2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

Well, they always say to take the google (and a good part of the internet as a whole) with a grain of salt…


hmhmh. i suppose ill go have a perusal through some dictionaries. Or something.


It might be more a matter of using context clues. Rowhedgeses, I’m pretty confident, won’t be in any ordinary dictionary either. Besconder is on that list as well.


No, I think @MissEvans is right. I think we need to summon a Neithercourier to get a message over to whomever was on the other end of that Instagram account; who ever’s attention we attracted by casting the 30 day spell in the first place.

Edit: we also have to figure out what to send them in said message.


An “encanterance” is obviously some kind of spell.

It’s almost a portmanteau of enchant, incantation, and maybe utterance?


I wonder if this something with language in general with the Book of the Wild. I’m thinking back to the portmanteau we used to see with the Book of Briars fragments.


This feels like The Jaberwocky meets The Book of The Wild.


Ok so mail is sort of my jam and I’d love to make a suggestion? I think it’d be cool if we all wrote out whatever message we decide on, put it in an envelope, and then set it out somewhere, like our front doors. I feel like there’s power in repetition, as we’ve seen through the sort of crowdsourced spells like the Lantern of Low’s Hollow. Not sure what to do about the bell ringing part but maybe something like:

  1. Write the message and seal it up
  2. Say some kind of magiq phrase/poem line
  3. Put it outside a door and leave it, closing the door behind you
  4. Ring a bell, or play a chime on your phone, etc
  5. Imagine the form of a magimystical postal person taking the message away?

I guess we need a destination too… To Avis? The herald?


The post said: “There are other ways to reach one another. Seek the Neithercouriers.” I think they wanted us to find that poem/reference/thing (thank you, by the way, @SpiritSeer) so that we can communicate with them again, whomever they may be.


Yeah, I think I’m just wondering who it is we’re conversing with? How do we find them? Or will the Neithercouriers know the destination when we wonder about it? :brandonthinking:


Would directing it to their herald be specific enough of an addressee?


I’m thinking we can trust the flow of magiq and not address it to anyone specifically.


… or do we need to “chant an encanterance to make a bell chime” and then just hand the emerging courier our post.

The poem seems to indicate we need to magiqally ring the bell.


Interesting. Thanks SpiritSeer.

I like Revs 5 step plan for a spell myself. Seems to cover the bases if what most people are suggesting with the bell.

If we are concerned about who the recipient is we could try to science this out (cause that always works well). Maybe a small dryrun with a known recipient? Say to each other, Saberlane or maybe even Deeds.


I agree with you that there is strength in numbers, but just to play Devil’s advocate (Fallon’s advocate?), the last time we all tried to magiqally communicate with someone at the same time, it did not work. Remember our first foray into speaking to 1990’s Augernon?


Oooh - too much all at once. Hm.


You’re tellign me about flashbacks! Gosh, that was my jump in the deepend!

Okay, but I totally agree with Rev’s 5 Step Guide to Summoning a Neithercourier ™ (lol). I’m not so sure we need a recipient, so long as whoever’s summoning the courier keeps the IG post in mind, directing the message to whoever was contecting us. Maybe address the envelope to The Herald just in case?

We also need to consider the content of the message. Maybe introduce ourselves, explain that we were told to find a courier, and ask them some questions. Stick to the basics until we know who/what we’re dealing with. Who? When? Why?

So, who has some decent stationary and good handwriting? lol


That was different, though. In that case, it was a mad rush to talk, and everyone was sending a wildly different messages. There was no organization because we were just excited to have a message box. If we all are saying the same thing…then it’s possible it could increase the strength of the message.

Although your concerns are absolutely valid. Even with the organization, it’s possible it won’t work out. Magiq is wily.


I’ve been mulling over the word "encanterance” and how if it’s a mashup of incant, enchant, and utterance, what it means we have to do.

Basically “Magically manipulate an object with a well-chosen word or phrase.”

So the encanterance has to ring a bell and the “courier” somehow needs to know that the ringing is for them. Maybe by how the encanterance is phrased?

This definitely feels like BoTW magic. Portmanteaus, plays on words, kind of like the everkinder story KR shared. Or “illiomancy.”


Also, we’re almost out of magic. Sending multiples could deplete it faster. An encanterance feels like material or “borrowed” magic, but it might not be. Or there might be so little magic left that borrowing it from somewhere else could break a safeguard or protection. Sorry to be worry-dad, but there’s lots to consider right now.