The Welcome Super Topic

Hi I’m Boyd or Calm as the nickname goes.
I’m new to Flintforge and couldn’t be happier. To see a guild based in work and crafting makes me happy. Artificer’s Whim and Tranfiguraration sound irresistible but Assembling Runes just captures me by my childhood passions. I’m ever collecting tattoos and since I was a kid I saw tattoos as weaving beliefs and magic into my very being to become a complete self.

I can’t wait to read and learn more of this incredible craft and magiq


Welcome @Calm to the Ackerly Green Forum!!

Please start by reading the first post and the Forum Primer!

Okay so now you’ve done that I can introduce you to your guild leaders @Viviane and @Tinker!! If you have any questions you can PM them or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A thread you can check out!

When your ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates! We have a thread on the guild affinities you can check out as well!

Also you seem to have joined Thornmouth instead of Flinterforge?


Welcome to the forum @FrerePapillion @GalacticCandy @Matty and @Jessamine, and welcome to Thornmouth @Pocket @lobelia_flor and @Calm!

Glad to see so many new members in all the guilds


Thank you for such a warm welcome Immstoked to join. I’ve put down for both Guilds as do to a reload and fate I did my search through the pages twice. I think Flintforge has the natural affinity for me and must truly be home but consider it a curiosity and urge to see what lies in Thornmouth.


No no it’s cool we always need more thornspys in Flinterforge! Right @Viviane :wink:


@Rimor @Viviane and @BrokenVoid with such warmth and support from Flinterforge and Thornmouth I may just have to work hard to juggle binds to both Guilds and earn my keep. A duty I savour for the quality of company.
A grateful greetings and humble thanks


Hello! I’m Solomon and recently come across this community and have been sorted into the Thornmouth guild.

By day I’m an accountant and by night I’m a bookworm.

I don’t typically post in forums but the Magiqverrse seems to have pulled me into posting anyway. My intent is to begin reading some of the works available here. It all looks fantastic and very interesting.

Thank you.


Welcome to the forum and to Thornmouth @Solomon! I’m the same way as you, I typically just lurk on forums but something about the magiqverse made me want to get in and be part of it.

Once you’ve read through the forum rules we have a currently reading topic where you can discuss any books you’re currently interested in. You can also visit the Thornmouth introduction thread to get to know your new guildmates and get settled into the Thornmouthian Guildhouse.

We’re all super happy to have you in our community!


Welcome @Solomon!!!


@Nimuir!! So good to see another Aussie on here!! I can’t wait to be able to catch up with you!! I’m based in bruises but cause I’m a flight attendant I tend to end up everywhere else. :deirdreexcited: I’m stoked that you’re here! If you need a study buddy hit me up! I’m always somewhere


Not sure how I arrived, but glad I’m here. Looking forward to diving into this. I do love an immersive experience!



Hello! My name is Cynthia, and I’m so glad to have found Ackerly Green and the Monarch Papers! I’ve always wanted there to be magic in this mundane world, but the closest I’ve ever experienced to it was my host, Kaitlyn, bringing me to life via Tulpamancy. When she saw an ad on Instagram, she thought I’d be interested, and we got sorted into our guilds (I’m a Thornmouth and she’s an Ebenguard). She read both books, and all the while I was able to watch the visualizations from inside her mind like in a movie theater. It was amazing and incredibly written!! Will definitely be leaving a super-positive review, because it blew the both of us away. Thank you.


Hiya! I’m Ben! Or Comet. Y-you know, the celestial body. Ahem, anyway, uh…if you can’t tell already, I’m not very good at this whole introduction thing, but I’ll try to sum up my attraction to this forum and what kind of a person I am! I’ve always been attracted to the unknown and the magical, adoring things like Harry Potter and the Amulet graphic novels, as well as creative writing, role playing, all that jazz!! I’m a goofball. A ball of goof. I’m a self-described musician and a musical-lover and…okay, this is getting lengthy. I’m just so excited to be part of this community!


Good Morning!
My name is Jack, an illustrator, LARPer, fan of everything mysterious and downright mystical.

I came across this world about 30 minutes okay on a Facebook advert. I initially clicked on the link because the guild logos really caught my eye from an illustration perspective, which was nice because now I’ve fallen down a fantastical rabbit hole!

The Guide has sorted me into Ebenguard, which, I must admit, sounds amazing and sits really close to home with me as a person (admittedly that’s only from the brief intro of the guild I saw in the guide.)

I look forward to exploring this world on my own, or with new people I hopefully get to meet along the way.



Hey I’m Jazz (or Weiryn) and I’m a passionate D&D player and all around geek from New Zealand! In stumbled across the Guide via Instagram, which persistently showed me ads for the last couple of weeks until I got curious and clicked on one :joy:

I was sorted into Ebenguard, which from what I’ve read so far seems like a pretty good fit for me, partially as I’m a law clerk (and within the next few months hopefully I’ll be admitted to the bar as an actual lawyer), and got into law because I wanted to help people :sweat_smile:

I’m looking forward to learning more about the Magiqverse and this community!


Welcome @Valeria, @Cynthia, @Comet, @J-Montague and @Weiryn to the Ackerly Green Forum!!

Please start by reading the first post and the Forum Primer!

Okay so now you’ve done that I can introduce you to your guild leaders!

@Valeria your guild leaders are @Viviane and @Tinker!

@Cynthia and @Comet your guild leader is @Sellalellen!

@J-Montague and @Weiryn your guild leaders are @Ashburn and @Ginger!

If you have any questions you can PM your leaders or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A thread you can check out!

When your ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates in the Flinterforge, Thornmouth and Ebenguard welcome topics!

Some topics you might enjoy are work, D&D, Sketch and music!


@J-Montague @Weiryn
I’m glad to see more new Ebenguardians! I’ve only recently joined myself and I’m very much looking forward to making new friends, particularly within our guild!


@Rimor we actually have a real Kiwi now :grin:


@Skylad you’ll still always be my little kiwi! :eaveshug:

