20.5.The Secret Society: Calling the Corners for Saberlane and Woolie (Complete!)

Oh Ash, I’m sorry :cold_sweat: did you want to take this one? I’m happy to give you my spot in Goss


That’s alright, I can wait. If all of these SS clues from Woolie are anything to judge I am nothing if not patient. :endriwink:

And to be honest I really hadn’t found anything to represent aether or ore yet. :sweat_smile:


So, are we doing two separate hexes? Everyone comfortable with that? Do we have maps worked out that would help determine who would be better in which circle? (I’m roundabouts Washington D.C., btw, although I think most of y’all knew that.)


I can represent thorn. I have a necklace that was given to be by my late grandmother that can be my representation of the part of thought. Misery and rage as well as the mention of night might refer to the consideration of life after death! Ps I’m in Louisiana.


Looks like you guys are good on Flinters but let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help speed things along. @Saberlane hasn’t been in the office yet this week and I haven’t heard from him at all today, so I’m getting a little concerned.


Alright my apoligies. You all are too dang polite and so many “Oh no, I’d help but if someone else wants to…” made it hard for me to get up the gumption to force anyone to do anything.

Someone has to do it I suppose.

Two Hexes. One for Woolie. One for Saberlane.

I don’t have the strength to micro manage every aspect of this so here’s the guilds and I hope we can be someone team centered. If I missed you and you want to participate, just hollar.

If I’ve '@'ed you then I’m volunteering you to be one of the two, trying to involve newer people first If your guild wants to rearrange, be my guest. Please help each other out.

The first @'ed person is assigned to focus on Saberlane, the second on Woolie.

Weatherwatch, Element of Light: @Skylad, @Remus
Gossmere: Element of Aether @OracleSage, @Augustus_Octavian
Flinterforge: Ore @Catherine, @Viviane , Tinker
Ebenguard: The Tides @grimangel53 , @Nighteater
Thornmouth: Thought Ravenwing, @TrueMagick, @Darkus
Balimora: The Wild @Nimueh, @Cheyyyme,

I’m also amending the spell to implement the two hexes, and Cheyy’s idea of piggybacking, or as I put it ‘neural load sharing’ cause I’m a fan of Pacific Rim and giant mechs.

These are the Twin Hexes of Protection

What you need.

  1. You need an item to represent your element.

For the first item, anything that (even vaguely) matches the element of your guild. It is far more important that you have a personal connection to the item and can tell a story of it’s importance than it is to meet some dictionary definition of the element. This is a figuration. Intent and passion is more important than science here.

  1. You need an item to represent your person Saberlane or Woolie.

For Saberlane I’d recommend something about a city, or books (shouldn’t be hard for this lot), or just wonder in general.
For Woolie I’d recommend something old, about the sea, or about a spirit of travel and adventure.

  1. You need an item to ‘twin’ with your partner. To represent the Twin Hexes, and our twinned targets.

This item you will have to work with your partner on. They can be nominally identical items, like two copies of the same book. They can be complementary items, like two distinct bookends that can be placed on the same shelf. If you can come up with a good enough story, they can be anything if you can tie them together.

This will connect your corners of the hexes and share any load between the two of you…probably.

Once each guild has it’s volunteers and items sorted out. We list the 6 people and their locations and someone can figure out which order the 6 will go to build a hexagon that contains our friends.

Sound good? Any additions or suggestions, feel free.


I have my necklace and an old nautical map I can use for Wolfie’s protection. Does that work @TrueMagick? Isn’t the order already decided? If you read, the poem then you would notice that it’s an starts at sunrise, and goes the morning, then noon, afternoon, dusk, and finally night. The poem follows the order of the day.


@Darkus Totally, you’re right, the poem indicates the order of the guilds on the Chronocompass.

The only thing we need the locations for is so that each person can ‘point’ their object and intent towards the next point on the hexagon. That way we make a continuous shape. ideally we’d like to arrange all 6 points so that the target is inthe middle of the polygon. it’s a goal anyway.

As for which order the guilds go in. The poem order works fine, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. When you think about a hexagon you can technically draw the lines from point to point in any order or even on different times or days. Just as long as each line is drawn strongly it’ll work out when they all come together.


Okay. My location is in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Anyway I have my nautical map an necklace for the hex. Hopefully @TrueMagick you will be able to find something involving sailing. If not just tell me


I’m not sure about anything sailing related, but I’ll take a look and let you know @Darkus, and btw I’m in Central Pennsylvania


Okay Chey, what we got? Off the top of my head, I have a Bali guild pin that could link us (though atm my current thought is to use my Ebbie pin from Saberlane). Not sure what books you have, but I have a limited stock here at Uni, mainly Tolkien.


I have an old book of poetry. It’s blue and has an art deco Pegasus flying across a night sky. I can use that for Saberlane. Or if we need someone for Woolie I have an old globe.

For Aether I can use a crystal necklace gifted to me by @Deyavi that I always associated with the element of Aether.

For twinning, I have an idea. How much time do we have before we cast?


Accounting for time zones and some mounties may be sleeping now. Id like to shoot for 48 hours to be complete.

It occurs to me i can make the hexagons mostly now. Once thats done people can start as soon as they have talked to their twin and ready. I bope to have some time to work on maps tonight.


…I may have started mapping points already, if it’s not too forward of me. :sweat_smile:

Plotted everyone but @Nighteater and @cheyyyme.

Edit: Okay, so long as social media and forum profiles are accurate (or close enough), I have both sets plotted. :hermanthumbs:


You are the best.


They make some fun shapes when you have to draw international lines on a Google map. :deirdrexd:

And if anyone wants to switch between Saberlane and Woolie, just let me know and I can change it.


Hey do we need four symbols (two for the element and one for each person) or three symbols (one symbol for the element and one for each person) for each guild?


It sounded like each person casting should have three: one for their element, one for either Saberlane or Woolie, and one to connect you with your casting guildmate.


Yeah Ashburn got it. Sorry i ramble.


It’s always good to have details. :hermanthumbs:
I can ramble pretty bad myself.