Video Search: How YOU can help right now!

Hi all. We’ve a lot of new people the last few days and I know very well there’s a ton of information to catch up on and more every day if we’re lucky. Here’s the short version of how you can help today, right now, while or even before you do any of the reading. I’ll post a long version after this with the why.

  • There’s a video, it’s 6 hours long and can be downloaded at

  • Somewhere in this video we expect there’s a 3-4 second segment with a single word visible.

  • We need that word to continue.

Download the video and post here you want to help. I’ll give you a half hour chunk of the video to focus on. Watching that would be a HUGE help to the Mountaineers. After your half hour, watch more at your leisure, ask for another segment, or just be content you helped out and get back to reading.

If we split this up, it will make this work much easier on all of us and get us the next fragment we need all the faster.

Video chunks:
1: 0:00 - 0:30 -
2: 0:30 - 1:00 -
3: 1:00 - 1:30 -
4: 1:30 - 2:00 -
5: 2:00 - 2:30 -
6: 2:30 - 3:00 -
7: 3:00 - 3:30 -
8: 3:30 - 4:00 -
9: 4:00 - 4:30 -
10: 4:30 - 5:00
11: 5:00 - 5:30 -
12: 5:30 - end -


Thanks so much for posting this @Robert, I’m just going to move it into the Second Fragment Category.


The long version:

The Book of Briars has hinted strongly that KingRabbit717 is in possession of the 2nd of 16 fragments we need to unlock the book.

KingRabbit717 has set up a series of riddles that led us to locate 4 works of art within New York City.

One we found the names related to each section of the puzzle, the first 3 have unlocked a video, slightly over 6 hours long which is essentially a repeating 47 second clip over and over and over again. These clips can be found at

In the first 2 videos, people (I believe @Dave specifically) has found a 3-4 second clip with a single word.

Examples: (I’m bad at posting images right now)

The first image:

The second image:

We believe putting these words together will help us unlock the 2nd Fragment and most us one step closer to unlocking the Book of Briars.

All help is appreciated, even if it’s just morale support!


I’m going to be getting the vid downloaded in the next few hours or so when im free of stuff, but ill put my name down to help


Watching the last 30 minutes tomorrow.
EDIT: Found nothing


Thanks for the help!


@Robert I didn’t find anything in the 8 chunk.


Hi, @Robert! I’m happy to help out with a couple of the time slots!


Excellent. I’ve put times for @zerovin and @Dustin on the list above.

Thanks for the help!


No problem! Thanks for manning this, @Robert! I’m in class until later this afternoon (law school unfortunately doesn’t provide as much time for having fun, as I’d like), but I will take a look at my chunk of time as soon as I’m home!


I’m currently downloading the file, but I’ll grab the 4:30 slot once it’s done. :slight_smile:

Edit: I didn’t find anything from 4:30 - 5:00. I’ll give another time frame a go once my brain has healed a little. @_@


I saw nothing in chunk 3 (1:00 - 1:30)

EDIT2: Nothing in part 5 @Robert


Didn’t see anything in 4:00-4:30. I’ll keep poking around. Maybe Balorian instincts and/or blind luck will let me find it.


I’m a little worried this one might be tougher to spot. If we don’t find it this round, maybe we should break the video down into even smaller chunks and move through it again? :sweat_smile:


Hmm… That’s a troubling thought. This guy’s really not playing around with this beast of a video. :sob:

While we figure out our next plan of attack, I’ll give section 6 a shot. Hopefully luck’s on my side and I’ll find it.

EDIT: I’m not seeing anything. :frowning:


Hey all, sorry I’ve been out of the loop a bit. The more people we have watching the video the better since it allows us to focus on smaller chunks of the video. The reason that’s important is because the word only appears for three seconds. It fades in and fades out so quickly that you can easily look away and miss it. Which means we have to watch it CONSTANTLY. I got very lucky with the first two videos. I’ve watched this video three times and haven’t found the clue yet so it’s possible it may flash for less than three seconds (I wouldn’t put it past KR to play a little dirty like that).

I’ll watch the 6 Slot: 2:30-3:00 this evening and let you know what I find. Good luck everyone!


@mike - You’ve watched this three times and haven’t found anything? Man, that’s rough. :frowning: I wonder if maybe we should try slowing the video down? There’s got to be some way we can tackle this.


It’s been rough. I’ll have to watch it at normal speed but finding the time is going to be difficult. I did watch the 2:30-3:00 section but came up with nothing. Hopefully someone else has some luck. It’s got to be in there somewhere.


This sounds good - well done guys. Loving the organisation :slight_smile: I’ll look at chunk 2 again and report back.


I’ve watched my section a few times now, and have come up with nothing. :frowning: