2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

You didn’t mention he was purple!

Seeing them all together (minus the exploding parchment) has me wondering…
Are these actual entities visiting us, or are the visualizations just part of the Neithercourier spell? Are they individuals or just strange manifestations of a magimystic delivery service?

Regardless, I’m feeling some serious hudaeth right now over having dumb old email when The Book of The Wild had this.


Oops, must’ve slipped my mind. In all fairness, I did get a pretty nasty shock that kept me preoccupied. :grimacing:

To add to these questions…why are they taking payment? Where does it all go? Like…if the Neithercouriers are more of a manifestation of the spell than actual people, what’s the deal with that? Is it just ‘fuel’ for the spell? And if these are real people/beings then where are they from? Obviously they couldn’t be out and about in the mundane unless they’re shapeshifters.


The Universal Bank of Neithercouriers. UNB. Distributed fairly amongst all couriers to continue buying the most outrageous and unusual shapeshifting spells. :joy:

Seriously though, after some of Nim’s hair was taken from those fairies it would seem like fuel? I imagine it takes a lot to cross back and forth between worlds, not to mention the inconvenience of having to navigate around a leaden veil :expressionless:


Our magiq has always been fueled by intention and emotion. The ‘payment’ could just be a physical representation of that. Bending reality is costly and what better way then freely making a gift of something you value.

Im guessing we could have stopped them from taking the ink, or hair or pen if we had tried. Probably wouldnt have taken our message though. As the BoB once said, knowledge given without effort (or in this case cost) is worthless.

In fact if we were the kind of people to deny fair payment for magiq then i doubt they would have showed up for you in the first place.


Has anyone looked at how long it takes to get a response? Just getting a little antsy, feels like we are in a bit of a time crunch.


It seems to be about 3 1/2 days…I’ve only been slightly obsessively paying attention :grimacing:

Edit: We seem to send the letters out right before the weekend as well. I imagine Mounties are busy and the couriers patiently wait before announcing themselves :sweat_smile:


In Nim’s response, the Searchers mentioned that it took them days to deliver their message. Hard to say anything with any certainty, but it’s possible wait times might increase as the current age gets closer to ending. Then again, magiq is weird right now, so who knows what will happen.


After the last courier nearly set my office on fire, I’ve been a little bit edgy. My family and I are laying low this long weekend, and I’m jumping a little bit every time I hear an out-of-place noise.


Stay safe Aug. Enjoy the weekend with your family :sparkles::heart::sparkles:


The weekend was magiqally uneventful. I got a huge list of household projects done, made some good food, and took care of my oldest son who had some fevers on and off.

My first day back to work was VERY magiqally eventful. I was on a conference call, when I noticed some movement in the periphery of my field of vision. I looked down, and there was a golden flower blooming out of the carpeting between by feet under my desk. I put the call on mute, and watched as the flower grew up to the level of my nose. The petals, pistel, stamen of the blossom twisted and formed themselves into a series of words. Luckily, I keep plenty of scrap paper at my desk and was able to copy down what the flower wrote:

The veil is more powerful than we imagined. Some here can sense its purpose, see the roots of the spell, to obscure and occlude, and immense power was used to draw the veil around you, but that is all we know now. But trust that we are continuing our work.

As for your questions, we are with you, in the dying age. Where else could we be? The Book of the Wild is nothing now but echoes, the Fray has fallen silent, and now all that remains that isn’t Elsewhither is this, the dying Book of Kings.

We have only one rule here in the sanctuary. We only interact with those outside the sanctuary who search for magiq with pure intent and purpose, like yourselves. Unless Martin was to seek us out, we couldn’t break our cardinal rule for fear of risking the sanctuary or the herald. It’s how the sanctuary stays a sanctuary. But if you feel he could help, you could attempt to use the loophole of the Neithercouriers to reach him, though we don’t know how much longer this loophole will stay open. Remember, you must have a true name or granted title to give the courier. We’re not sure if it’s the great diminishing at work, or simply the veil drawing closed around this backdoor, but the Neithercouriers are struggling more and more to manifest. Some here in the sanctuary sense that the foundations of magiq remnants are collapsing. If it’s true, we must act quickly and with purpose.

The girl you mentioned is here. She is safe. She has an inextricable connection to the herald, which led her to seek out magiq and find us. She left our test of intention and purpose for another, to try and convince her to believe what she has never been able to believe. That is the spell you found, which allowed us to pierce the veil momentarily.

Finally, no we are not the Monarchs, though I was once a Mountaineer. Before I began my search for magiq and found my way here. The sanctuary is home to people from all corners of the world, all walks of life, who have found themselves drawn to the light of what our world could be, who sensed that there was more to what we can see and sense. It’s home to those who searched for the impossible, like the girl, like me and found it. The herald is not our leader, we have no leader nor do we have need for one, but we look to her to help guide us because she has seen more than most.

We wish we had more to share, but believe that we are working to help, as long as we can.

As I was frantically copying down the letter, I didn’t notice that the main stem of the flower had grown vines. By the time I finished, they’d wrapped around my calves to the knees and were starting to spread up to my thighs. I panicked and slashed at the stem of the flower with a letter opener; the whole thing, including the message-flower, collapsed into golden dust then vanished. I think I got the whole letter.

I wonder what generation of Mountaineers the Searcher who we’re writing back and forth with belonged to? The 94’s, or even someone from our group who slipped away without us noticing?

EDIT: Also, with how these things are behaving, I would vote AGAINST using them to contact Martin. I don’t know what kind of help he could give, and the risks seem to outweigh the benefits; unless someone can give a concrete reason to do so.


This is probably a stupid idea but what if the veil isn’t to stop us from helping but instead is there to protect us from the dying book of kings? We have existed across many books now and the last time we transition books everyone forgot about magiq. So who’s to say this veil is evil? We only have the word of the herald to go on. Before the herald was the fray and now they’ve gone so who’s to say the herald isn’t just the book of kings version on the fray?

This is probably all wrong but I think we need a bit of devils advocate and to examine all perspectives

Also It seems like this sanctuary place is some weird afterlife kinda place like the council of 18 gates


Well, the one thing we know is that they’re here, in the Book of Kings with us. Otherwise, this has just created more questions.


As startling an experience as it was, it felt good to be touched by magiq again. The sentence about the foundation of its remnants collapsing made me feel so sad as I was copying it down.


I’ve been thinking about what @Rimor said, it’s not really that unusual of a musing. Automatically viewing the leaden veil as a threat but throwing around the possibility that perhaps it was a final protection from the 18 gates? A buffer against the inevitable shock of an era ending and a new beginning?

It was mentioned by the searcher that the ending leading to a new beginning would be a trying and difficult time, I mean, the transition from the BoW to BoK resulted in a war in Neithernor if I’m not mistaken?

I suppose the loose ends of this theory though is why the veil specifically surrounds the Mountaineers and excludes some our companions…sigh my head is spinning again.


I get why we should probably not contact Martin, but on the other hand I really want to get a message out to our friends out there that we’re here, we’re not ignoring them, and we’re okay. If they’ve noticed our abscence they might be worried. I’m also slightly worried in case they’re dealing with stuff and need our help. Maybe we take a vote?


I, for one, am on board with trying to reach out to someone. I know it might not be my place, exactly, but I’ve been thinking…

When this all initially started happening, the BC33 fan club became split between people who could see the forum and people who couldn’t. But for a time, those people could still communicate with each other. But then those who could see the forum cordoned themselves off and the old fan club seemed to dry up and disappear. But, what if it didn’t?

What if they all stopped being able to see each other too?

Did the fan club just happen to see the veil closing as it happened?
Or is the drawing of the veil a gradual process?
Or is it building in power and will continue to further obscure us, not only from our friends, but possibly each other?

I don’t know if ANY of that is true, but I’m just thinking… It probably seems really selfish, but I don’t want to lose you guys. I don’t want to not have tried everything we can (within reason) and then find myself on the other side of the wall. I don’t want that for any of us.

Also, full disclosure, I’m a Martin stan, so that might be coloring my judgment.


Question…since Martin isn’t out there actively seeking magiq really, is it possible that he’d be able to contact our other friends if we don’t explicitly instruct him to do so? Because out of our options, Martin might also be the best one to rally the troops (so to speak) and would most likely think to do it if we just tell him we’ve been cut off. I figure if we were to get a courier to someone but include an instruction to find someone else that we’ve been cut off from, they either a) wouldn’t be able to get to that person (a la busker guy example) or possibly b) wouldn’t even get that part of the message (like, it would be blurred or cut off or something). So I’m not against using a courier to get to Martin, but I just want to make sure we’re doing it effectively.


Well with that new information/speculation @SpiritSeer then this veil is definitely malicious in intent and we have to find a way through. So I think we need to contact Marty as he’s our only mundane contact outside the veil


Martin is actually literally a walking, talking Well of magiq. I don’t think we can consider him a “mundane” ally.


Could Martin be specially hidden for that reason? Moreso than other ‘mundane’ contacts?