Werk Werk Werk Werk Werk: Professional Stuff

Congrats and good luck @Wyvern!! I live in the Boston area and New England Aquarium is absolutely amazing for it’s exhibits and research and location.


Good luck @Wyvern! Let us know how it goes. That’s a super cool opportunity.

@Lexington Welcome to the club. :wink:


If it means literal cookies, I’m good with it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I had an interview last week, and was offered the position. Responded to the email accepting the offer, but heard nothing since.
Called the place just now and got a recording that they’re closed due to virus.

Hey @Wyvern, how did yours go?


I’m actually in a similar position, @Connielass . I did the second interview a few days ago (it went really well!), on Thursday, and was told I’d hear back in two weeks at the very least. Then I got a call and an email on Saturday from the intern office saying they wanted to follow up with me. I called back 8 minutes after their call and was directed to voicemail. I also emailed them back saying I left a voicemail, but I haven’t heard anything back from them on what the heck this could be about.
The Aquarium is closed due to virus as well so it could just be some tricky scheduling going on, I’m not sure.


I know the feeling.

My field lives and dies on the ability of people to gather, and with the state of things being what they are, my nice looking schedule of events is now an emaciated cluster of maintenance and reception shifts as I pay for insurance that I’d been planning on actually using this year.

I put in a panic application for something that would last about two months (since one of the bosses mentioned the “unemployment” word) on the 13th and heard back on Wednesday with a quick phone interview with questions that were as easy to say the right thing as picking your preferred house out of some of those fan made sorting quizzes, and an email to set up a Fingerprinting Day (their capitalization). I tried that night, but it seemed I was too fast for them and not in the system yet.

Tried the next morning, and they’ve shut all in-person stuff down (including the fingerprinting) until at least the 1st. :cagsko:
I called their office to make sure that it wouldn’t affect my job offer since the email stated “get this done within 7 days or you’re back in the pool,” and that seems to be the case (that it shouldn’t), so fingers crossed I’ll be able to get the ball rolling soon and not have to try applying at one of the local grocery stores for an undetermined amount of time.

Not that I want to knock on people’s doors and ask them personal questions, but it’ll pay well (provided they don’t cancel that too). :ascendershrug:
(It shouldn’t be cancelled, postponed maybe, but it has to happen. Part of why I aimed for it.)


Just got hired for the position at the Aquarium I interviewed for! I can’t believe it’s only been three days… The intern coordinator said the aquarist I interviewed with was “thrilled” with me as a candidate, so I’m pretty jazzed!


Congrats!! :tada: :tada: :tada:
It sounds like such a cool place to work.




Covid-19 post ( covered with spoiler blur - its a positive message, but i figured id be safe about it. Admins, if its not something that belongs here, delete is as needed)

I want to thank to everyone else on the front lines during covid-19 crisis. I’m glad I’m not alone, and I’m even more glad that we have each other’s backs. The rules constantly change and we’re out here doin’ our best and adapting. It’s hard out here, so reach out if you need help.

For those of you who aren’t front line - I see you. You’re doing great- I know its annoying and difficult for your lives to get interrupted, and in some cases upturned. Its because of your dedication to help keep yourself and others safe that we are still able to help others.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk, and I hope you all stay safe out there, and be well.


I uh… I got laid off and it sort of flattened me for a week. I’m trying to turn it around and see the good but… it’s hard.


It can be a huge blow at the best of times, and these aren’t those. While there are some resources available now that aren’t usually, everything is in such flux that it could feel especially disorienting.

I’ve been there too, and I have noticed that I still have reactions and self-esteem issues tracing back to it—and it happened 8 years ago. There is so much advice … but so little of it felt relevant. It’s okay not to be okay; it’s also okay to pull up your socks and dig in.

Everyone’s walk down that path is a little different, but you don’t have to walk it alone.


So I was working at my fast food job, full time, even got them to pay for health insurance for me and such…but got laid off about a week ago, and they said i would have to reapply and start fresh. Which means I would have to wait 2 years for a vacation and wouldnt have health insurance through them. The place is even open on drive through right now and I deep cleaned the entire lobby like for a week before getting laid off.

Anyway its such nonsense that I am on unemployment now and looking for a different job once this pandemic is over.


So, the thing I got accepted for extended their hold on in-person things until… :ascendershrug:

Which is, of course, super helpful.

I’ve put in a couple other applications (one of which I don’t think went through all the way, despite spending several hours on it :cagsko:), but hadn’t heard anything.

I was browsing after midnight a couple nights ago, and saw the craft store down the street was looking for people. Seemed like the ideal time of day to throw my application at it, for the heck of it.

They called me back this afternoon to schedule an interview before they closed today.

And I got it. :deirdreexcited:

Should be able to start in the next couple days. :aetherdetermined:

Edit: …Need to make a call in the morning, may not have it after all. :eavessweat:

Edit 2: Their system had life issues and sent a “thanks but no” email to everyone they had hired from that listing on it’s own. Still got it. :aetherdetermined:


That’s great! Congratulations!


They had me join a tour of the store with some new people (since I hadn’t been on one even though I started Saturday).

Lo, one of the guys from the venue that does weddings got hired here too! :deirdrexd:


Current opinion of new job: love it right now, will probably love it less once people are allowed in the store again. :sweat_smile:

Right now, it’s pretty much been cutting all of the fabric and occasionally running around a mostly empty craft store to do the shopping for the people who can’t come inside.

Once things open, if they still have hours well past/before the store opens to basically continue what I’ve been doing/stock shelves/whathaveyou, I’ll probably gun for that as often as they’ll let me.


Which they’ll probably let you do a lot, seeing as how those are the least-desired shifts for most retail workers :yum:


My internship at the New England Aquarium was cancelled. I’m kind of devastated and very sad, but I understand why they had to do it. I’ll be applying for one of the remote projects they have going for interns who were cancelled, and I’m interested in at least one of the options so I’m not entirely lost. I’m just very… sad, for lack of a newer better word, and worried about what losing the experience this would have given me will impact my ability to get into grad school or a job in zoo keeping later. I’ll only have one summer of experience in animal care when I graduate next year and that’s not going to look good; it’s not as if I can list “almost worked at an aquarium” on a resume.


That’s such a bummer, I’m sorry! If it’s any consolation, I’m sure grad schools/future employers will all be aware that in-person experience this year wasn’t a possibility for pretty much everyone, and won’t be likely to hold that against you. Hope the remote projects work out, though!!