3. The Search for Magiq: Cataclysm

Guys. It was Eaves all along. I took a screenshot in case it disappears again.



I also copy/pasted to make it searchable if it disappears

Is that you, Augustus? Can others hear me or only other Gossmere? I guess that would make senseā€¦ I never thought affinities were strictly limited to their respective guild, but maybe I was wrong.

This is very hard to do. The herald wanted to find other ways to reach you, less dangerous ways, but weā€™re running out of time. We know that affinities are minor but powerful boons, and are the last of the loopholes weā€™ve discovered. So this might be it. This might be our last go.

Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t tell you who you were talking to before. I was concerned when the mountaineers and everything I helped build disappeared last year, but Iā€™d also left all that behind, I hadnā€™t visited the forum in quite a while, and had no choice but to hope youā€™d either gone underground or peacefully disbanded. Like I said in my last message to you nearly two years ago, I wasnā€™t sure what I believed anymore, but I knew I needed to forge my own path without the leaders and lies and all the factions. My true search for magiq. And when I made a new path, I found the sanctuary. I didnā€™t want to do or say anything to jeopardize this place.

Anyway, those here who are sensitive to magimystic currents saw the light show you set off. I was told it was brilliant. The blinding light briefly revealed the edges of the door that determines who can and canā€™t reach you behind your impenetrable wall.

The door is the Guide to Magiq.


Okay, wait. I mean, the Guide definitely is how people find us.

But itā€™s keeping everyone else (even people that know about it) out?

Iā€™m trying to decide if I think itā€™s a matter of something possibly outgrowing itself, or something corrupting it to other purposesā€¦or something else entirely. :tinfoilhat:


And what does he mean by the affinities allowing us to communicate? Communion magiqs?


So our shadowy enemy is either the guide or using the guide against us


Or, the Guide is the one thing they canā€™t completely close.


True but that means that they could be using it to corral those with magiq into a prison


So what do we do? Destroy the guide or try and see if we can use it as a means of escape? Personally I donā€™t want another crispy book


Goss do have the most communication-y affinitiesā€¦


I was half toying with that possibility, but if itā€™s the only thing keeping the veil from closing, destroying it may give the veil the chance to shut the rest of the way.


Hmm I think we need to try and communicate more with eaves through this loop hole. Only issue is that weā€™re not sure how it works


:eyes: A message from outsideā€¦

Well, if they can use it to talk to us, maybe we can use it to talk to them as well. Augustus, have you tried replying? Maybe we can reach out to the others as well by linking up people within each guild?


If thatā€™s the case, unless one of our affinities would allow us to chat with Augie in his sleep Ebenguard may have to sit this one out (presuming our possible contacts are limited to original guild leaders).


Well now this has got me thinking of what would happen if Tome Kindling was used on the guide


I mean, maybe not just the leaders, maybe we could try any of our friends we used to speak with on the forum?


@SpiritSeer might know some people?


Not to be SabesDad, but Eaves mentions that what heā€™s doing is very difficult, and we also donā€™t know exactly what heā€™s doing (though some kind of Communion Magiq seems to make sense) or how heā€™s doing it.

I vote our first step should maybe be creating a response to Eaves like Augoā€™s last accidental response, and a good way to test whether itā€™s guild-specific would be to have someone from another guild post it?

NOTE: Edited for clarity by @Catherine. Iā€™m still having a little trouble post-cataclysm.


Agreed. Iā€™ve not tried replying. Letā€™s draft a response here, then the person whoā€™s sending it can ā€œ@ā€ my old guildmate. If it doesnā€™t work, then maybe me or one of the other Gossmere can try after that.


We also know that this isnā€™t the case from while we were opening the Book of Briars: Colby Fortin used Tome Kindling, and Mr. Wideawake used Shapeshifting Arts (taught to him by a helpful ā€œMer Gost,ā€ presuming he wasnā€™t also one himself based on how he referred to this person who taught him).


Thank Goss Eaves is okay, itā€™s been ages since weā€™ve heard from him.

Edit: From what weā€™ve seen Iā€™ve always assumed that the affinities were the natural talents of each guild, but learnable by anyone from any guild.