Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk: Professional Stuff

I’m currently a senior in highschool, and my plans for college got kind of wonky because I want to pursue two degrees from different principles :sweat: I’m hoping to go for a BA in Music Production and Multilinguistics, but my dad’s been telling me to choose one instead. Anyone here who went through a similar dilemma?


Do you mean as far as having two majors? Most colleges allow for that, even if they’re from two very different disciplines (like a BS and a BA). I have two majors myself, as do many of my friends (senior in college here, headed to law school soon!). Mine are similar (I’m studying history and American government) but I know people with significantly different majors, like Classics and studio art, and I myself was originally a social work major (which is a BSW, not a BA or a BS!).

Feel free to PM me if you’d like to talk college! I know it can be really overwhelming, especially with all the senior year stuff.


I’m recently unemployed. Was a barista off and on for about 13 years and had a business doing bodywork, energy work and spiritual life counseling kind of stuff for five. Hitting a bit of a wall now though, was supposed to go on an international adventure and plans fell through last minute.

Now I spend time with my Mum (cocktailing), lounging in the pool, writing, obsessing over this forum and contemplating how to make a living as a Wizard in this world.

Any thoughts? :sweat_smile:


I have a friend in my year in Uni that did something similar. She’s doing a BA in Music and French. It can be done, but takes a lot of work. Have you spoken to teachers about it, or maybe other joint honours students? They’re the best ones to give you advice. Those are two really awesome degrees (I’m very jealous, tbh, if you do choose to do both). I contemplated it, nearly did a BA in Music and Aniceint History, but choose to just stick to Music cause I suck at acedemic stuff. Joint honours can lead to some really cool oppertunties. Make sure you make your own choice though; it’s your life, your future.


Now that @Cj_Heighton has posted his bit about being a street musician, I’m much less nervous about doing the same. :sweat_smile: I can’t do most conventional work right now, and a while ago @Cj_Heighton encouraged me to take my guitar outdoors and see what I could make of it.
I was so nervous at first, but now I go busking at least twice a week, and it’s the highlight of my day every time. I live and preform in a very small town (population 2000) but we’re right on the highway from Canada to the U.S. so I get both townsfolk who greet me by name and truckers who are pleasantly surprised to see a busker away from a city.
I love learning new music and I keep a running list of new songs I plan to learn. I also like to target demographics, because people tend to stick around longer if they know the song I’m playing.

Once I can hold a regular job again, I’m going to save up to go to a beauty school and become a nail tech. I did some cosmetology classes in high school, just to get out of shop class.(I have nothing against woodworking but the teacher was sexist and a creep) I initially couldn’t care less about the beauty industry but as I bacame more aware of the artistry involved, I fell in love with it. I taught myself how to do nail extensions after high school and do them on myself and my family, but I’m hesitant to do them on people I don’t know as well because 1. I can’t legally accept money for it without my license, and 2. I know the technical aspects of building nail extensions, but it’s hard to learn requirements and methods of cleaning and sterilizing equipment outside of beauty school. If I unknowingly do something wrong and someone develops a nail fungus because of me, I could be ruined before I even start my career as a nail tech.


Heyo. I’m an undergrad student (Junior) with a double major in History and English and a double minor in Museum Studies and Classics (lookin at you @jinyinhua). My quote unquote professional work is pretty sparse but I work for the college music department and the library when I can. I also do creative work commissions for fellow mounties (I don’t really have a market outside of this community yet). I petsit for some locals in the community as well.

In terms of professional goals, I got an internship at a maritime museum this summer with a pretty decent stipend and free housing! I want to go into maritime history and/or museum work. I’m hoping to go to grad school but I have no solid plans for that yet. I am also planning to try to start submitting my writing to some journals to get some stuff published. I move around a bunch so it’s hard to have a career that is rooted in any one place. Writing and art (provided I get much better at both) are the way I want to go if I can make it work (even on the side).

Does anyone have any experience with marketing themselves creatively online? I’ve been really focused on school lately so I don’t really have much going for me right now.


When I get my secret herbalism business up and running, we can plot :wink:


I know a bit about secrets…and herbalism…and I do Love a good scheming sesh :heart_eyes:




I highly recommend beauty school as a way to turn creativity into a career! Once you have the license to “touch/interact” with the public the sky is truly the limit on what kind of other services you can offer.


Let’s just call it a network because I’m in​:pray::pray::pray::pray:


This just in! Root network communications. Secret underground empire reaches for the sky! :joy:


@Nymid @WizardAstraz . This could be the start of something beautiful.

You’re right about the licensing. The course I’m on will get me my herbalism practitioner insurance, then I can set up and go.
The world needs a bit of a holistic re-framing.


The sky too? Better bring in @Skylad, he’ll be our eyes in the air!


There’s an eastern school of Chinese medicine that is fully accredited here in Denver and I’m honestly considering looking into it. I already lead people in the direction of certain herbs and tinctures for certain issues (with a large disclaimer) haha


UK law is a twisty thing and really doesn’t know what to make of herbalism. There are no licenses or registers, as that would imply government acknowledges the effectiveness of what is done. But you can be questioned by the police (ineffectually) for all sorts of things they don’t understand…


Yeah the US is like that similarly, but as long as you aren’t prescribing something with the intention of curing something else you’re usually in the clear. For instance I have a client with skin related autoimmune disorders and she struggles with the side effects of steroid use. So I recommended incorporating more dandelion and turmeric in her diet. For its detox and anti-inflammatory benefits. I just so happened to make her dandelion tincture and turmeric salve that she bought from me for my “time”. That is all perfectly legal.

If i sold her either product and told her that it would cure her autoimmune issues it would then be illegal.

It’s honestly silly lol


Try Cleavers in the mix next time.

And we’re allowed to suggest, as long as there’s been private consultation first.

Crazy though.


I’ll have to order some online! My local doesn’t have goose grass :confused: [quote=“MissEvans, post:58, topic:2919”]


Yooo, I’ll add a lil bit about me to this. (By the way @witchery you’re on fire with these neat topics!)

I’m currently a theatre student, specifically costume design. I’m wrapping up my final undergrad semester and was accepted into an MFA program, so I’ll be packing up my life and moving West in the fall. Pretty stoked about it! I also do tutoring on the side, something that came out of my workstudy position. It’s really fulfilling work and I enjoy helping people understand concepts they’ve struggled with. I’m a bit floaty for the summer, but hoping to pick up a teaching artist gig and maybe get a small part time job.

Like Raven, I’m pretty big into illustration and it’s a major passion of mine. I picked up a watercolor habit from doing my costume renderings, but have branched out a lot. Funny story, I did the custom emojis for the forum/discord and doing art for the MAGIQverse actually encouraged me to follow my dreams and pursue theatre instead of being a sad person unwillingly funneled through the STEM pipeline. I still do art for fun around here and have some big plans for this summer. It’s not really a career, but I’m sort of in love with the idea of making physical products like tarot decks, sketchbooks, and washi tape. Maybe one day I’ll make my dreams come true. :deirdrexd: