The Welcome Super Topic

@Lander Welcome to the Community! I am the friendly neighborhood Gossmere Welcomer! I am a certified First Responder and I do volunteer at my local fire station for the paramedics! So you’ll be bound to see me talk about medical stuff lol

@Sellalellen is your guild leader! So if you have any questions feel free to reach out to her or us @Wagoneers! There is also the Q&A topic if you’d prefer to go that route!

You can meet your guild mates here! Although you do have to wait a bit before you can post in there

If you’d like to talk about your work you can do so here! We do have a couple LARPers but I don’t know if we have a topic for it quite yet… Although we do have a tabletop topic! We also have an entire category dedicated to books called #bookish! It sounds like you’ll fit right in! We also have a hobbies topic! As for medical things you’ll be bound to see me talk about medical things from time to time! I have a couple posts about medical things over in the collections if you’d like to see that!

Once again welcome! Also don’t forget to read the first post in this paragraph as well as the forum primer!


@Ignatius thanks for the warm welcome!
I feel a little silly for over simplifying some of my interests. But I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for you chatting about medical stuff. I used to tend to keep up to date on the scientific and technological side of medicine, but thanks to the players in the LARP I run and write for I’ve developed an interest in to the more practical side of it all more recently.

I’ll be sure to ask about anything I’m unsure about.

Though I’ll save the masses from talking about my day job, but I’ll be more than happy to talk about any shared interests and hobbies.

Again, thanks for the warm welcome, I’ll go join my appointed guild and have a snoop around.


Yeah! It was my pleasure! Have a good rest of your night or day!


Welcome to the community @Lander! I’m also a Thornmouth and I love science, primarily biology. I typically hang around the gaming and language topics as those are my primary hobby-related interests.



The assessment says I’m Ebenguard. I just graduated from law school and am currently studying for the bar. I am going to start reading the Monarch Papers. I found it through Instagram. I am excited to delve into this world.


@Cat72 Welcome to the forum! I’m your local Gossmere Wagoneer! I am a certified first responder and complete medical nerd! You’ll typically find me around the collections and gaming!

Your guild leaders @Ginger and @Ashburn! If you have any questions feel free to reach out the them or us @Wagoneers! There is also the Q&A topic if you’d prefer to go that route!

As for meeting your guild mates go here!

Once again welcome to the forum! I hope to see you around!


Welcome @Lander and @Cat72!!!


Welcome to our community @Cat72!


Hello everyone.

I’m terrible at introductions, so forgive me. I was sorted into Ebenguard which fits but seems intimidating. Although, that could also be the anxiety gnawing away like a hell hound. Rather bothersome thing, really.

I’m Australian, drink far too much coffee and should probably take better care of myself.

I just finished flora & fauna and I’m slowly catching up. Reading about Flinterforge felt odd, almost like reading about a home I once belonged to. Which is odd because I didn’t think I’ve ever felt as such a thing before.

I’m babbling but I’ve written this about eight times and if I attempt to edit it, I’ll probably delete the entire thing, again.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Alastrine!! My name is James Rimor and I’ll be your Wagoneer today!

First off please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re really important!!

Next your awesome guild leaders are @Ashburn and @Ginger! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers such as myself. We also have a Q&A thread where you can also ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Ebenguard guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

I think you’ll enjoy the food and drink thread! :laughing:

If you ever need me just ping me as I’m always lurking around somewhere!


Welcome to the community @Alastrine!


Hi everyone I’m inahurry,

I love all things magic and divination. I’m also an avid reader and I’m a Thornmouth!!


Welcome @inahurry to the Ackerly Green Community!!

Please make sure you read the first post at the top of this thread and the forum primer as they’re super important!!

Next let me introduce you to your wonderful guild leader @Sellalellen! You can PM her if you have any questions or any of the @Wagoneers. We also have a wonderful Q&A thread where you can ask questions!

When you’re ready you can head over to the Thornmouth guild hall to introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates!

Now the formalities are over tell us a little bit about your interests!


@inahurry Welcome to the community! I’m the Gossmere Welcomer! You’ll typically see me hanging out over in the gaming and collections topics!


I stumbled on this place just earlier before my day really started- I’m just now beginning to read up on the first book, and I’m still a little lost on what this is all about, but I’m jumping in the deep-end for now so I can understand. Seems neat. Hi everyone, I am a local swamp witch.


@swampwitch Welcome to the community! I’m the Gossmere Welcomer! You’ll find me just about everywhere on the forum!

As for your guild leaders the are @Helios and @Nimueh! So if you have any troubles or questions feel free to reach out to them or us Wagoneers! If you’d prefer you can ask questions in the Q&A topic! The first post in this topic and the forum primer should also be able to help get you situated!

As to meet your guild mates you can go here! Although you will have to wait a bit before you can post there!

If you have any specific interests that you’d like to know if we have a topic for feel free to shoot one of us a message!


Welcome @swampwitch!


Welcome @inahurry and @swampwitch to the community! I’m Void, and I’m another Thornmouth Wagoneer.


Hello all!

I am the Godmother (you have made me an offer I just can’t refuse) and this is my first time on any sort of forum like this. I’m currently trying to get caught up in Flora and Fauna and the Monarch Papers. I was assigned Flinterforge and after reading the description it fits me so well.

I’m looking forward to making friends in my guild and others :blush:


Hello @the_godmother! Welcome to the Ackerly Green community! I’m the Gossmere Wagoneer! This was/is my forum as well!

You’re guild leaders are @Tinker and @Viviane! So any questions you might have can be directed at them, us @Wagoneers, or the wonderful Q&A topic! Read the first post in this topic as well as the forum primer if you haven’t already, as that should help you get situated!

As to meet your guild mates feel free to go here! Although you will have to wait a bit before you can post in there sadly!

Do you have any specific interests you want me to see if we have topics for?