Walk in the Sand with Ebenguard

I’m glad you finally introduced yourself!

It’s perfectly alright to be shy, but also know that you have an amazing community of people here to support you, so I hope you won’t let shyness stop you from taking part of all this ^-^

You’re super interesting! Scrambling is intense! Go you. It sounds like you’re really passionate about that, and your description makes me envious I am not sunbathing on a cliff right now. Thank you for sharing :cjheart:


Thank you @Ginger! It’s not something I do intensely, but whenever I’m hiking or on a rocky beach, my friends know I’m usually climbing up some kind of rocky outcropping or formation. What I do probably isn’t even considered “real” scrambling, I just love having my hands & body on “wild” rocks :smiley:


You’re entirely valid

I would climb things, but I very much dislike spiders and they love making webs in the rocks especially by the water … so I’m too much of a scaredy cat for that :sweat_smile:


Okay Ebbies and other Mounties who want to answer!

What is the outlet that you need in your life or go batty?

Initially I was going to ask about creative outlets because I think they are suuuuuper important, but some people may work in an environment where they are creatively challenged and need outlets in other areas.
So share away!


Responding to my own question because I can.

Normally, I’d say reading and writing, but that’s my degree so it’s a lot of work at the moment.

Dance is a massive outlet for me.
It allows me space to connect with music.
It allows me a creative outlet that can be as personal and emotional as I want it to be, or it can just be for fun.
It allows me a space where I can continuously challenge myself to not only gain more skills and knowledge but to keep learning.
I learn so much about different cultures through different styles of dance, so I hope it makes me a more accepting human being at the end of the day.
It’s a huge stress relief. I used to go for runs when I was frustrated and stressed, but now I can just dance it out and still get the same amount of cardio :sweat_smile:
It’s a great way for me to stay physically active, and work on maintaining different muscle groups in my body.

And I guess just the freedom it gives me.
It can do it on my own, or it can be a social activity. It can be a serious session in the studio, or just me dancing around my bedroom at midnight. It can be what I want it to be, and allows me the freedom to move how I want and appreciate what the human body is capable of. It allows me to be vulnerable or confident or sassy or cool or graceful. It allows me to express a number of sides that I would normally hide away. I don’t have to be the best, I just have to enjoy it, and I really really do.

TLDR: I think dance is amazing.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


To answer here:

Creatively, I use writing and media as a safe space for me. I write things out when i cant speak, and consume media like its water. I need it. but it’s also what helps keep me sane.

I also quite enjoy cooking. nothing beats cooking dinner, trying something new, mixing some drinks (alcoholic or non) and having a good time with people you love. Cooking is good for the soul. IT’s the best stress reliever for me.


Usually to de-stress I read or re-read my favorite books/rewatch my favorite shows. Usually when life is too much to handle there’s a great deal of uncertainty and fear of the unknown, so it’s nice to return to something safe and consistent that I know I’ve always loved. I think physical activity can be a super useful outlet, I know when I was younger I used to play volleyball religiously and that was amazing. Now that I no longer have that opportunity, I’ve noticed that just walking through the woods or nature in general (if I can get to the mountains, that’s my ideal place - coincidence? I think not :wink:) can be really restorative. Also playing with my kitten :blush:


Thank you for writing this @Hopeful; I didn’t know it, but this is exactly something I do when I’m stressed; particularly watching favourite shows and movies. Maybe that’s something I’ve been missing lately - sinking back into some of my nearest and dearest stories might help rejuvenate some of my seasonal woes. As might getting back to cross-stitching under my sunlight lamp…


I’m so glad this resonated with you! Most of the time I don’t realize why I do or say things until I break it down much later, usually through talking or writing it out. Definitely would recommend it for anyone, but especially if you have a couple shows or books or whatever else that you were deeply attached to and maybe haven’t thought about it in a while.


Well, I know there are quite a few I should probably do.


Hi there! I leveled up and now I can interact with the guilds! I’m really excited to learn more about the guilds, I’m still reading The Monarch Papers.

Ebenguard kind of struck a cord with me, what with the “the line between black and white” metaphor in the brief description I read.


Awesome I’m so glad it resonates with you!
Welcome ~

Did you want to introduce yourself a bit?
Or tell us some interesting tidbit?
What’s your favourite kind of soup?


I wasn’t the target of the question, but lets get conversation started! My favourite soup is lobster bisque; preferably with croutons.


That’s perfectly fine ~
Resurrect anything you find interesting
Live your best virtual necromancer life. Maybe …

Oooooo yummy choice!

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but one of my favourites is broccoli cheddar soup!


Actual soup: chicken noodle (where it’s literally what’s in the name)

Favorite: melted ice cream :deirdrexd:


My wife and I keep talking about the need to learn how to make broccoli cheddar (test out a lot of recipes and combine until we perfect it).


Your soup wins, melted icecream is hands down best soup!

:wave: Hello everyone, I am new to the Mounties and Ebenguard but I am so excited to be exploring magiq with y’all and learning more. I am terrible with introductions but I will gladly jump in and continue on already started discussions.

As stated ice cream soup is best. Except when im sick, I grew up on boxed lipton chicken soup and I still love the simplicity of making it and eating wayyyyy to many crackers soaked in it.

I live in Louisiana and have always been drawn to the water, though I am irrationally afraid of things in it that could hurt or eat me. Finding Ebenguard and this community has been very exciting and I cannot wait to see where it leads.

Sorry for my spastic post but I would have just kept putting off introducing myself so decided to get it done.


Oh…I left a bunch out. So I am a Marentide bearing. When on the beach you will find me in water 9 times out of 10. Wading out and floating, or getting waist to shoulder deep, digging my feet into the sand up to my ankles and feeling the tides and waves pull and push against me.



I suppose this means it’s my turn. I found my way to the trails leading to the wonders of Magiq thanks to my very awesome significant other, @LoliOwar . As far as introductions go, mine will probably be relatively bland. I was born in Kentucky, with complete heart block, and had a pacemaker put in when I was 6 months old. I lived and grew up in South Texas, on the beaches of South Padre Island, with my grandparents, raised in the dunes by my elders and the coyotes, so I learned to respect and appreciate the ocean and its awesome tides from an early age.

I spent my free time swimming, playing in the dunes, visiting the aquarium and helping its nature rehabilitation team rehabilitate sharks and other aquatic creatures who had been caught in nets or hit by propellers

I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since I was 7, so I’m a little salty I dont get to enjoy ice cream soup as much as I’d like, lol. But I do love reading, playing video games, Magic: the Gathering, studying old mythology and Theology, and just generally seeking truth. I’m also a semi-accomplished poet, and have been an avid text-based role-player since the early days of Rhy’Din on AOL back in the early 90’s, lol

Anything else you wanna know, just ask. I’ve gotten a Merentide Bearing, which I find amusing because of my affinity for the tides and my MerGoat astrological sign (Capricorn). Im an open book, though, all ya gotta do is learn to open the pages.

I look forward to being a part of this amazing community and discovering all kinds of new and exciting things about Magiq by your sides!

Also, if you find yourself in need of a peacekeeper or mediator, there is about a 51% chance I’m a good choice…the other 49% would be me being a trolling arse . :joy::joy::sweat_smile:


That lipton soup with the weird, tiny noodles is such a comfort food.