Walk in the Sand with Ebenguard

This playlist was my jam for a while.

Recently, my music taste has been I Fight Dragons and not much else. They just finished their latest album, released it to patrons, and I’ve been grooving it a lot.


@Shadow a Wagoneer never reveals the tricks of his craft :wink:


We’re on the beach, you lot definitely have a lighthouse, we’re probably just down the coast from one another. :endriwink:


id say more up the coast, but we dont really know how neithernorian geography works…


Direction of travel was arbitrary to me, but now that you mention it, Neithernor could be that magiqal place where the grandparents walked several miles uphill to and from school. :deirdrexd:


Or time and distance could be arbitrary as heck making one mile be like one meter or one day being a year…


:child: “But Grandpa, surely if you walked uphill to get to school you’d have to go downhill at some point to get home…”
:older_man: “NOPE”


Neithernor is Space’s crazy uncle :joy:


Neithernor stopped being invited to gatherings because no one could keep track of their ramblings.


I love Sleeping At Last; especially “Saturn”. I have a Lord Huron and Of Monsters and Men habit that I keep adding to but I have a wide range of musical genres I like.


Definitely Fall. I love the colors and the feel and smell of the air. But I’m from the Midwest so we sometimes have all 4 season in a single day like the jokes say. LOL! Going to college it as nothing to see students in Winter coats and shorts. We lean to layer.


Lemon Chicken orzo soup I make at home. :smile:


I’m INFP as well.


I have a silly question. How are Ebbies and Ebenguard pronounced? Long E or short E?


I think most of us pronounce it with a short E like in “Ember” but either way probably works.


What Sel said. I believe it’s related to how tides ebb, since that’s our guild element.


Thank you @Sellalellen and @Ashburn! And I like the visuals for both those. :grinning:


As an update, This Taurus wants to let you know that I am officially on the job hunt, I have put in an application as a Dispatch personal for my local police station, but if that and any other places I might be able and (willing to walk to) fails, I plan to enlist into the usa Army for their Physical Therapy specialist job, since they give training. That is if I can get a waiver on the mild Asthma I have.


Just mulling things and absorbing, but wondered if anyone else seemed to have a lot of synchronicities pop up while being involved here or reading the books? I have lately. Just things mentioned here and in the books coming up in other books I’m reading. Words like palimpsest that resonate though not specifically mentioned. The latest being my newest “grandkitty” that my daughter and her husband rescued being named Everest. They said they just got a “mountain” feel from him. LOL! Anyone else feel like TMP just kind of seeped into several aspects of your life after you found it?


Hello all, I guess it’s about time to introduce myself. I recently finished The Monarch Papers, during which I took the Assessment a could of times & bounced between Weatherwatch & Ebenguard. Reading through the forums here & finally taking the Bearings Assessment for both guilds, I affirmed I belong here.

I guess you want to know more about ME the person… I’ll be 40 in January (Capricorn, but the Sun entered Aquarius a few hours after I was born), identify as a white cis-female lesbian ISTJ, and am married with a 2.5 year old son, 2 cats & a dog. I have a BA in a English & an MS in College Student Services, and work specifically in registration/advising/academic support. I’m also active with my local Girl Scout council, specifically volunteering in adult training, governance & supering girls pursuing the Gold Award.

I’m not so much for walking on the beach; I’d much rather play in tide pools if I’m going to go to the ocean. I am however very attuned to rocks & enjoy sitting or scrambling along waterside cliffs or mountains. One of my favorite places was the quarry we used to swim at when I was a kid. Climbing along the granite rocks & cliffs, lying in the sun surrounded by trees, exploring the surrounding land, were some of the best times of my childhood.

My Introvert is VERY strong and I’m also shy, so I tend toward lurking in most places, including online. I do hope I can find a place here; I’ve always wanted to be part of the epic fantasies I love to read. This is likely the closest I’ll ever get to actually being in the story.