The Welcome Super Topic

Hello, Fernsby here!!

I tested into Ebenguard and Iā€™ve never really done anything like this before so excuse me if I mess up any. Book nerd, especially Harry Potter, really into space and magic in general. All cats are best cat :heart_eyes_cat:. Iā€™ve read TMP: Flora&Fauna and Iā€™m about to read Cosmos&Time. Canā€™t wait to see how this goes!!


Hello and Welcome @Fernsby!

Your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn so if you have any questions feel free to shoot them or us Wagoneers a message! There is also the Q&A Topic!

As for meeting your guild mates you can go here!

As for your interests we have tons of book stuff over in the #bookish area! We also have a pets topic! Where I am sure youā€™ll see tons of kitties.

Once again welcome to the Ackerly Green community!


Welcome @Shauntelle and @Fernsby!!


Welcome @Fernsby!


Hi there!

I found my way here when my partner @moontide was scrolling through instagram,we both were immediately intrigued as it seemed like something that was made for us. I was sorted into Balimora, I couldnā€™t believe (although there was actually a deep part of me that really did believe) how a short test could do such an accurate cold read on me. Iā€™ve always been a bit of a hermit, a bit of an outcast. I love nature and find myself most at peace when taking a stroll through the woods by the river. Iā€™ve always been interested in the duality of life and death and rebirth ect, always fluctuating between chaos and order. Ever since I was a child Iā€™ve felt this sense that there is so much more to the world than what weā€™re taught. For a while in my teens I got lost by the typical drawl of modern life and convinced myself magic couldnā€™t be real, bust as an adult Iā€™ve had several experiences I couldnā€™t explain and have started exploring my childhood wonder of magic once again. I have slight ADHD which for me means I often have trouble focusing when reading, so when I heard there was homework I was a little disheartened telling myself that ā€œIā€™ll probably never get around to itā€ but as my partner started to dive in, I couldnā€™t help but feel drawn back to the book after initially dismissing it as ā€œtoo hard/ too much workā€ (sometimes itā€™s crazy the limits we put on ourselves without even knowing). Anyways, itā€™s most likely going to take me a while to get caught up on the literature, but I thought if I posted then I would have no excuse to be lazy. So hereā€™s to me pushing myself to do something thatā€™s hard for me! Wish me luck! :star2:


Hello and welcome @FossilBlood!

The Balimora guild leaders are @Helios and @Nimueh! So if you do have any troubles feel free to reach out to them or us Wagoneers! There is also a Q&A topic!

I wish you luck! Even though we have only just met I am super proud that you have decided to push over all the obstacles and join the forum! Feel free to take as much time as you need to get caught up! The first post in this topic and the forum primer should also help you get sorted! :smiley:

Once again welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy hanging out around here!


Welcome @FossilBlood!!!


Welcome @FossilBlood!


Hello fellow mounties! After through what i class as great synchronicity fiding this whole living legend just a few weeks back on instagram, ive proceeded to almost finish the second of the two books and just want to know and learn more of this strange and beautiful world we live in. Im Adam anyway, from the UK, Sheffield, 20, an ebenguard which i am pleased at (My Name Volox was from my MMORPG days and always liked archery) although i also feel afinity with Ballimora (I feel as though as i age my values may change slightly but who knows, gemini sun pisces moon n all :)) I have an interest and practise Astrology, Human design and similar systems of self knowledge, My aim is to create a life that is sovreign and to help people find their unique and improtant truth while sharing my knowledge and experience with the world. I have other dreams too but that should sufice i hope for my first post. How can we help out around here too?


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Volox!

The Ebenguard guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us @Wagoneers or your guild leaders! There is also the Q&A topic!

To meat your guild mates you can go here!

We have an astrology/personality types topic! We also have a gaming topic (you said you used to play mmoā€™s so i just threw that in there!)

I recommend reading though the first post in this topic, as well as reading the forum primer if you havenā€™t already done so!

Once again welcome to the community! If you need any help us Wagoneers are always here to help get people situated!


Welcome to our community @Volox, Very excited to have you here!


Welcome @Volox!!


Hello, Im Flame. im new here tonight. Im new to forums and role-playing, and talking in general so please bear with.
Im not even sure if im replying to the right topic. Sometimes Im really dumb, but sometimes im a genius, i mean like super-intelligent and funny but it comes in flashes.
I hope i can be of service, my brain sometimes works faster than my hands can type but i can be useful sometimes. I have an eidetic memory i think, i see everything thats already happened and can remember it all but sometimes not in the right order. So sometimes i remember things that have already happened but think they are happening now and sometimes i remember stuff that hasnt happened yet but think its already happened or perhaps i make it happen, im not sure. Anyway, must stop rambling on. Im Thornmouth if its still important.


Hello and welcome to the community! @Flame I assure you quite a few of us were brand new to forums and such when we first got here, myself included! This is the correct thread!

The Thornmouthian guild leader is @Sellalellen! So any questions you may have can go to her or to us @Wagoneers! There is also a Q&A topic if you prefer that!

As for meeting your guild mates you can click here!

If you have any particular interests that you want to see if we have topics feel free to shoot me a message by clicking on my name or replying directly to here!

Once again welcome to the forum! Donā€™t feel bad about being new! We were all knew to everything at one point or another!


Thank you @ignatius, i was expecting a reply but not so quickly! I guess time runs differently where you are from? Im UK myself, so its early morning here. I must go in the meantime but thank you for the welcome. I guess we will meet again at some point, or we might have already met depending on my viewpoint.


Welcome to the community and to Thornmouth @Flame!


Iā€™m from the US! I try my best to be ready to welcome at all times! It was really my pleasure to welcome!

Alright I hope you have a good rest of your day but I do hope we meet again at some point!


Thank you @BrokenVoid I like your teeth and ears


Why thank you, Iā€™m quite proud of them!


We will meet later in the day i think or that might have been just now.