20.5.The Secret Society: Calling the Corners for Saberlane and Woolie (Complete!)

So, when we called the corners in preparation for the Day of Change we started with Light and went counter-clockwise around the hexagon.

Endri mentioned it didn’t matter which direction we went back then, do we want to do counter-clockwise again? Clockwise? One one way and one the other?

And some maps that I really should’ve screenshot at work so everyone knows which direction they’re facing.


I have some things I could use for Saberlane; not sure what I would use for Woolie. I don’t really have anything “nautical” in my home. As for the element of Aether, it binds everything together and I was thinking of a simple braided cord, or a silk pocket square for it’s diaphanous nature. @OracleSage - let me know what items you’d like to twin with!


Sounds good to me! @Catherine, if you’re willing to help with the Ore aspect, I think you have the best chance of any of us to work in a strong representation of Sabes, and I’ve got the travel aspect covered for sure. As for twinning…got any favorite book copies? Half of my library is 500 miles away, but I’m sure we can find something. :grin:


Hey Sky, did you ever get your copies of Sabes’ books? I’ve got Vol. 1 here if we want to use either of the books for our binding item.


@Augustus_Octavian , I was gonna make us friendship bracelets but if we have 48 hours maybe we should stick to our guild pins?

Edit: Goss bracelets still gonna be a thing, I just bought the thread


I’ve got vol 1&2 of the monarch papers so could defiantly use those.
For light I’m gonna use my teacup candle (unless I get called out then I’ll use my work torch) and I’ve got a couple packs of vintage playing cards to represent saberlane


I can definitely find something of his in the office today to work with the spell. @Viviane, do you have anything Ackerly Green related that we could twin with? TMP? Pins? All that stuff should be in the office too


Ooooh, I don’t have any pins (I know, I know, it’s on my list), but I do have a copy of the Traveler’s Coin from Fragment 4, if you guys still have one of them? And the TMP paperbacks.


There’s definitely a coin in our cabinet still. We also have copies of TMP, so that should be perfect. Maybe we can use both, to be extra secure? Still no word from @Saberlane and I’m really not ready to run a whole publishing company by myself so I’ll do whatever it takes.


Cheers to that; I have trouble finding my shoes in the morning. Yeah, sounds good. I should be able to put together everything by this evening.


I have a couple pins (cj accidentally sent me two), so if you need a bali if one drops out…?


Do you still have your Traveler’s Coin? I have one, too, I can use - or our Gossmere pins. Or both!


The thorns are ready we have all our items sorted out. I have my necklace for thought, sea chart for Woolie, and a book on the pirate John Laffiete for the connection. @TrueMagick has the book The Mind’s Eyefor thought, a vhs on Atlantis for Saberlane, and book about Pirates of the Caribbean for the connection.


Woot Woot!


@Nighteater I’ve got a copy of the first and second books for TMP to twin, if possible. Other than that, I think I’ll use something personal that might connect back for sabes and tides. Taht is if i can find it. a single item if possible. if not, i’ll have to think of something specific to tides… but i think im good.


Worked a 10 he shift yesterday and I’m at work atm, I have some thoughts about what to use but I haven’t had time to do any looking, hopefully I’ll be able to find something tonight. Unfortunately I’m berfit of TMP anything yet. So that’s a no go.


alrighty, just give me a list of things you might be able to use and we will coordinate. maybe throw me a PM or something?


I have the directions for everyone to face for the casting sorted out clockwise and counter-clockwise starting from our Weatherwatchers. For the sake of not confusing things, I’ll hold off on posting them until we decide which way we’ll do them/if they’ll go opposite directions.


I think a poll might be the easiest way to sort this part out:

  • Both hexes clockwise
  • Both hexes counter-clockwise
  • Saberlane clockwise/Woolie counter-clockwise
  • Saberlane counter-clockwise/Woolie clockwise

0 voters


remembers that I should probably download a compass app cause I suck at directions