2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

Great question. I’m not sure, @MissEvans (I’m @ing Miss Evans, the Fairy Godmother who protected Deirdre Green!) but when I hopefully hear back I’ll 100% ask.


Sounds like a plan @SpiritSeer .
The job of a courier is to share information, there are three parts to this:
The sender ((who, where, when))
The information or object sent
The recipient ((who where when)).
If we could narrow down any of this, we could build back towards the rest.

The information transported here might be knowledge of magiq…

As for me, I just bake bread, teach classes and know things.


This is fascinating. One one hand, we are being obscured from people in the Low seeing us (and it sounds like AGP content overall), and on the other hand, others from all walks of life are joining the forum in droves. They must be seeing us, right?

It’s hard to conceptualize not being seen when you can’t not see yourself through someone else’s eyes.

@SpiritSeer must be able to see us, but how can we verify that she’s seeing everything we’re posting, because should wouldn’t be able to know what it is she’s not seeing. Maybe this doesn’t affect her because she defected from the Low right in time? We have so many more questions to answer.


Maybe it has to do with the Jordanian Safeguard? @SpiritSeer was talking about how people in the fan club who didn’t believe or were wrapped up in internal drama. Maybe they no longer could see anything because their intentions were no longer pure? I’m not sure that is what’s going on, since Seer (or Spirit? I’m not sure what to refer to you as!) mentioned that it spread to the guide and tends to affect specific screenshots, posts, etc. Whereas our newcomers are all coming to join our community and see what’s going on and a lot of them are excited for what they’ve found here. I think something else might be going on, but I’m not sure…


But the Low never, at least previously, harbored us any ill-will. This is working from, at least, the communications we’ve seen of there’s, shared by Marty and by SpiritSeer.


This can be pretty logically explained, actually. If there’s a…thing (veil?) that’s separating the worlds of magiq and non-magiq, then as we access and learn more about magiq we willl get to a point the veil and no longer just ignore us and we risk having ourselves pulled across the veil into the magiq world to forever disappear from the mundane world.

Wait…what the heck did I just say?

But first have them clean out their browser cache. It could be either.

Edit: By the way, if anyone wants to try out some ideas, the Lost Athenaeum portal is still alive, but our old access is cut off.


Edit2: Oh for the record the password USED to be

Username: RKAdler
Password: 2jF)jD3qg9&QUFUC)MBNAC


Are we being set against each other? Would this be a formation point for two new paths? (Wool and Silver 21st century style).


We know from Mr. Wideawake that the Low were pretty much just hard-to-find distractions and decoys they set up to keep the Silver off the trail of Monarch’s Mountain (I’m sorry, @SpiritSeer, I know these were friends of your’s, as much as we here are friends with one another). Endri and Ascender lead some sort of coup within Monarch’s Mountain after the Day of Change, but I don’t believe we ever heard whether they were successful or not. Could this be the Monarchs of old manipulating things behind the scenes?


So, I’m recently new, but going off what @Augustus_Octavian said, could this veil on the Low be a side effect of the different ideologies that surfaced in the Monarch’s Mountains?


Every Monarch has a Herald.
Much hmmmm.


I guess my question would be: is the leaden veil over the low, or over us? I would say the latter, since the searchformagiq instagram message referenced it that way after we cast the 30 days spell.


Completely useless random tinfoil time.

Sorry I keep trying not to think about this but it keeps coming back.

Neither Couriers.

The unofficial motto of the American Post Office (Mail COURIERS) is “NEITHER snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of
their appointed rounds”

And SpiritSeer mentioning a poem reminded me there’s a poem called “The Letter” by Dr. Charles W. Eliot inscribed on the building that hosted the former main Post Office in Washington, DC.

Messenger of Sympathy and Love
Servant of Parted Friends
Consoler of the Lonely
Bond of the Scattered Family
Enlarger of the Common Life

Carrier of News and Knowledge
Instrument of Trade and Industry
Promoter of Mutual Acquaintance
Of Peace and of Goodwill Among Men and Nations.

Which, I dunno is a pretty Magiq-sounding cool inspirational poem. But probably has nothing to do with any of this.



Sounds about right, we live in snippets and partial information. More than previously, I’ll admit, but we’re still viewing the expanding world through a pinhole.


Lovely. All hail the hat!


I’d have to agree.

It also references being “born from the ashes of wool and silver,” so perhaps there have been new paths that have split off from silver, as MM seems to have done. This is purely speculation on my part though.


This is what they were able to pull from the backed-up database, though they’re not sure of the original source of the “poem.”

Neithercourier Delivery Services

In these moderning ages when science assuages the craft of handwriting or drafting of sages, it seems rather tragic to send letters with magic, or caretaken parcels with magical marvels.

Don’t send cheques with a hex, or odes with a vex, rather craft an encanterance to make a bell chime, and ponder the wonder of what happens next.

A prompt and prim courier will deliver your messages, with delays of delivery that border on vestiges, from the tippest of peaks to the deepest rowhedgeses.

Whatever you need to besconder fast-paced, rely on our service to deliver post haste.

I mean no offense to the Athenaeum librarians, but this seems like an ad, not a poem.

I also heard back that some people originally could see the forum but some time last year they started reporting that it wasn’t coming up for them anymore. My friendly is still asking around though and I’ll let you know if I hear anything else.


I love the poetic ad!

Thanks for the research @SpiritSeer!

Now, we have to craft a spell to make a bell chime…
These are magically summoned couriers. With a broad remit, who work quickly. Nice. I wonder what they charge.
Who fancies writing a spell for postal request bell chiming?

(That second stanza is bugging me, for it to scan, the line should end “next time”.)


Also in the next stanza, it says “rowhedgeses”…maybe theres something in the incongruencies?


Oh. I thought “next” was rhyming with “vex” and “hex.”. Maybe just how I was reading it.


isnt a word according to google.