?”, and that message is gone too.


I’m pretty sure it was @Strix ? If I remember right the question was “did anyone see what I wrote earlier? About Astral Thinking” or something


Yeah, both messages poofed… Whatever the first one was, and the later one asking about it.


It’s all cleared up! Just was off topic and got sorted elsewhere.

Sorry for my silliness, I’m jumpy as a hare hehehe


Oh that’s okay then… Yeah I definitely get you, with the actual disappearing stuff and then not real disappearing… It’s hard not to be jumpy haha!!


If nothing else at least we now know for sure that the guide is helping us and not hurting us in regards to the veil.