The Welcome Super Topic

I stumbled on this place just earlier before my day really started- I’m just now beginning to read up on the first book, and I’m still a little lost on what this is all about, but I’m jumping in the deep-end for now so I can understand. Seems neat. Hi everyone, I am a local swamp witch.


@swampwitch Welcome to the community! I’m the Gossmere Welcomer! You’ll find me just about everywhere on the forum!

As for your guild leaders the are @Helios and @Nimueh! So if you have any troubles or questions feel free to reach out to them or us Wagoneers! If you’d prefer you can ask questions in the Q&A topic! The first post in this topic and the forum primer should also be able to help get you situated!

As to meet your guild mates you can go here! Although you will have to wait a bit before you can post there!

If you have any specific interests that you’d like to know if we have a topic for feel free to shoot one of us a message!


Welcome @swampwitch!


Welcome @inahurry and @swampwitch to the community! I’m Void, and I’m another Thornmouth Wagoneer.


Hello all!

I am the Godmother (you have made me an offer I just can’t refuse) and this is my first time on any sort of forum like this. I’m currently trying to get caught up in Flora and Fauna and the Monarch Papers. I was assigned Flinterforge and after reading the description it fits me so well.

I’m looking forward to making friends in my guild and others :blush:


Hello @the_godmother! Welcome to the Ackerly Green community! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer! This was/is my forum as well!

You’re guild leaders are @Tinker and @Viviane! So any questions you might have can be directed at them, us @Wagoneers, or the wonderful Q&A topic! Read the first post in this topic as well as the forum primer if you haven’t already, as that should help you get situated!

As to meet your guild mates feel free to go here! Although you will have to wait a bit before you can post in there sadly!

Do you have any specific interests you want me to see if we have topics for?


Hello hello!

I’m Amruneth, though I also go by Dawn. I’m a graduate student and currently work at my Uni’s library while also taking classes full-time. I love fantasy books/games, painting, tattoos, fancy coffee, and spoiling my cat.

According to the guide I’m in Thornmouth, but also identify strongly with Ebenguard, so I definitely feel like polyguild is appropriate. I just started Flora & Fauna, and am excited to catch up on the lore while hopefully hanging out in the forums when I have time!


Hello and Welcome @Amruneth! I’m the Gossmere Welcomer! I am actually a polyguild of Gossmere and Thornmouth, so I definitely know the feeling!

Well temporarily @Ashburn is the Thornmouth stand-in but she is also one of the Ebenguard guild leaders! So if you have any questions feel free to shoot her, us @Wagoneers, a message or put a post in the Q&A topic!

As to meet your Thornmouth guild mates you can go here and to meet your Ebenguard guild makes you can go here! Although you will have to wait a bit, I’d take this amount of time to read through the first post in this topic as well as the forum primer!

As for your interests we have the gaming topic, you’ll typically find me over there so now you know at least one virtual face! We also have a food and drink topic where I’m sure you can strike up a conversation about coffee! We also have a guild tattoos topic where people show their Guild Pride in the form of tattoos! We do have a Pets topic! To conclude with the painting we have an entire category called #the-creationary which as several topics about works of art as well as writings from the community!

Once again welcome and if you need anything feel free to shoot me a message!


Welcome @the_godmother and @Amruneth!!


I should probably add some of my interests lol.

I’m currently entering my sophomore year in high school and I love programming and engineering. I read all the time and I write my own stories to try and escape the real world sometimes (everyone needs an escape at one time or another right?)

Anyways, that’s just a little about me


I’m not sure if we have a set topic for programming and engineering but you can feel free to make on at one point or another!

As for reading we have an entire category dedicated to books called #bookish! There is also #the-creationary which has pieces of writing or art from your fellow forum goers! (Also everyone defiantly needs an escape!)


I guess programming and engineering could come under Hobbies for now?


Definitely! Although if it leads to something bigger I could always make one for you @the_godmother! Just let me know in the future if you want a set topic for it!


Welcome @the_godmother and @Amruneth to the community!


Thank you!


@Ignatius @Rimor
Thank you both but I don’t want to put you out of your way. It’s fine I’m sure I can talk to other people on other forums lol


Yes I’m sure the hobby topic would be fine with talking about it but I figured I’d offer! If you do change your mind in the future I’d be more than happy with making it for you!

In fact how about bringing it up in the general discussion topic so that we don’t clutter up the Welcome topic too much lol


Oh don’t worry about it! I like being put out of my way!


Hello :slight_smile:
My friend recommended this to me an so far I think the concept is fantastic! I haven’t started reading the book yet (Mostly because I’ve just signed up, taken the quiz, and its midnight atm) BUT I will start as soon as humanely possible because I cannot wait to delve into the world of Magiq!

So the Assessment sorted me into Weatherwatch which I thought was interesting and exciting! hopefully I’ll know more about what exactly that means when I start to read the books :smiley:

Can’t wait to begin!

  • Marlificent

Hello @Marlificent Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community! I’m the Gossmere Welcomer but you’ll find me even in the other Guild threads.

As for your guild leaders they are @Remus and @Skylad! So if you have any questions feel free to reach out the them or us! Also please read the first post in this topic as well as the forum primer!

To meet your guild mates you can go here! Although you will have to wait a bit before you can post there.

Once again welcome! If you have any specific interests that you aren’t sure if we have a topic for them feel free to shoot one of us a message and we’ll try and help you find it!