Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk: Professional Stuff

I’m also a computer worker, but I’m constantly working out of the office. I think I mentioned it in a different thread, but I work as the lead designer for a print shop around town. There’s constantly deadlines (usually I’ll finish five to ten projects in a single day), so my biggest motivator is sheer willpower and constant panic. But also I love what I do and I’m excited to finally have a position within the creative field.


I’m an undergraduate student pursuing a BA in Anthropology and Modern Languages and Literatures (I italicized the two to delineate my two majors). I’m currently wrapping up my semester abroad in Senegal, which has been an experience (I think that’s really the best way to sum it up at this point - there’ve been plenty of ups and downs, so I think experience is really the best way I could describe the situation). Next week, I’ll be presenting my original research which I conducted over the past few weeks, and then I’ll be on vacation of about two weeks (one in the UK and one back home in the US) before I head out to field school for the summer. Once that’s over, I’ll be working on preparing to apply for graduate school and to do my honors thesis over the next school year.

I’ve definitely got a busy summer (and year, in general) ahead, so I’m super excited to see what others suggest for focus types! Self-discipline has historically been my go-to character trait, but recently I’ve found it harder and harder to concentrate, especially when I’m working on projects and readings that I don’t think are helpful. Thoughts, suggestions, similar feelings?


Definitely similar feelings on the concentration! Since I moved last year and now live with a “real adult” (aka someone my age but who works a 9-5) it’s so much harder to stay working in the evenings and on the weekends (despite the fact that like…homework is a thing I still have to do from time to time). For me, I have to make detailed to-do lists…break a task down into the small bits. And switching up where I work helps. Sometimes I just can’t be productive in my office, so I pick a random library. I’ve also tried the timer thing and that works too. And sometimes I browse my article suggestions on Firefox “Pocket” and pick sometime that still feels like…vaguely educational, give it a read, and then try to get back to my actual work.


You’re living the life bud.:grin:


I am mostly a laborer i’d say. I work in a warehouse moving airplane supplies, and Housekeeping supervisor at a hotel. I’m currently waiting to hear back from the NYPD on the next part of the application process; as i’m a Criminal Justice major who has taken some time off from school. That’s the goal for now, but i would also like to make a return to drawing; i’m also a former art major that gave up but want some semblance of creativity back in my life.


One of us. One of us.


I am still a student, however I also have been walking dogs for years to help pay my way through school. I love animals and working with them is such a total dream, especially when all my clients are so stinkin cute!
Other than that I also write for several publications, and have started up my own “cunning service” where I provide tarot readings and that sort of thing.


Im a busker and (not exactly) professional musician! I write and perform at local markets and festivals, on the streets, wherever the money is! I practically live out there, half the time. You’d expect me to get a lot more folks that call me a panhandler or something, but i see it as performing a service for tips; thank god, my city is incredibly welcoming to musicians, and its been seeing TONS of stuff in the rap, R&B, and hiphop scene. I myself do tons of folk and classic rock, and i take great enjoyment in it.

Busking isnt just music, either. Its great for me in terms of learning social crowd awareness and stuff. My jobs composed of finding ideal crowds at a certain time of day, finding the spot traffic passes the most in that location without being illegal (i needed to read up on bylaw, too!), and then what people at what ages are on the streets, which dictates my song set for the day. Its tough, and the streets are the harshest proving ground ive ever been in (including a 7pm-4am bakery job i had), but im happy in a way this kind of thing usually doesnt offer.


Hey, that is totally professional! If you make money for it, it’s a profession. Also, nice that there’s a fellow musician on the site, I play sax with a local cover band, and we’re just starting to break out of the divey bars we’ve been playing for the past few months.


Oo. What covers have you folks been doing? Any plans on making original work?

Just a guess: some dire straits or doobie brothers?


Yes and maybe. We do a lot of classic rock as well, and a little bit leaning towards country because of the demographic. So yeah, pretty much smack dab in the middle of doobie brothers. Original work depends on who you ask in the group. We have a really strange mix of old people and slightly less old people, and the ones who aren’t retired are slightly more ambitious than the latter when it comes to producing their own stuff. I’ve been discussing the possibility of forming a splinter group for our non-cover songs, but we’ll find out where that goes later.


Well, hopefully we get updates on that as you go, hm? It’d be cool to see how you end up progressing!



I can do that! We should both get someone to record a few songs and post them here, I know our band has a really original take on the Beatles Come Together that lands right between some sort of funk/metal sound, and absolutely no one expected it.


In school, hoping one day to become a pathologist for a hospital (study diseases and viruses in human tissue)


Ive already got a channel. Suppose i can find some stuff. Ill make a topic for sharing music creations, maybe.

Edit: done


As of now I’m unemployed but possibly looking into getting into school for creative writing or Lit major to teach English. My only downfall is the run of luck I’ve been having for quite some time now and dealing with my mental health (self doubt and unhealthy coping mechanism for my depression and anxiety), juggling my social life along with my family life as well (no kids of my own just my older siblings and their kids). But I’m holding strong each day and making it all work!


Hi! I’m a hairstylist working in a salon that focuses on natural haircare and the use of holistic lifestyle changes to better everyday health!

My dream is to eventually open my own business that offers an apothecary type environment while offering services for skin and hair. I’m thinking a focus on well-being by making people feel beautiful in the skin and hair they have while offering alternatives to less natural products.

I hate to beat a dead horse because I totally feel like I talk about them constantly but I’ve been using tarot cards as a conversation topic to help people work through issues they may have as well. I’ve found that in a close client interaction people are very open to having a reading while already in the “self care” state of mind.


I’m a Special Needs teacher. Currently having a bit of a tough time with my student who is very very depressed.
You may find me eating chocolate at odd times of the day right now.


Ironically enough, I had my share of work experience related to my education (masters in Latin and diploma in PR/marketing), respectively as a second grade teacher and working as a community manager in the gaming industry but I ended up working as a specialist in PlayStation Support (thankfully, I’m not customer-faced anymore). I do like this job but mostly for the company - the amount of weird stuff you can find on people’s accounts, including lack of security or untended children sends shivers down my spine faaaar too often :slight_smile: That’s probably why I unwind with creative stuff like writing and doing music with my pals.


THEATRE :insert dramatic gesture here:

More specifically the road house variety where we bring in a bunch of shows every season (works same as school year, more or less) and do a bunch of rentals (Jackson Browne was one of them once :deirdreexcited: ). Every once in a while the sports stadium folks who deal with the occasional show ask for additional hands from our group (which is why I recently got to help set up and take down Garth Brooks’ bajillion trucks’ worth of stuff).
Mostly I do tech/backstage things, but also fill in at the reception desks at all three of our venues (two of them more frequently than the third). I basically do a bit of everything except run (most) audio or selling tickets (though that was one of my hats at my previous theater).