Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk: Professional Stuff

okay now I NEED a Rev Tarot Deck :eyes:


Welllll… :cjtea:


Omg I’m totally intrigued by a tarot deck!




Must collect all the washi tape!! :deirdreexcited:


Jumping back a while and being a little off topic…but @jinyinhua do you by any chance speak Chinese :eyes:


I actually don’t, but I do plan on getting into Mandarin in the future! My username was due to me wanting to incorporate my birth flower into my online persona, hence it being the Mandarin translation of “honeysuckle flower”


ahhh gotcha gotcha. If you ever need a language buddy, let me know! I speak Mandarin!


Much appreciated!! For me, the more languages I know, the better :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


i tried to learn japanese and a bit of german, myself but it didnt go too well. I know basic conversational japanese tho. Outside of here my usernames Chiyoko (Generational Child!)


You do?! I lived in Taiwan for a year as an exchange student in high school. My mandarin has diminished but I’ve been thinking about picking it back up again.

I’ve recently thought about going back to continue studying it. In fact, I had a dream last night with my first host family and I was speaking Chinese to them…albeit very poorly :sweat_smile:


I lived in Shanghai for 9ish months!! But I read/write in traditional characters because my first teacher was from Taiwan! I’m hoping to take the HSK in the next year, so the more study buddies the better!


Yay traditional Chinese! More difficult to learn, but the culture makes SO much more sense.

I wouldn’t even know where to start with studying again and my textbook is in storage right now. :confused:


Honestly, most of the time I count listening to music and watching dramas as studying :joy: but I do conversation practice once a week during school semesters. And there’s an app specifically for HSK studying that reads you little stories (it’s called Du Chinese…highly recommend). But I’m also probably going to try an exam-specific prep book.


I’ll check out the app! Thank you. Writing Chinese was my absolute favorite part of the learning, conversationally I could get by day to day but never excelled at it.

It’s funny to think about it, a 16 year old going to a Taiwanese vocational high school, staying with native families and getting into all sorts of shenanigans (part of the reason my conversation never progressed is that I hung out with exchange students from all over the world) :sweat_smile:


I’m a graphic design student with one more quarter before I finish my bachelors. Nervous, also very excited.


You got this! Senior exhibition coming up? Let me know if you need any help organizing your portfolio, presentation is everything.


Aw that would be sweet! Thank you c:


So I’ve been kinda keeping up and reading from the sidelines all the awesome jobs or things that everybody’s doing and it’s so cool to read about! I noticed a few have health issues which I totally get, it’s frustrating when your body doesn’t do what you need it to do to survive. I send blessings on that! And to those finishing up or going for school!

I’m mainly retail. I’ve got two jobs. One is typical crummy boutique retail. I like the customers most times. Its the politics of large companies I dislike major. The other place I work is this down to earth winery that is super awesome. More like a brewery in feel just with wine instead. It’s my favorite. Middle management is where I tend to fall. Sales lead/key holder type. I’ve had a salaried assistant manager job before and I left because we didn’t have a store manager so I was running the place with no help from the owners and refusal to move me up. Not worth the money they we’re giving at that point.

I noticed tarot decks we’re mentioned? I’ve got about 5 in the house currently. (two are borrowed) and a family member of mine is currently working with a publishing company to write a companion book to a specific deck that doesn’t have one. I’ve been helping out with it a bit. I used to be more involved with magiks like that but with life getting in the way, it’s sometimes difficult to keep up practices. And there aren’t many people that I have to discuss it really with that are just as off handed involved with it all as I am. It’s nice to see some people half involved too. ^^


Well I’ve been a crew member at wendys for about a year and a half now. I like my coworkers and managers so its pretty great. Thank god the register does all the math for me, I’m so bad at math. I mainly make salads in the morning, and then reccomend them to people ackwardly when I do register up front for the rest of my shift. My gm Shandi says she wants to train me on fries, but I got a third degree burn from just going over to get fries one time while cordinating front orders…so I’m kind of scared of it.

Eventually I was thinking I might move on to work at barns n noble…I really like my coworkers now though, so I’ll keep at this wendys thing for awhile.