2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

That’s valid. Maybe one person is chosen as sender, and the rest serve as some kind of foundation/support for the spell? :brandonthinking:


When I read the word encanterance it reminded me of the word decant which means to temporarily transfer. So encant could mean permanently transfer and the word errance is french for wandering


As a derivation - encant/ decant is lovely. Transferring across…

And @Saberlane limit on magic? Explain for the late of thinking, please.


The Latin root “cant” always reminds me of song; canticle, cantor, etc.


the French chanter means to sing, and it’s canu in Welsh


It’s a bit complicated, but basically magiq has been fading from the world and there’s not much left. A lot of why we were able to do what we did to unlock the Book of Briars was due to the strength of the Council (who gave up their last vestiges of magiqal energy to protect us and help unlock the book). But things have been going even faster since the Day of Change, when the Book of Kings ended. No one knows why, but we’re currently learning more through this mysterious #SearchForMagiq account on Instagram.

(Anyone feel to correct me if I’m wrong on this. I thiiiink the magiq fading started earlier, but I may be wrong and it’s only just after the Day of Change)


Thanks @Revenir.


I’ll do a proper summary soon in the wiki, too. With all the images and references. It’s pretty crucial stuff to know.


Aside from the Neithercouriers mystery at hand, and knowing we know so little about the Book of the Wild, there’s something kind of twee about some of the stuff we do know that makes me “miss” it in a way I can’t explain. We need a magic word for “missing an alternate version of your world.”

I mean, there was an ad circulating around the BotW advertising couriers from a magical pocket world (or at least playing on the Neithernor “brand” which in and of itself is really cool!) We know from Avis’ journal that magic was still an underground kind of thing there, not completely known to the public, but still, magical ads for magical messengers. And encanterances. And mermistresses. And everkinder, and nearly-invisible islands in the Hudson.

And we’ll probably never get to see any of it.

I’ve had this before, this feeling of losing something I didn’t know I’d lost. With the 94’s. Maybe that’s why it’s hitting me so hard.

I think it may also have something to do with finally seeing Neithernor, which has rattled me in a way I didn’t intend. I have to admit, I can knock into Neithernor now. I’ve seen the warren. And Vidivinty’s Glade. But I keep going back to the tower where I let Woolie go, which for some reason can only be entered from the City Hall Station (yes, I’ve done the subway run three times since I posted about it.) It feels special. Not just because of how you get there. It’s just a room. But there’s a table and a chair and a window. Looking out from a hill onto what I’ve decided to call Flinter’s Glen. It’s the perfect place to write, the tower. And I haven’t done that in a long time.

Sorry, just… rambling. :cjheart:


What better then than a portmanteau? Let’s make up our own magimystic word. Longing, missing, alternate, dimension, and magiq are all good starter words. How about “altimagimissging?” It doesn’t have the same charm as “@Hiraeth,” though (the word and the Mountie, both).


Hiraeth is very fitting


What about Hudaeth? It has the same ring to it as the word Hiraeth, the same feel, but I’ve used the welsh for magic as the first syllable.

Edit: It’s pronounced heed-eyeth (IPA ,hiːdai̯θ)


I love it.


Same. Hudaeth it is.

So… Neithercouriers?

How I see it...

We need an encanterance.
We need a message.
We need a volunteer.

It feels like @Revenir is raising his hand as tribute, which is fitting as the Mounty managing the rest of our correspondence projects.

If this works I’m sure others would be happy to meet a “Neithercourier” too.

Mounties Assemble? [spoiler](:laurencry: for undisclosed Endgame reasons.)[/spoiler]


Absolutely seconding the nomination for @Revenir to be the first to attempt mail magic! To start brainstorming a message…how do we want to approach this. Do we go simple to test the waters, or detailed in case we don’t get many chances to make it work?


I’d like to third @Revenir’s nomination! As @Saberlane said, we’re running out of magiq, so who knows exactly how many shots at this we’re going to get.

This becomes sticky, since we don’t really know whom we’re supposed to be messaging, outside of it’s whomever was speaking to us through the Instagram SearchForMagiq account. I’ve been thinking about this over the weekend, and I read through some of their posts for clues. I didn’t get far.

What I did come up with is that I don’t think “the Herald” is the right person, and I’ll tell you why. Two or three of the posts reference the (“leaden”) veil around us, and we can only assume that this is what prevents the Low from seeing us. It mentions that not even The Herald can pierce it. This may be a stretch, but I think this means that the Herald, The Low and Us are all in the same “Book” or age, and the veil is between us and everyone else in this age, and that includes the Herald (whom ever that may be). I don’t think we’re going to get much help from someone in our own age of rapidly dwindling magiq.


I agree that the herald seems to be here, with us, but would counter that given the clues they’ve offered…

This conduit will fade, but we will find other ways to reach you through the strange, leaden veil that hides you from the world. The herald can’t risk looking into the dark with so little magic left but hold fast. There are other ways to reach one another. Seek out the Neithercouriers.

…I think whoever they are, the herald and whoever left us those messages, they want to keep talking, and they think the Neithercouriers can help make that connection.

They may have more to tell us.


Hmm…This is an introduction, so maybe it’s good to tell them a bit about who we are and how our world is different, and then follow up with pressing questions we have?

They thought we were lost to the world, so I think it’s important to clarify our history. How there were previous incarnations of the Mountaineers, we’re the modern group and survived the Day of Change. We’re fine but have no idea why magiq is dying out. That sort of thing?

And for questions, maybe:

  • Who are you?
  • Who is the herald?
  • What is this leaden veil you’re talking about?
  • Do you have any theories about why this is happening?

The other thing is…since we’re doing things old school…we could technically put in other, small things if we wanted to. I have a little chronocompass token I could include, for example. I don’t know if we’d want to do that, but I figured it was something to bring up. :brandonthinking:


Yea, I guess if there’s some way to prove our identity? I don’t know if completing the 30 day spell gives us a verified communication line, but if we want answers, maybe we’ve gotta do an ID check…