The Welcome Super Topic

Hello! I’m Morgan. I got sorted into Thornmouth. A bit about me is I’m pretty big on animals, especially cats which I have two of. I like to draw, read, and occasionally write. I guess that’d be about it. I look forward to joining the community


Welcome @jax and @Haven to the forum, and welcome Haven to Thornmouth! It sounds like you’ll both like our pets topic.

Reading The Monarch Pages is definitely the best way to get caught up on the story and learn how magiq works, and the first post here will give you the rules of the forum.

The Ebenguard guild leaders are @Deyavi and @Ginger, but @Ashburn is currently helping out while Deyavi is away. The Thornmouth guild leader is @Sellalellen. Feel free to message them or any of the @Wagoneers if you need any help.

Happy to have you in our community!


Welcome @jax and @Haven!

@jax I’d love to hear more about your opera singing in the werk thread!!

Also both of you should show us your pets in the pets thread!!!

Oh and you can introduce yourselves to your guild mates in the Ebenguard and Thornmouth threads!


Hey @Haven & @jax! And a big giant hello to the masses and masses of amazing humans who have joined the AG universe since I was last on. Y’all: this place is the BEST. You’re really in for a treat, so don’t be afraid to be yourselves here. You’ve already been pointed in all the right direction by my fellow wagoneers, but I just wanted to chime in and say WE ARE SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE!



I’m Heath E. I stumbled across this by accident. I can say I’m already a little entranced.

I write and draw in my free time, as well as occasionally play games and listen to music.

I’m originally from Alabama, but recently moved to Kentucky in order to find work.

The guild I got from the Guide to Magiq was Ebenguard.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Forum @Heath, my name is Rimor and I’ll be your Wagoneer today!!

As an Ebenguard your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn!!! If you have any questions you can PM them or the Wagoneers such as myself! We also have a Q&A thread where you can seek answers!

When you’re ready to dive in you can introduce yourself to your guild mates! Some topics I recommend you check out are Werk, Mounty playlist and the category #the-creationary!


Welcome @Heath! We also have The Gaming Mounties for video game discussions if you’re interested.

So glad to have you here!


Greetings Rimor!

The playlist is fun. The taste in music is fascinating.


Thanks BrokenVoid,

I’ll check it out sometime ^^


Hello All!
I came here at the bidding of an IG add while scrolling late one night. I will admit I sat on the email for a while before delving deeper and signing up, after all, things that seem too good to be true are often just that. But I took the plunge and I must say that I am excited to explore deeper into all sides of this brand new world.
When I first took the guild assignment test, I came up as Thornmouth. And then because I was curious about how the test worked, I took it again and got Flinterforge - which is where I applied!

Thank you for creating such an interesting world and concept, and for giving us all the oportunity to be involved and to contribute.


Welcome to the AG forum @Cat!!! My name is James Rimor and I’ll be your welcome Wagoneer today!

Your guild leaders are the radiant duo @Viviane and @Tinker!! If you have any questions you can PM them or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A thread where you can ask questions!

When you’re ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates in the Flinterforge welcome thread!

So now the formalities are over tell us a bit about yourself and your interests!!

(P.S @Viviane is also a secret Thornmouth like you :wink:)


glares at @Rimor in Flinterforged

Welcome, @Cat! Yes, please do drop by the guild thread once you’ve familiarized yourself - we’d love to hear what drew you to Flinter. :grin:


Welcome @Cat!


Hi, all name is Bill I found this kinda by luck, I come from the great state of Maine in the USA, I was sorted into weatherwatchers. I enjoy comics, videogames, and of course reading and writing.


Hello all!

I’m Luna. I recently stumbled onto the AG Instagram ad and now I have no idea what I’m getting myself into :woman_shrugging: but I’m excited! I am in the Ebenguard guild, which seems to fit me fairly well at first glance. IRL, I am a health care professional from Ontario, Canada. I’m not typically a big forum person and I may come off as quiet or short, but I am just a private person and a little nervous to put myself out there! I would love to get involved here because it seems like something truly special is going on. I look forward to getting to know some of you folks and diving into the story!


Welcome to the forum @Grayson and @lunanova!

I’m Ashburn, one of the Ebenguard guild leaders along with @Ginger.

The leaders for Weatherwatch are @Skylad and @Remus.

Feel free to come to any of us or the Wagoneers with any questions you might have if the Q&A doesn’t quite answer them (or if you just want to chat with one of us while you get a feel for things).

When you’re ready, feel free to visit the guild introduction threads (Ebenguard and Weatherwatch) and take a poke around #the-creationary or some of the interest threads.

Looking forward to seeing you all around here! :cjsmile:


Welcome @Grayson and @lunanova!!


Thank you @Rimor !
In the mundane Im a long term office worker for a small but lovely company. In my spare time, I consider myself a creator. I love to paint and knit and draw and sometimes I get around to sculpting. Currently I am splitting my attention between making up a knitting pattern for a knit sheep stuffed animal, and creating rune page entries in a sort of magical book of my own creation.


Hello! I’m a social history student in Edinburgh in Scotland (though since it’s summer I’m in London), and unsurprisingly I got Thornmouth. My current summer projects are a) 5 weeks of researching and making 17th-19th century clothing and b) researching and drawing a weird medieval bestiary-inspired design for my doorframe. I’m big into interactive storytelling so I’m mostly here to see what you guys are doing with it! Thanks for the lovely welcome so far.


Hey @goblin! Welcome to the Ackerly Green Forum!!

@Sellalellen is you guild leader so if you have any questions you can PM her or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A topic you can check out!

Make sure you read the first post and the Forum Primer as both are super important!!

When you’re ready to get started you can introduce yourself to your guild mates and check out as few topics! Some topics I’d recommend are Werk and sketch!