2. The Search For Magiq: The Neithercouriers

That sounds like a great idea! We need to test limits here, so if we can rule in/out things like this, we can work out how to maximise our uses with the couriers.


My only concern is that Lauren might also be getting affected by the veil and this won’t work or will get her caught up in the veil if she isn’t already


I’ll second that concern, the whole thing makes me nervous. Nothing’s learned by playing things safe though I suppose.


My guess is, in a worst case scenario, it would end up like the busker scenario. Maybe she would approach Marty with the letter and get muddled. But if anyone was gonna get past the veil and deliver a message, it would be her.

I don’t think we should underestimate the power of the Cagliostro. She has a deep knowledge of magiq and the power to use it. If she’s willing to help us a bit, that would be a major boon.


I wonder if reaching out to Marty (or Lauren) was the task to try?


That’s the main mission, so I suppose this would be considered a side quest? If we successfully reach Lauren (or Marty) and then they reach out to someone else with one of our messages, then we’ve tested the veil two times. If that makes sense?

Basically, we know this:

Mountaineer - > Mundane Person + Mountie Mail → Magimystical Person = Veil Blocked

and this:

Mountaineer → Neithercourier → Magimystical Person = Success (At least with the Searchers)

But what about this?

Mountaineer → Neithercourier → Magimystical Person + Mountie Mail → Other Magimystical Person = ???

First we’re testing if it can get to Lauren/Marty. Then we’re testing if Lauren/Marty can get one of our direct messages to someone else.


Ah… I just thought of something, though. The message might get muddled since the Neithercouriers don’t seem to be taking letters (ie the ember burning up Augo’s message, Nim’s fairies, etc). It might be good to just ask Lauren/Marty to pass on a message to the other person in a singular letter.

By the way, we have 14 votes for Lauren now… it seems safe to say it’s going to her?


I have the paper in my bag and will write up our letter once I get to the desk. :aetherdetermined:


Go Ashburn!

Early morning rambling incoming.

While that correspondence happens we should probably discuss a plan B.

What do we think about a bit of offense? The Searchers keep mentioning how much power this veil took to create. But we know magiq is also rapidly dwindling which might effect the veil just as much as us.

What if we attempted to punch a hole jn the veil again? But what if we did it by making hundreds of small holes simultaneously?

Im imagining hundreds of attempts to contact everyone we know on the other side of the veil through mundane means, letters, pms, phone calls, even physically in cases we can. Every mountie, especially as many new as we can reaches out. Lets put their creation to the test.

In addition to the hundred needles all trying to pierce the veil, forcing it to spread out its defenses, we could prepare a focused magiq with whatever we can find left to punch a hole in it. Either permanently or at least long enough to have a good talk with some of our allies.

Just blue skying here. Not thinking of the next step makes me nervous. :grinning:


I kinda like this idea. Nothing is entirely unbreakable. Given time and persistence, even a mountain will fall, diamond can shatter. Everyone calling out seems to be the easiest option to do something like this. Easy to coordinate, easy do, easy to monitor effectiveness. It’s something we should definately consider as a future “nothing else is working” option.

Remember, though, we do have a next step. Our next step is to wait and see if our message gets through. We have a rough idea of how long it takes to get messages back from the Searchers, so maybe add on a few extra days just in case. Silence, empty space, is just as valid an option as noise.

Gosh, I think I went all philisophical for a minute there…


I love this idea.


I had that same idea ages ago @Robert! Great minds think alike eh! :laughing:


I think it may have gotten lost in the shuffle of the immediate drama. Now that we’re sort of at an impasse, these other options just seem much more salient. It was just as good an idea then as it is now.


Definitely a good idea! If the veil hasn’t closed yet then it might not be strong enough to block all our messages


This is an interesting prospect. Assuming this is the Silver - maybe this would be somewhat like the Storm. How we would try to distract the Storm by having someone do something magiqal in one place, so that people in another place could escape.

It seems like the veil is broader in its reach than the Storm…but if we try hard enough, we could see what happens. It could also be interesting if we did something like, say, have @Saberlane outside of Marty’s place (or as close as he can get) and the attempt to break the veil all at once. Maybe it would be enough of an effort that he could get through, at least for a moment.


Neithercourier, wherever you dwell,
I request thee with the ringing of a bell

[spoiler]I’ve been getting big Madame Leota vibes this whole time :deirdrexd:[/spoiler]

And I even looked up how to fold things for mailing since I didn’t have an envelope.


Okay, short placeholder, but the letter’s on it’s way.

:crown: :bear:

EDIT: OR NOT :colewat:


Uh oh.


OKay… What happened? No bell?



Are you ok?! :scream: