2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

Magiq and AGP has left me with little time for writing. Happy to help when I can. :cjheart:


How about this? I’m a sucker for rhymes, I have no shame :blush:

Message fly on swiftest wind
Couriers between the worlds
We chime the bell above the din
Deliver our note to be unfurled


Sweeeeet, we got 4 saved up now!


@OracleSage, I hear you might be interested in being our letter writer this time around?


Just bouncing off what Nim said

Are we sure that we’re the target? Yes we’re the ones being cut off, but is that cause we’re whoever this is target, or is it cause we’re a powerful ally for the target?

My thinking on this is that if a war is coming for the new age then who ever created the veil must see us as a strong enough force so they want to isolate us from helping.

So I don’t think we can just go with one approach, what if all of us tried to send out a message at the same time and see if anything slips through. If the veil is still closing in then it might not be strong enough yet to block every message

EDIT: So for example if everyone sends out the same message on Instagram or Facebook to try and break through the veil. Throw a bit of figuration magiq in as well and it might work


I agree with this. I know we don’t talk about this often…but what we all did together was massive. We’re the ones who collected the fragments to unlock this new age. We helped Deirdre take down one of the Silver’s most dangerous weapons. We have very much proved ourselves to be a valid threat on the Silver’s quest for power. And not only that, but they’ve surely been steaming over the loss of their favorite pet.

Like the Searchers said, the world is barred from us. I think that’s significant. Whoever cast this spell saw us as enough of a threat that they wanted to take us all out.


That’s my take also.

However, there are two likely possible explanations.

  1. Someone wants to cut us off from the outside world so they can do something to us without us getting help. (Harm us, prevent us from kicking off the Book of Briars properly, frustrate us etc.)

  2. Someone wants to cut our friends off from us so they can do something to them without us helping them.

I can’t really fathom, after all we’ve done together, Marty wouldn’t just sit idly by after a year of non communication and not try to reach out to us. Marty more than anyone knows how nefarious our enemies are.

At this point I’m more concerned about them than I am for us.

Random thought that just hit me. @Saberlane, you mentioned Marty gets royalties. Is he still cashing those checks? Can you tell?

Edit: Actually you might just direct deposit into an account with no effort on his part. But Marty strikes me as the ‘don’t trust that new fangled tech with my hard earned money’ kinda guy. But worth a shot.


Not to be a Debbie Downer, guys, but full-fledged figuration is near impossible in the mundane, from what I recall of Sullivan’s notes. And we’re not even positive it could help us here. The couriers are part of a spell/system that already existed and that others with knowledge recommended to us to get around the veil; they would know more about it, and might be able to tell us whether they think the veil could cut off the Couriers or not. Maybe they’re only behaving erratically because we’re caught standing between two “Books”, two ages, and it doesn’t even have to do with the Veil?

And, re: what Robert said above, I think there might be another option. As creepy as the Silver are, and as ready as they’ve been to harm people in the past, what if this is more about resources? As we’ve discussed, people are still able to join us, the spell or caster must be determining somehow who should be on what side of the veil. What if each side has something the other side needs that could help us take control of the new age? What if they just want to separate us long enough to keep us from exchanging whatever that might be? If the searchers on the other side can contact Marty, that could also tell us more about what’s going on.


@Revenir already has a letter drafted; @Saberlane kindly wrote some encanterances; let’s not waste time and get the letter, as drafted, off to the searchers. If nobody else wants to, I can send it ASAP.


Errrr you don’t think that could be the aliquary do you?


Maybe. But, like we said earlier, this Veil situation was put in place before AGP even had the aliquary, so I think it’s for some other reason.

@Augustus_Octavian, I’d say go ahead and send it, if you’ve got the materials on hand.


Will do. @Saberlane - can you PM me Marty’s address to include?


Sending now.


Waiting for my office to clear out for lunch, then I’ll cast.


So, I’m back now that the fire drill is over.

After I used the encanterance, I heard a far away bell ringing. I’d started filling out some paperwork, when a smoldering ember floated through my office door and landed on my desk, lighting it on fire. Then, it unburned (yeah, wild, right?!) into a crisp sheet of white paper. I had already taken the lazy route and copy-paste-printed @Revenir’s letter onto my professional letterhead, but that was burned by the arrival of the courier, so I transcribed the letter onto this un-burned sheet of paper instead. :man_shrugging:

It then exploded, and my floor had to be evacuated. The exploding letter took my pen, which irked me (blue Pilot G-2 #10 4lyfe!). The authorities blamed a contraband space heater a coworker got me for Christmas, and I had to throw it away, but at least I didn’t get fired.

Now, Mounties, we wait.


Okay…wow. A couple things:

  1. I’m super glad you’re okay! Hopefully the…exploding office situation wasn’t too serious
  2. It seems to me that our couriers are getting more and more violent. First one was a slightly grumpy salamander friend, then hair-pulling fairies, now fire and explosions? I hope we get enough answers this time because I’m not like, LOVING this trend tbh…

Thanks @Augustus_Octavian glad you’re ok!

I was wondering if the couriers would take typed letters…seems like they don’t care for it that much. There must be something about the hand written word :face_with_monocle:


Oh…oh my. I’m glad you’re safe, Augo.

I guess now we understand what the Searchers meant by the couriers acting erratic. That’s really scary though… what if someone gets hurt? Looks like we have to worry more about the couriers themselves than the veil closing, at least for the moment :laurencry:


So… I’ve honestly been a bit haunted by these Neithercouriers. They’re so strange and mysterious, and now I’m curious what they’re like in normal times. Anyways I couldn’t help but try to capture them in art, so I thought I’d share:

No Flamey McOfficedestroyer because we just learned about him, buuuut yeah. :sweat_smile:


Mate. All i think of if we send a bunch of letters is “LIGHT THE SIGNAL FIRE! GONDOR CALLS FOR AID!”

Somewhere in the distance, a faint stampede of five-six foot tall bipedal animals splits off all at once, hundreds of them sprinting across the desert. The camera pans in on like, a dude in a tux with a fish head, and then they dissapear into a dust storm.