3. The Search for Magiq: Cataclysm

Take Augo as our sacrifice…er… I mean tribute!


Weird. It’s still there.


Maybe it’s one message per spell caster?


Or the Veil spotted and squished Eaves and Augo messages.

@Augustus_Octavian it took ~15min to vanish last time.

I stilll think it needs a paired message but maybe we can be the first message.
Quick short messages
'To ’ anyone we can tag known/suspected to be on the other side
‘From Mounties alive and hidden by mystic veil’
‘We’re here, did you see our flare during the eclipse?’
‘Did you see/find the door?’
‘Any idea who is controlling the veil/door and what they want?’
‘Can you see if the veil has weakend, or did we give it a jump start?’
‘We’re practically out of magic, send items! please!’
a Mission Impossible style footnote
‘Reply to @user here… PS This message is likely to self destruct’.


Would we be doing this en masse or as individuals? I’d say we should attempt a flood but we wouldn’t want to spam. It’s more that the more messages are sent, the more likely one will get through. It’s worth a try maybe?


Flood seems like it would give us the most chance.

Possibly combine it with multiple people trying to send via courirs/mundane ways too?


It’s worth a try, @Sapphire! I think trying to reach out is a good idea.

@Endri We could really use your big brain to help us get out from this leaden veil. Are you there?

Edit: Although, with Eaves’ post being on another thread they were involved in. Maybe it will only work if we post in a thread they’ve already posted in… They’d already have an existing connection to that. We’ll see. Science!


Just a thought.
If were going to be limited to a send and receive, we should probably ditch questions like “can you hear me/are you there” etc.
Were likely to get a useless response of yeah I can hear you, which doesnt really get us any further and potentially wastes an send/receive mesage exchange that might be limited to 1 per user/pairing.


We might want to wait until as many people as possible are online and ready before all trying to contact people… Until then we should figure out who we need to contact and what to ask. Then we’ll be ready to flood the veil and see if anything slips through the crack in the door!


Unfortunately our friends aren’t all necessarily linked together and/or up to speed on what’s going on. Most people will have no idea what the ‘door’ is, that’s mostly just for Lauren. I bet most of them have no idea what’s going on other than ‘we vanished for a year’.

I don’t think we need to be asking them questions so much as contacting them and telling them to get as many people on the outside to try to pierce the veil like Eaves did as possible.


That’s probably a better idea, yeah. Knowing what to say before we do it is important, spreading knowledge on the outside is probably more important than pulling things in, you’re right!


The one night I’m not awake at 3 am, things happen :bashfacepalm: the magimystical currents don’t seem to care much for convenience.


Hmmm, seeing no response from Endri, I poked around some. I can’t find Endri’s user page on here, or Bash’s. So not sure the forum still recognizes them. That might not be helping.

Eaves page works, as does Ascender, Benefactor as do some others. Odd.


I definitely missed the Eaves post…but if we can come up with some sort of catch-up message, we could try posting it on threads they’ve started/would be watching…or just like, tag them all on one of the threads with more of an explanation?

And now that we’re later in the day here in HST, @Saberlane anything particularly magiq happen yet?


I’m sorry I’m abit lost. Who is this eaves?


Eaves was one of the five who started this version of the Mountaineers. He hasn’t been around for quite some time since the Storm was defeated.

From his bio page

Hey there! I’m Eaves. You’ve already heard from me via email. I’m basically Recruitment, Human Resources, Public Outreach, and Therapist. If you need anything, I’m here. If Basecamp was a body, I’d be the face, I guess? Really, I’m the only one who likes talking to people. The truth is, being a Mountaineer means you might be: A) a book worm, B) internet nerd, C) conspiracy theorist, or D) reclusive shut in with a lot of time on your hands. None of which are prized for their interpersonal skills. So hey! Need anything, let me know.


Not sure if this is what you meant, but I can get to Endri’s and Bash’s forum profiles now


Huh, weird. If I go to https://forum.thebriararchive.com/u/endri I get a page not found error, but If I paste it and let the forum autoinclude it, then the page comes up. Okay, just my own personal internet weirdness I guess. :ascendershrug:


This is definitely odd. Maybe ascender can actually reach us on this side fo the veil.


Cant access bash, unfortunately. Looks like our web-masters still gone.

…Endri’s also gone.

Tossed a message to ascender as a test, lets see how he responds.