3. The Search for Magiq: Cataclysm

I trust Eaves in full control of his own faculties as much as anyone. Yes.

Not to dwell on a dark subject but lets remember our foes excel at using people we trust to try to get at us. When Marty and AlisonB corroborate what Eaves says that will go a long way to assuaging my concerns.

I am all for discussing the affinities and theorizing. Lets just be careful until we know if using then will drain what little we have.


So, what’s the plan? Are we sending Eaves a run down of what’s happened? I’m gonna be away from the forums for the most part until at least Monday afternoon my time, so maybe someone else can send something to test this further?


I think we should try and figure out what to send and who to send it… Mine didn’t work last time (Perhaps because it was a double message, but also possibly because I’m new) so I think it’d be a good idea for someone who was also on the forum at the same time as Eaves did it, preferably someone who’d talked to him before?

I think we need to basically report what’s happened like Nimueh said, and ask for more details like Tinker said, right?


You guys… I’m sure it’s unconnected and nothing at all to do with thiis, but… A person in one of my FB groups just posted that she and her daughter have started randomly hearing knocking at doors inside their home when no one’s about.


@SabineBean I think Nim’s response went through because it was the first to “complete the circuit” so to speak. Eaves’ message vanished when Nim responded, almost like an open channel was closed. I think we should have a new Mounty officially respond this time to test your theory. :cjheart:


Well we got a new Mounty in today so at least we know the guide is still letting people through!


If nobody else steps up to the plate I’m happy to try sending again, but I’m not the best person to actually put the message together, since, well, I have read through what people have been up to but I didn’t live it (and also I don’t think I read it in chronological order either… Oops). Would anyone be able to give me a hand with that?


i’ll help out @SabineBean. Never leave a Mountie hanging. I’ve tried typing a full response but there’s just too much to put in there. I end up a half hour in and realize I’m 4 pages and only a fifth of the way through. A more streamlined version will have to do.

(Someone please put some basic human greeting and formalities here.)

Professor Robert’s answers to your questions:

What have we been up to since you disappeared? - We already told you some of the Ackerly Green secret society exploits that culminated in our aiding our ghostly friend and finding the Aliquary. Still no idea what to do with it. I’m surprised it didn’t blow up with the half of our remaining artifacts when you asked us to cast something called the ‘Cataclysm’. (Sorry I lost something extremely valuable to me, so that spell better have been worth it.)

The Aliquary details came from the journals of Avis Green, apparently Sullivan’s sister in the Book of the Wild. Through her journal we got to learn some of the details of the great change from that Book’s point of view. Rather depressing stuff honestly with magiq being snuffed out while they couldn’t do much to change it. They attempted to create ‘The Last Figuration’ which the Aliquary may or may not have been part of, to reintroduce magiq into the world. We’re not sure what their plan was or how far along it is.

It’s possible the veil was placed around us to prevent the Last Figuration from being completed, since that spell, and the veil, both seem to center around the Well that the Book of Wild Greens centered on Ackerly Green Publishing. But then again it’s just as possible the Last Figuration is what caused the veil in the first place whether by design or accident.

Have you heard of Avis Green within our Book?

Did you sense something strange when it happened? Our numbers have been positively exploding recently and that’s kept us quite occupied as well. Seems many people are finding their way in just fine, so we didn’t notice anything odd when the veil descended.

Have you done your own research or memory-recall about the affinities? Most of us are unsure what you mean by memory-recall. We haven’t heard the term before. Our best guess is you’re asking if we’ve done our own pondering on the affinities and maybe come across a repressed memory or two. Other then some basic speculation, we have not.

It certainly sounds like a useful activity, but is it safe to be poking the magiqal badger right now with things swirling about the drain like this? By your own words one small misstep and magiq is no more at this point. Aren’t affinities magiq?

We need any details you can find on this veil. We have no idea if it’s present to protect us, or hide us, or imprison us. We don’t know if it’s meant to isolate us so someone can do something to us, or to isolate you all so we can’t interfere. Heck, maybe this is just all an elaborate way for Monarch’s Mountain to give us a ‘time out’ for interfering in their grand design, or it’s about to be ground zero for the Storm 2.0. We just have absolutely no idea what this is.

Edit: If anyone feels I missed a topic or wants more details in there about something I’m happy to add it, or let anyone else edit it. I’m easy.


Woah, that really is a long one, thank you! I’ll give it some time to see if anyone has anything to add before I tweak and send, if that’s good?


Seem as no one’s said anything, I’d think you’re safe enough to send :smiley:


alrighty then… let’s do this! :blossom:


Welp, looks like it went!


It sure did! Here’s hoping we get a response!


Thank you @SabineBean !


No problem! Thanks for writing all of that up, it was a gigantic help !! You’re fantastic


Whoah. You go away for a month and a half and… cataclysms!

I was on a retreat I’d promised to go on in place of my boss who’s a bigger introvert than me, and then had to visit family who are in the middle of nowhere and I had no service.

But I’ve been working on something in all my flipping non-digital free time, something related to this, and hurrying to finish it because I’m super inspired and also… I’ve drawn diagrams.

Also, :spiritseergimme:. I AM AN EMOJI. I die. I die.


Things always happen when we’re not online. That’s just how it works. And yes! You have an emoji! You helped us out quite a bit, and helpful people deserve at least that much :cjheart:
I look forward to seeing how that project turns out. If we can get any closer to understanding the Books, that would be awesome. And diagrams are always a big help flashback to Back to the Future 2 chalkboard with diverging timelines


straight up this is the first time i’ve been able to hop into the forums in a bit.

I can take exploration of Grim’s Convergence.I had some thoughts and inklings for it a while ago, and well…given my name it almost seems quite appropriate.

I’m excited to be hearing from eaves and everyone again. If we need someone else to post to eaves, i’m here ready and willing!


We’re still waiting on a response to our last message to Eaves, I think.


To also have Eaves’ response here in case it goes poof like the others?
But I think it was more than just coincidence the response was in the Magic Affinities topic.