2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

Woof, okay. Back down the magiqal rabbit hole of “answer one question, spawn three more.”

Not gonna lie, I’m a little frustrated with these people at the moment. “We must act quickly and with purpose” is all well and good, if we knew at all what we’re supposed to be doing about this situation. Right now, all we have are vague guesses from a group of people who are having more and more trouble communicating with us, and the pretty clear idea that we’re running out of time, and the remnants of magiq in the Book of Kings, but what should we be doing with them?

I’m torn about trying to reach Marty, too - if we can get through to him via courier, and he can reach the sanctuary, then great. Two birds, one stone, etc. But if he can’t get to them (or worse, we can’t get to him), we’ve wasted an opportunity we could have used to talk more with the sanctuary.

Sorry if I sound snippy. Might be the Flinter spark in my soul, but I don’t like waiting for someone else to fix things, and they don’t seem to have given us anything we can do to help…


Okay, so, let’s sit and think this through. As I see it, we have 4 options here:

Option 1) We wait and see if the Searchers come up with anything, letting them send a message to us. (I think we’d all get the itch to do something long before they came back with anything, tbh)

Option 2) We wait a little, see if we find anything else out, and then send a courier back to the Searchers askign for an update, possibly resulting in nothing much, or answers, but definately some more angsty couriers.

Option 3) We send a courier to Marty, hope they’re not too bad with him that they blow up his building or something, and hope he can either find some stuff for us by himself, or get help.

Option 4) We send a courier to someone other than Marty and hope our message gets through to them, and hope they do find a way to help us.

Anyone got anything else? Right now, I’m getting very annoyed at this veil, and I think we desperately need a way around this other than the couriers. I’m dreading to think what they’ll do the longer this continues, if we even have that many more oppertunities…


This line concerns me. If we do go ahead and contact Marty, is putting “Martin Rank” enough?

We do have friends with titles, though. Lauren Ellsworth, the Cagliostro. And Deirdre Green, Stormslayer. I’m not sure anyone else would count…

And this response leaves me with so many questions. Just who is this person? One of us, one of the Mounties from the '90s who was saved somehow…or from something even older? And the girl, what’s her connection to the herald?

I don’t know. It feels like they’re inviting us to use the Neithercouriers, so perhaps we should try. We don’t have anything to report to the Searchers at this time, and it seems we’ve run dry on things to try, so… why don’t we give it a shot?


Actually, now that I think about this further… Lauren may be the perfect person for the job. We have her title, so we know we can contact her, and she has the magimystical prowess to truly investigate this and find our Searchers if she isn’t aware of them already. Not only this, but she knows Marty and can find him, so it’s two birds with one stone.


I was just wondering if anyone had heard from/of her lately. If anyone might be able to find an edge of this veil I think she stands a good chance.


And she can certainly handle any Neithercourier shenanigans that come along with our message.


This is very true. I love Marty, but I’m scared we might give the poor man a heart attack if he gets hit by a burning orb or mischievous fairies.

Good news about contacting either Lauren or Marty, we could potentially also get in touch with the Kemetic trio and their connections.


Moreso than a heart attack, don’t forget what Fallon told him - magiq is drawn to him. Who knows what would happen if we introduced the ever-more-mischevious Neithercouriers to him.


Yeah i doubt we know Martins true name. And he has no really official title. (Everyones bae isnt official. )

The only two granted titles are pointed out by Rev. Deidre and Lauren.

Its a tough choice. Lauren is probably more powerful, and present but she has “rules” to follow. Like when she could not directly garm the Storm because of some ancient agreement.

Deidre is more of a free spirit. She might not even be touched by the veil in Neithernor. That of course assumes the couriers can even get there in the first place.

She might be able to open some doors and throw out a mundane message or two to our friends.

Yeah ill be honest. I have no idea what would help us in this situation.


My logic with Lauren is that we know she can at least speak with Marty. In a worst case scenario, she could approach him and make sure he gets whatever message we want to send.

My concern with Deirdre is…can she still go in the mundane? Or is she Neithernorian now? I don’t want to risk her safety if this world is no longer open to her. She may be just as trapped as us.


Interesting. I took:

To mean we had to have someone’s real, given name, like more than a username, or a title, like the herald, for example.

Which leaves us with a few options, if I’m right.


Oh, I see. I think I’ve read too many fairy books. :joy: I was thinking it was something more powerful.

We’re still barred from the Kemetic trio, I think? We only know first names, Jeremy and Alison. And we don’t know any of the four OG Mounties real names either, only usernames.


So for full nanes we have

Martin Rank
Deidre Green aka Stormslayer
Cole Sumner
Lauren Ellseworth aka Cagliostro

And maybe
Sullivan Green.

We know the couriers can move within the BoK. So Marty or Lauren i guess. Still not sure what to do.


And we have no idea how many rounds we might have left with the couriers.


Actually @Saberlane, do you know @Benefactors real name?


This is a fascinating but also somewhat terrifying prospect. :grimacing:

I suppose we could also contact Colby Fortin, Orvin Wallace, and Teniman Blackweather… But I’m mostly mentioning them to complete the ‘set.’ :eyes:


I don’t remember if I ever knew her first name. If I did, it seems it was tucked away in one of my many missing parts. Sorry.


Its okay. I didnt know if she ever reached out to you after your memory came back.

Okay so… just sending as message to a random person to say hi wont help. Ideally we need someone who…

  1. Noticed the veil
  2. Has been working for the past year to get around it or test it to give us new info.
  3. Ideally has the power and or connections to be effective at #2.

If i had to bet anyone was out there trying to get through to us, itd be Marty.


Marty’s rebuilding a life with his son and grandchild. Who knows if he’s been trying to reach us or not.


I recommend lauren ellsworth. She is an extremely powerful sorceror, one of very few we are aware of, and she is more than willing to raise a little hell if she needs to, to reference the burning of the library. Even if we only have a few chances, she is one of our few experienced contacts, and even if its a waste its a good idea to at least TRY to reach out to someone who has the capability to help that we KNOW can help. I am distinctly aware that if we dont act like… really, really soon, we might all be too late. We MUST make a decision.