Okay, short placeholder, but the letter’s on it’s way.
Okay, short placeholder, but the letter’s on it’s way.
Uh oh.
OKay… What happened? No bell?
Are you ok?!
That’s… foreboding.
Okay, now that I’ve had the chance to keep up the appearance of normalcy here…
There was a bell (no idea how everyone out in the lobby didn’t hear it, it had to have been closer to them than me).
Physically I’m fine (though I’ll really have to try and look it the next time anyone comes in).
Mentally I’m torn between feeling like a terrible person and getting ready to roll up my sleeves to put a serious smackdown on somebody. (Discord folks, imagine an endless stream of :rosefightme:, I’ll settle for for now)
He must’ve been waiting until the coast was clear (any other morning this place would be a ghost town). Once the admin folks had wandered off, and the lost and found person left empty-handed, and the mundane mailman left… I was visited by the absolute sweetest courier ever. A bear cub with a crown knocked on my door before wobbling into the room on two legs followed by a retinue of other woodland creatures, mundane and magiqal; I was glad that the lobby had emptied, because they couldn’t all fit in the office!
He very politely put out his paws and I handed him the letter. He bowed, spun his crown on his head, and every last one of them disappeared in a swirl of mist.
I put that placeholder up, ready to finish work before getting into more details, thinking that I got off lucky and half wondering if one of his buddies took payment of some sort while I wasn’t looking, and I’d find out later. The End. [spoiler]Bear friend hugged my leg as payment. What is this cuteness?![/spoiler]
It was like I stared at a lightning bolt striking just a few feet from the desk, it was so bright, but it was like all of the rumblings of several strikes had rolled themselves into one giant BANG.
My sweet royal bear friend came tumbling in, his crown rolled off under a chair as he stopped slumped against the couch. One of the little gnomes that had been following him was clutched in one arm, and the other still held my letter. There was visible static still arcing on his singed fur.
He handed me back the letter when I stumbled around the desk to check on him, his paw burnt so badly that no fur remained. He slumped further before disappearing once more.
Holy crap. I’m so sorry Ash.
Well that’s not good at all, looks like the veil has caught up with the couriers
Oh my god…I feel awful now. HOW DARE they hurt that sweet baby boy.
It’s so confusing to me… why can we contact the searchers and no one else? Is it because the messenger once considered themselves a mountaineer? There has to be a connection somewhere.
Holy… okay, so, um… That was a thing. The bear got struck by lightning?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? I really don’t like what that suggests. I’m gonna be having some serious words with whoever is responsible for this afterwards for hurting so much cuteness.
Other option to consider alongside Rev’s: Was it that the viel wouldn’t let the courier reach Lauren specifically? Is the veil now stopping all courier based comunications?
I think it’s time to go with @Robert’s idea and declare all out war against the veil, any message we can get through might be useful now
Or…maybe Lauren did a return to sender
Well, that’s one option spent, it sucks that we put a tiny creature in the line of fire to test it out. Either way, we need to be looking at what we can learn from this; we now know just where our boundaries lie at least to some vague degree.
Lauren is an Ally of sorts to the Mounties she wouldn’t do something like this
It felt more like I sent him off with all his little friends and they met up with a very angry electric fence.
I have to agree with Rimor, I really don’t think Lauren would just send a call for help away like that.
And you can definately put me down to poke at this thing. I really want to see if we can get a hole in this thing and get a normal message through, if not at least learn something from it.
Based on what we know of Lauren… I don’t think she would do that unprovoked. This seems unnecessarily cruel towards an innocent creature trying to deliver a message.
I’m honestly torn. I feel like there’s the possibility that the veil closed over us and we need to find a new method of communication. Or it’s simply that we can only contact the Searchers. We’ll only know for sure if we try to send another message to the Searchers. If it works and there’s no problems, then we know the limits.
What if this is a similar situation to Deirdre’s, and if that’s the case, what if we can break it in a similar (albeit broader) way?
But wait. Like @WizardAstraz and @Ashburn said…
What if it was a not-intentionally-aggressive return to sender.
What if he ran into the magimystic equivalent of an electric fence?
Lauren is inarguably the most powerful entity we know of in the Book of Kings.
The previous Cagliostro broke free of the Silver to pass his immense power onto her.
She is now blessed/burdened with a power that we know the Silver covet and probably feel was stolen from them.
It doesn’t seem completely unreasonable that Lauren might have some sort of “automated” defense against someone magimystically strolling up next to her (despite how adorable
I wasn’t struck by lightning when I tried to find Marty. I just… couldn’t. More like a wavering curtain distracting me than an elemental attack.
And honestly, I am unwilling to consider she did it intentionally because it seems out of character for both Lauren and the Cagliostro.
Also, Dark Lauren is not an idea that I want rattling around my brain.