Winter Gift Exchange

Hahaha yes :joy::grin: My pm’s get magiqed to my email so I have got all of them :joy::joy:


OMG! I’m so sorry! I should have stopped after it failed the first time rather than trying to force/fix it, lol


Hahahah between you and Ash I’ve been feeling so loved :grin::grin:


Yes! I’m still in! Will be PM-ing Sky in a hot second!


Yes! Still in! Just sent it his way!


Did we decide on a close date for this??


im in.


Close for signups? How about the first? Thoughts anyone?


Sounds like a plan


So if we’re doing this true “secret santa” style, we won’t be talking to the person we’re sending to…so could everyone participating drop some info on this thread with like…which (if any) of the winter holidays you celebrate, and like favorite color/etc…or point in the direction of where that info can be found (like if you’ve done penpals and put a bio on that thread)?


I’m cheating and reposting my Reddit secret santa one. I’ve been cultivating this for five years, so please do not feel that you need to post this much on yours!

I’m a baby pediatric nurse. That is to say, I graduated last May, and am still kind of getting my sea legs as far as being on my own is concerned. My job is a ton of work, but I love it. Besides, can’t beat having four days off a week! I just switched to day shift, and its so much more work, but I love having a life again.

I have chronic illnesses, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Celiac Disease. They all suck pretty hard, but for the most part I keep them in check. I do my best to rock being a spoonie (someone with a chronic illness), and try not to let it keep me down. I still have my bad days that keep me on the couch (like today). I am so grateful that my husband supports me through all of it Because of my illnesses, I tend to do a lot of “low energy” hobbies.

I love to read, and always have, my whole life. Video games are also something that have stuck with me through the years. Even when I feel like shit, I like to at least watch people play games on Twitch (Cohn Carnage is my favorite streamer). I have a Switch and a Ps4, I tend to play mostly single player games, and am working on 100%-ing Super Mario Odyssey.

I also try to work on projects and hobbies that can better myself and my world. I am trying my best to get back into working out, specifically weight lifting. Sometimes that easier said than done, as we all know. In the last year, I’ve started drawing and painting, mostly watercolors. I also like to do a lot of fiber crafts, slowly working on finishing a cross stitch, but also weaving, crochet, etc. I’m also slowly but surely working on converting to Judaism, its a year (or more) long process.

Edit: Women’s shirt L, Men’s M


Manji, to clarify, you just said dont write too much to a forum entirely populated by writers. We’re gonna write way too much, i know us xD

But yeah, lets see…


im big on music, as you guys probably know. Album stuff might be nice, mostly a “Surprise me” kinda thing tho, as long as its not metal or rap. Possibly a new capo would also be super appreciated, since my current ones falling apart. That or new picks. always losing those buggers.

Im big on gaming, but i already have a bunch of stuff that i like based on that, so the only stuff that might be not already owned on that aspect would be a new wired controller (so i can keep doing my controller support work for blitzkampfer xD)

As much as i dont look like it, im pretty big on nice jackets or sweaters, so stuff like thats always appreciated. Shades of grey, blue or green usually.

mhh… Other than that, im huge on reading and writing. I love anything from classic literature to fiction. Current stuff im wanting novel wise is “The Bullet Journal Method”, “oathbringer” By brandon sanderson, “EdgeDancer” by the same dude, brandon sanderson, and “The bands of mourning” by - you guessed it - Brandon sanderson xD

mhhh… otherwise… i have a massive sweet tooth. i love foreign, weird candy, and other stuff that i havent seen before. Knicknacks, candy, anything like thats always neat to me. Might also like a new blanket. please. im dying of the cold up here. Its regularly -20*Celcius. Save me from mother nature.

Rambling aside, Seriously though, Im fine with whatever. even the idea that people are gonna be sendign me something gives me anxiety xD, im not really a picky sort x3


Okay, um… Well, I like reading and writing, tried my hand at a lot of different crafts (though I’m terrible at all of them). Huge geek, video game nerd… Musician. Been into archery for years, though only actually joined a club last year. Love all things celtic; mythology, designs, music. Um… favourite colours are turquoise, purple, and aqua, and I prefer silver tones to gold (moon guild, lol). I celebrate Xmas out of habit cause the rest of my family does, though really I need to start properly observing Yule (I’m Wiccan/Ecclectic Pagan). My profile has smiliar stuff, lol, cause I have a copy/paste that I use pretty much everywhere. My Neithernor profile is also basically me too, so maybe there’s something on there?

Literally guys, I’m the type of person you could send anything small to and I’ll probably love it cause you took the time to find it/make it. This is especially a thing cause getting stuff over the pond in one piece at this time of year is… well, Royal Mail isn’t exactly reliable at the best of times.


Suuuuuper late response but I am def in!

I celebrate Christmas but I ain’t religious, it’s more a social practice than anything. Grew up celebrating solstice as a kid.
I’m a maritime historian going for my bachelors in History and English with a minor in Classics and Museum Studies. I’m into Irish traditional music and I play in an ensemble with that as its focus. I love reading, drawing, writing, etc. I love folklore. A lot of my stories have a lot of folklore feel to them (so I’ve been told). I’m pretty outdoorsy and love hiking alone and camping. I do a lot of exploration around my hometown and am always down for an adventure. I don’t really have a solid house, so something bulky might not be a great idea. Everything I own is spread between both my parent’s houses, college, my friend’s house, and wherever else I happen to be (currently Connecticut).

Fav colors range from olive green, grey, and navy blue, and like a fog(?) blue. Fav animal is a raven (don’t think this is news to anyone :joy:). I drink a lot of tea and coffee. I dress pretty practically and I would be super content with a pair of wool socks or a scarf. Journals, pens, weird books you found at the thrift store, all good options. I love weird stuff. I also like learning new skills!
I freakin love getting any kind of gift from anyone, even if it’s just a postcard!


I celebrate the Santa side of Christmas.
I’m a stagehand that finished college eight and a half years ago. :cagsko:
Definitely geeky, and pretty nerdy too, and I really like combining these interests in my crafts.
Most of my creative pursuits recently have been crochet and cross stitch. I also really like making holiday decorations (even though I have next to no space for them :deirdrexd: ).
My style is pretty much jeans and tshirt most of the time, nice top and pants when I have to dress up for something. (Shirt size is large for unisex cut, around xxl for feminine cuts; basically the torso needs to be about 44" around)
I’m running a couple of races at Disney in a few months and would love to have a piece of my Mountie family with me as I challenge myself. :hermanthumbs:
Adding: more of a cocoa/tea person, not so much coffee. Pretty open to tea types, but haven’t been super keen on non-citrus fruity flavors that I’ve tried.
In Florida, so items meant to warm may not get much use. :confused: Seriously, it’s like eight months of summer.


I’m Christian, so I do celebrate the religious side of Christmas. That being said, I am not opposed to Santa or other non-religious aspects of the holiday. I have a weakness for nativity scenes, especially ones made from unique materials or in the style of a specific culture.
I don’t have a real career like some of you but I have been trained as a nail technician and nail art is one of my favourite hobbies. I love music of all kinds, especially stuff I haven’t heard before, but prefer lyrics with little to no profanity.
I have autism, so stim toys and weighted blankets are awesome, I’m bound to use those. I am also always cold, so blankets, socks, sweaters, all those things are lifesavers.
Style wise, I flip flop between a timeless, elegant sort of look, and a vampy gothic look. Gothic more so in the winter, because layering. I’m always looking for unique accessories, with a definite emphasis on the “weird” connotation. I prefer silver to gold. Idk I just think it looks better on me. Favourite colours in general are black, red, and purple.
I think lately, crocheting has been my favourite hobby, with an emphasis on the lacemaking aspect. I dabble in most fiber arts, though. Cross stitch, embroidery, quilting, whatever.
I just recently got into exercise (mostly dance/cardio)and I also discovered I have a lack of workout clothes and gear. I don’t even have a water bottle and I remind myself to buy one every time I go into the city but forget. Okay I’m rambling now I should stop.


Is it still possible to get involved with this, or am I too late? :sweat_smile:


If @Skylad is counting by US December 1st for the cut-off, you may be able to sneak in! :cjsmile:


That would actually be perfect. :cjsmile: Right now we have an odd number of participants, which means one person would be left out. But with you, we’d be at the perfect number for everyone to both give and receive a gift!


Awesome! I’ll write up a little introduction thing later today ^^