2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

I think, from what they told us, the 30 Day Spell was to prove our intentions and purpose. And now they believe us. But hey, doesn’t hurt to reconfirm.


So, a word or phrase to ring a bell and summon a magiqal courier. Working off the idea of “-cant” meaning song, what about if what we come with was chanted or sung? This would fit with the musical sound of a ringing bell. Maybe a rhyming couplet?


“Don’t find this bell toll a worrier,
We’re ringing for the bespoke courier.”


@Revenir what do you think? How ready are you to send a message?


lordy i need to learn Welsh and Gaelic
if only for the words and magiq of them.
just like learning the Ogham and the Futhark.


Pulls out tinfoil, crafts hat, and places on his head

I’d hazard to suggest, maybe through the 30 day spell, and through connecting with the couriers, and maybe this herald, we may be sowing the seeds of magiq in our world? or at least in our book? we’re losing magiq, maybe we can try to regrow it through creativity and life. it seems like we have to invest our time and energy into the magiq itself.
maybe that translates to growth.

or maybe i’m just hoping and believing that. we’ve found Neithernor. maybe we can actually find magiq again.

as for the bell and the spell, maybe make it musical, and add a ringing bell. like the bell from an old diner counter.

I’m sure this will all be fine.

Sidenote: I think this is the first time I’ve actively put on a tinfoil hat!


Welcome to the tinfoil hatdom! :tinfoilhat:


It looks good on you @grimangel53!


We do know that figuration is the only way to actually create new magiq, and figurations is very powerful storytelling. Perhaps the search for magiq itself could be creating a real story that forms new magiq.


I’m ready to send a message. Does anyone have thoughts about what I should write, or just go from what I posted earlier?


Okay, just so I have this straight…

  1. Rev is writing a message to our mysterious friends beyond the leaden veil.
  2. We use an encanterance (like the couplet MissEvans graciously provided above) to magically manipulate a bell to ring and summon a courier.
  3. Hopefully the courier takes our message to mystery friends and we get a response.

As far as the message; we don’t know much about how much magiq is used per message, so we want to be succinct, but we also have a lot of questions. They seem to already know about our original world/timeline since they say “The Book of Kings is all but closed”. Would it be good to mention unlocking The Book of Briars by name?

Also, what/who are the “darker threats” they referred to? And can we do anything else on our end to help pierce or remove this “leaden veil” that’s separating us? The way I see it, the faster we take care of that issue the freer we’ll be to ask them all of our other questions. Thoughts?


Just to draft this up in letter form, maybe something like:

Hello to our friends from across the veil,

We are the modern Mountaineers and we are very much here. There were Mountaineers before us who sought to bring magiq to the world, but we were the first to unlock the Book of Briars. We very much survived the Day of Change, but the results were unexpected. Somehow, it feels like magiq is dwindling, but we expected the opposite to happen. Do you know why this is happening?

We have so many questions for you. If possible, can you tell us who you are and who the herald is? What is this leaden veil that you’ve been speaking of? And do you have any idea of why this is happening? How can we help you pierce it? We are ready to help in any way that we can. We want to do everything in our power to save magiq. Can you tell us a little bit more about the “darker threats” you spoke about earlier?

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.

Revenir of the Mountaineers


This looks great, Rev.

Also, “We look forward to hearing from you” reminds me something out of a cover letter you’d send with your resume. Like, “Dear Mysterious Herald: We wanted to share our resume of past successes with defeating dark forces and saving magiq. Please find attached our contact information, or just shout back at us through the void.”


That is perfect! Very well worded, confirms who we are and outlines what we’re looking for really succinctly.


“We hope you consider us for the position of magiqal defenders of the universe or whatever this is!”


Letter has been written and sealed. I included an origami butterfly and the chronocompass coin as well. I don’t know why, it just felt right to me. I hope y’all are okay with that. I didn’t address it to anyone, since it seems we didn’t come to a consensus on that, but I’m happy to add on a name if anyone feels strongly about it.


That looks absolutely stunning Rev


Thanks Ginger. :cjheart: It’s not quite as ornate as my pen pal sendings, but I wanted to put our best foot forward. :sweat_smile:


I think “Friends across the veil” should work. :crossed_fingers:

So do you plan on doing the @Magiq bit today/tonight?


Yes! I can do it now. Should we all do the rhyme, or just me?