The Welcome Super Topic

@PhantomBeatrice Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community!


Welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Longshanks!

The Balimora guild leaders are @Nimueh and @Helios! So if any questions pop up send us Wagoneers, your guild leaders, or post them in theQ&A topic!

To meet your guild mates go here!

I think we have a couple musicians around here! Iā€™d love to hear more about your work over in the work topic!

Once again welcome to the Ackerly Green Community!


Welcome @PhantomBeatrice and @Longshanks, glad to have you here! Iā€™m new and trying to figure everything out as well.


Welcome @Longshanks!!


Welcome to the crazy club! Everyone seems super helpful from what Iā€™ve seen so far :blush: Iā€™m excited to have a couple new people along for the ride with me! Hereā€™s to seeing you guys around the Forum!


Agreed! Itā€™s a pretty awesome community from what Iā€™ve seen so far.


Welcome @Longshanks!


Hello. Super new to Magiq. Introduced by my client yā€™day. When she told me about AG and Magiq I was greatly intrigued. I have never participated in RPG but love all things magical and I :heart: reading. I was sorted into Thornmouth. Canā€™t wait to read the books and get more involved in discussions.


Hello and welcome to the Ackerly Green Community @Shauntelle!

The Thornmouth Guild leader is @Sellalellen! So if you have any questions feel free to reach out to her or us @Wagoneers!

As to meet your guild mates click here!

We have lots of topics where talk about just about anything for example we have #the-creationary which has writings and works of art by other people on the forum! We also have the #bookish topic where we talk about all things related to books!

Once again welcome to the Ackerly Green forum! I hope you enjoy yourself around here!


Welcome to the community and to Thornmouth @Shauntelle!


Thank you @BrokenVoid and @Ignatius. Also, I am a tattoo artist and hail from the Midwest US.


Always happy to help, and also from the Midwest!


Iā€™m personally from the South-east! If you want to talk about your work you can do so over in the work topic! There is also a topic about Guild Tattoos!


Hello, Fernsby here!!

I tested into Ebenguard and Iā€™ve never really done anything like this before so excuse me if I mess up any. Book nerd, especially Harry Potter, really into space and magic in general. All cats are best cat :heart_eyes_cat:. Iā€™ve read TMP: Flora&Fauna and Iā€™m about to read Cosmos&Time. Canā€™t wait to see how this goes!!


Hello and Welcome @Fernsby!

Your guild leaders are @Ginger and @Ashburn so if you have any questions feel free to shoot them or us Wagoneers a message! There is also the Q&A Topic!

As for meeting your guild mates you can go here!

As for your interests we have tons of book stuff over in the #bookish area! We also have a pets topic! Where I am sure youā€™ll see tons of kitties.

Once again welcome to the Ackerly Green community!


Welcome @Shauntelle and @Fernsby!!


Welcome @Fernsby!


Hi there!

I found my way here when my partner @moontide was scrolling through instagram,we both were immediately intrigued as it seemed like something that was made for us. I was sorted into Balimora, I couldnā€™t believe (although there was actually a deep part of me that really did believe) how a short test could do such an accurate cold read on me. Iā€™ve always been a bit of a hermit, a bit of an outcast. I love nature and find myself most at peace when taking a stroll through the woods by the river. Iā€™ve always been interested in the duality of life and death and rebirth ect, always fluctuating between chaos and order. Ever since I was a child Iā€™ve felt this sense that there is so much more to the world than what weā€™re taught. For a while in my teens I got lost by the typical drawl of modern life and convinced myself magic couldnā€™t be real, bust as an adult Iā€™ve had several experiences I couldnā€™t explain and have started exploring my childhood wonder of magic once again. I have slight ADHD which for me means I often have trouble focusing when reading, so when I heard there was homework I was a little disheartened telling myself that ā€œIā€™ll probably never get around to itā€ but as my partner started to dive in, I couldnā€™t help but feel drawn back to the book after initially dismissing it as ā€œtoo hard/ too much workā€ (sometimes itā€™s crazy the limits we put on ourselves without even knowing). Anyways, itā€™s most likely going to take me a while to get caught up on the literature, but I thought if I posted then I would have no excuse to be lazy. So hereā€™s to me pushing myself to do something thatā€™s hard for me! Wish me luck! :star2:


Hello and welcome @FossilBlood!

The Balimora guild leaders are @Helios and @Nimueh! So if you do have any troubles feel free to reach out to them or us Wagoneers! There is also a Q&A topic!

I wish you luck! Even though we have only just met I am super proud that you have decided to push over all the obstacles and join the forum! Feel free to take as much time as you need to get caught up! The first post in this topic and the forum primer should also help you get sorted! :smiley:

Once again welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy hanging out around here!


Welcome @FossilBlood!!!