The Welcome Super Topic

No problem


Welcome @Valerian, @Connielass, @Zurujay, @LeRoy and @Song_Cye!!!


No problem and thanks. But, before I go any further, I decided out of curiosity to take the assessment again. I actually started answering the questions exactly the same as I did the first time (the only difference being I crossed my fingers of both hands this time for one of the questions) but this time I was presented with different and more questions than before. As a result of this second assessment, my guild is Ebenguard. What do I do?? I feel both my original guild Flinterforge and Ebenguard both align with my temperament. :confused:


Hey King! Welcome! Itā€™s okay to feel connected with more than one guild. We have a couple of people around here that do, and we refer to this as being polyguild. Iā€™m actually not sure how you get tagged as both on the website thoughā€¦


Well I did join the Flinterforge guild because I was happy with that result and it was spot on with my current stage in life. But, as I said previously, out of curiosity I took the assessment again. When I read about Ebenguard as a result, I thought, ā€œWow, this is pretty spot on also to my personal temperment.ā€ I just thought it was weird that I answered everything the same as I remember, but was brought down a different path this time. The assessment even ribbed me for looking at the ā€œhaunted stoneā€ again, which I did lol. My logic mind tells me that maybe it recognized my IP address as an explanation but I like to believe otherwisešŸ˜‰.


Hey, King! Nimueh is correct - it is not unusual for people to feel connected to more than one Guild. To get the best experience and introduction to the MAGIQ-verse, Iā€™d recommend picking one guild to be primarily associated with at first. Then, if you still feel drawn to another guild after youā€™ve gotten a better taste for the whole magimystic experience, you may wish to explore some aspects of another guild, or even change guilds altogether. Itā€™s as if two different universities have accepted you, but you need to only be involved in one at a time to get the full experience.

How you decide which guild to explore first is up to you. Which sounds more interesting to you at the moment? Which oneā€™s colors do you like better? Maybe you really canā€™t decide and you flip a coin or something. And if youā€™re still really torn and want to get an insiderā€™s perspective, I think I can safely say the Leaders would be happy to chat with you about their Guilds. :slight_smile:


Thank you! I usually feel the first experience is always the right path but Iā€™ll have to meditate on it :laughing:


Absolutely! Do whatever seems best for you. :relaxed:


Welcome! Random question, you wouldnā€™t have gone under a username Dapianokid on a different forum, would you? We called him Dap, for short. Either way, good to have you around!


:joy: thats a negative. DAP are my initials! I think this may be the first forum Iā€™ve ever been a part of. Well, I may have joined a bladesmiths forum, I honestly canā€™t remember, but I wouldā€™ve been KingDAP on that as well. :sunglasses:

And thanks!


Hi there!

My name is Kudall. Iā€™m thrilled to be starting this new and exciting journey! Iā€™ve just discovered that Iā€™m Balimora and I couldnā€™t agree more. Iā€™m a pretty avid D&D player and I often choose characters with some sort of a nature magic background. Iā€™ve just finished reading the forum primer and rules and canā€™t wait to see what this world has in store for me :leaves::herb::seedling:


Welcome @Kudall!

The Balimora guild leaders are @Helios and @Nimueh! So if you have any questions donā€™t hesitate to ask them or us Wagoneers questions!

Last night we set up a gaming topic where you can talk about all kinds of games and I know we have a DND specific topic! I really hope you enjoy your time around here!


Welcome @Kudall!


Thanks for the welcome :grin: @Ignatius and @BrokenVoid Iā€™m pretty pumped!
I got some reading to catch up on :closed_book::closed_book::closed_book:


Greetings! I am Lunaaa of guild Balimora :slightly_smiling_face:
Iā€™m a self confessed nerd, bookworm and plant-mum.
Nerd - addicted to the Sims and dragon age inquisition, dice collector, regular role player, newbie DnD-er, lover of board games.
Bookworm - my favourite genre is fantasy, always always always fantasy, and I adore YA despite pushing the top end of that age bracket LOL. I enjoy book subscription boxes so I get 2 book surprises a month so my tbr list is massive.
Plant mum - I donā€™t have pets (anymore, sad face) so instead I have a house filled with plants! Mainly succulents and cacti but am also starting with some outdoor plants. Theyā€™ve all got names too!

Iā€™m looking forward to getting involved with the story :smile:


Hi, Iā€™m BetTer43 and totally new here. Just going to start the book and Iā€™m proudly to be part of the ThornMouth Guild!


Welcome @Kudall, @lunaaabelle92 and @BetTer43!!

@lunaaabelle92 you guild leaders are @Nimueh and @Helios! @BetTer43you guild leader is @Sellalellen! If you two have any questions you can PM you leaders or any of the Wagoneers! Thereā€™s also a Q&A thread where you can find answers and ask questions!

First off though make sure you read everything in the first post and the forum primer!

Youā€™ll both enjoy the #bookish category as it has loads of book related threads! Also Luna youā€™ll like the Gardening thread Chi created!


Welcome @lunaaabelle92 and @BetTer43!


Well I took the assessment multiple times already and I come out as Ebenguard. I just canā€™t answer the questions any other way. So there mustā€™ve been some kind of anomaly which destined me to Flinterforge. It makes sense to my current state. Iā€™m head on in my relatively new hobby of blacksmithing & bladesmithing which I hope to maybe make a living at one day, and Iā€™m really good at figuring out why something is broken or doesnā€™t work and making an improvised fix or solution. So for that reason Iā€™m sticking with Flinterforge!


Itā€™s generally best not to take the assessment more then once, especially in the beginning, as things can get freak due to the guide having powerful magiqal abilities and minor sentience.

Also itā€™s about time we had a blacksmithing Flinterforger as it just completes the stereotype of them being metal forging dwarfs! :wink: :laughing: