Unanswered Magiqverse Questions: Spoilers Abound

As glad as I was to have the assessment solved, I was always a little sad that we didn’t get to the “why” for the constellation matches…and I’m occasionally inclined to go back to the locations spreadsheet until it makes sense :joy:


Random question just hit me from like 2 years ago.

Brandon Lachmann and Sullivan Green. Is there a connection, and how much? They both knew magiq. They both lived in New York City during the 80’s, and Brandon’s narrative he created to get him out of this world he has a character who helped him named Professor Green. I believe it was Professor Green who told him how to escape this world.

Brandon’s journey began when he found something someone had scribbled in a library book. Was that Sullivan’s doing? (Bonus points question: If yes then which Sullivan? Original timeline flavor Sullivan or Neithernor Dwelling mastermind Sullivan?

Did Brandon ever seek out and talk to Sullivan? Why did Sullivan decide to help a 13 year old run away to another dimension? Did Sullivan help him because he genuinely liked and believed int he kid or did Sullivan 2 just place clues for him to get him where he needed to be to help us with the BoB?

I just always wanted to know how that actually went down. It’s not a major earthshaking plot point, I just figured it’d be an interesting character moment for both of them.


Great questions which I’m happy to answer!

1889 Sullivan at least

And could definitely have left “Imagination is nothing more than memory transposed” in a certain science book for Brandon to find.

Sully2 also guided FD to write the version of FoDG Brandon wrote his report about, which was instrumental in setting Brandon on his path.

That could certainly have happened. The fact that Brandon created a “Professor Green” in his narrative is particularly interesting. :cjtea:

Brandon saw the world differently even before FoDG and the note in the science book. There’s a good chance he was going to do what he was going to do… but if Sully could have trained him, helped him, either directly or indirectly, to travel safely and also help him find the Council and assist in opening the BoB, then bonus, right?


These are the kind of questions that are easier for me to explore and answer because all the info is in the experience/book, they’re just waiting to be connected.

And you connected them without me filling in blank spaces out of world.


Also, it’s cool to see new things still being discovered in TMP.


Knowing you there are probably hundreds of hidden things in the books that we’ll never find :joy:


Yes it’s such an open Sandbox of exploring that it’s hard to think all the nooks of thought and planning will see the light of revelation :blush: