Winter Gift Exchange Unwrapping

Hail to a season of wonderful bliss!
A time to remember good thoughts and cheer,
Presents flowing, mistletoe and a kiss,
Pampering and eating and ahead a New Year.

In celebration of life, love and liberty!
Days are dawning and time is near,
All alive should rejoice and be cheery,
Yes, this celebration of joy is here again this year,

This space is for you so you all can share,
All the gifts you’ve received from both far and near,
All of them packed with such thought and care,
From special friends that we all can hold dear!

So, let’s be joyful and merry and happy and free!
Happy Holiday and have a Happy New year!


Here are some photos of the wonderful package I received from @Ashburn !

The message in the card was quite mysterious, and the names of the inks matched up with the message! I really loved everything and it amazed me how thoughtful it was. Couldn’t ask for a better Saint Augernon gift <3 <3 <3


St. Augernon’s Turtles (care of @Tinker :cjheart: ) did not disappoint!

Thank you so much! I am definitely wearing that shirt during the race weekend in February. And figuring out the best way to bring my adorable little mug gnome buddy to all of my desk shifts safely.


The turtles finally found their way out of the aether yesterday! They had quite the journey- all the way from Wales (I believe, correct me if I’m way off @Nimueh).

Thank you so much! I had actually just sat down to finally start playing Breath of the Wild when it arrived! The journal is itching for me to write in it, I’ve just got to figure out how to listen correctly.


Thank you so much @annabloem! I can’t wait to try everything and am already negotiating with my brothers to get access to the CD player.


Update: I have no idea what I’m eating but all of it tastes good. Sekai No Owari has a really cool sound and I’m going to need to look up more of their stuff. Thanks again Anna!


Got this lovely package from @Sellalellen
I was having a pretty bad day so this made it 100x better! Well worth the wait!!

I adore my little crow friend and the wrist warmers. Those will definitely keep me warm once I’m back in WI in a few weeks. And holy cow the soap smells amazing and the hand stitched pin is so freakin impressive and lovely. I’m gonna stick it to my violin case. Thank you so much friendo!!


i got a few really, really interesting things from (i believe) our lovely pharaoh god emperor @CJB , so what else do i do but model them?

the hoodie in particular is easily my favourite by far, its incredibly warm and comfortable, and worth basically every penny of its cost. both shirts are soft, flexible (awesome tbh, i hate shirts that press and chafe) and are made from great material. Highly recommend the herman shirt in particular, due to how visually stunning it is, but the balimora uni style shirt fits a modern aesthetic pretty nicely too.

Im still waiting on a bit more (apparently???! 030;;;;; ) so ill take more photos when the rest arrives. o3o


A++ modelling.


Sub-par im afraid. Really dont like that first one much, the last ones aight though o3o;


Sorry for the hold up friends…package arrived while I was out of town for the holidays and I just got back. Thanks so much @grimangel53 for the lovely package! The book is on my tbr queue and I’m looking into patterns for this type of yarn!


Eyy! I was looking at buying a leuchtturm 1917 (or however thats spelled) 030

Let me know how she handles :0


Hey @Cj_Heighton, the rest of your package is going out tomorrow, sorry for the delay! But I would suggest, NOT buying a Leuchtturm. :cjtea:


… >3>!


Hii guys, I’m sorry for kind of disappearing on you, I had (and still have) some problems with my health which have kept me away from the forum.
I absolutely loved my presents~ I will take a picture of the lovely blanket and socks I got later when I’m feeling a bit better ><
The tea is delicious too <3 (And so are the chocolates) Thank you so much @manji

And I’m glad to hear you liked your presents, as well as sekai no owari @Sellalellen


@annabloem I’m so glad it made it to you! I had some worries about the address formatting on the English forms. Hope you feel better soon!


@manji It arrived on time for Christmas, so no problems at all! Apparently I have a herniated cervical disk and I might be looking at surgery, but we’ll see.


i figured it would be a good idea, and i hope you enjoy them alot!


Has everyone received their gifts???


Nope, still waiting on mine.