3. The Search for Magiq: Cataclysm

Maybe it’s an innately mastered talent that can be taught to a lesser degree to other guilds? (Pure speculation.)


Speculation is what we do best.


Wide-awake did describe his Shapeshifting as “cobbled”, if I remember correctly :joy:


You know it seems like the more we find out the more questions arise.


But that’s the best part. We get more information and understand more.


Well this seems simple. If the Magiq Guide is the door and we want to blow open the door, we just destroy the magiq guide…

…what? ( I can feel that look…how are you doing that? I’m in the past, even. Sheesh. Stop trying to kill me with your mind already.)

Of course, we’d replace the guide. Rewrite it even. A new guide for the beginning of a new Book. Why not start off with a bang?

Seriously, this headache hurts…stop that.

Edit: Fine, let’s ask Eaves how if they have any idea how to open the door.


@Robert - Are you okay, man? You’re not quite… yourself since the Cataclysm was cast.


Really? I thought I had a decent history of threatening magiq tomes in the past actually. I’ll try to tone it down. Sorry, just trying to be practical. Maybe I’m just not sleeping enough.


Maybe you should take it easy, Robert. Drink some chamomile…

It’s a shame Neithernor is closed, or I would say me and Augo will meet you at the infirmary.


Hey we have Balimora doctors…okay they’re mostly animal doctors, and I’m tired of getting sugar cubes and dog bones as treats…but… that’s really just tangential to this important topic.

We need to find out how to open the door to everyone. If there’s a hole in the veil, then it’s a weak point in the veil. We just have to figure out what to do now. Any ideas (other than my previous one apparently…) are welcome! :slight_smile:


If we destroy the guide we may be loosing our strongest connection the guilds of old, for good. We need to seriously discuss this. If we don’t we are sitting ducks, trapped within a walled garden where we can’t do anyone a lick of good.
No one wins here, but we have to make a decision… ideally a unanimous one.


I may have let my nature (blow it up first, sort it out later) get the best of me. There certainly could be better ways of removing the veil. Let’s explore them first.

Mostly I just said that for a simple reason. Were I to trap someone in a veil and it had to have a weak point, I’d make sure that weak point was tied to something I believe they would never want to destroy. That certainly doesn’t mean they did that. If I didn’t bring up the possibility, I’m not sure anyone else would suggest it. Consider me the designated jerk who mentions there’s always a way out. :slight_smile:


That logic makes me worry that The Silver have a hand in this.

Who most benefits from us loosing the guide? The clan that despises the guilds.


Maybe we’ll see first if we can talk to Eaves, and go from there. But I do agree with Robert, this seems like something someone would do… Other things first before we need break out the dynamite.


Robert’s suggestion has alot of merit, especially the idea of creating a new guide for a new age. Something to ask Eaves about I think.


In the meantime, giving the guide a quick comb can’t hurt. I’ll let y’all know if I can find anything.


What if it’s the inverse? What if rather than using the guide to trap us, if the guide was the only thing they couldn’t completely seal off. Then by destroying it, we completely close the veil over ourselves? I think we should definitely talk to Eaves more. Which non-Gossmere would like to post a reply, to test whether the connection is guild/affinity-bound or not? I’m happy to help draft a reply letter.

EDIT: Don’t forget, Sullivan took the Guide from the Silver’s Palace of Doors. Maybe they new then it was too powerful for them to overcome magiqally, and tried to seal it off physically. It certainly has overcome a number of (inadvertant) attempts at destruction over the past few years.


If no one else wants to, I can draft something up quickly? I know it’s the middle of the day HST, so a lot you guys are still busy. All depends how quickly we want to get a message through.

Edit: In the meantime, we can brainstorm some questions for Eaves! So, what should we ask?


I would first and foremost say that we’re glad to hear from him and that he’s found a path in the Sanctuary. I would ask whether, from his side, he thinks the opening around the edges of the Guide is a help or hindrance, and whether the folks in the Sanctuary think the Guide is worth preserving. I would ask whether they’ve heard if anyone else in the greater magimystic community saw our lightshow (although this is less likely given the isolation of the Sanctuary, everyone has ties somewhere).


Okay, so I have something of a draft. Sorry it took a while longer than I thought, words are apparently difficult this evening…


Hey Eaves! Not sure if you remember me, but it’s certainly good to hear from you!! I think it’s safe to say everyone is so glad to hear from you, and we’re all pleased to hear that you found the path to the Sanctuary. As you can imagine, we’re also dying to know how you managed to get through to us?

We’re currently a bit… well, conflicted. Right now, we’re debating if destroying the Guide is our best option. With it as the door, it seems like the best solution, but we’re not really sure that’s something we want to do. What do you think? We could really use any thoughts you and those at the Sanctuary have on this.

We were also wondering if you’d heard from/know of anyone else outside the Sanctuary that saw our lightshow?

Hope this reaches you!

Thoughts? Also, how are we even trying to send this?! We DMing on the forum?