The Welcome Super Topic

Welcome @baconjurer and @Tributary!!!


Hi all!

I am a 22 year-old uni student in Australia.
I’m studying ICT-Art majoring in Games & Creative Technology and Electronic Media.

I love sci-fi and fantasy in any format. I also like to create crystals out of resin and ink.

So glad to find this awesome community :smile:



Welcome @Eon to the Ackerly Green Forum!!

Please start by reading the first post and the Forum Primer!

Okay so now you’ve done that I can introduce you to your guild leaders @Nimueh and @Helios!!

If you have any questions you can PM your leaders or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A thread you can check out!

When your ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates!

You should also check out the fantasy book recommendation thread!


Thank you @Rimor!


Hello all, I am Tate and I hail from Texas. I was sorted into Thornmouth and I don’t think another guild could have fit me like a glove more so than that one. I am an intellectual and scientist constantly fascinated in learning what’s new and pondering what already exists. I am a computer science student and like to design and program robots, which in my opinion takes no small amount of mysticism and magics. I hope to find a place here with others fascinated by the world and what lies beyond.

Many thanks and cheers to the magicians in all of us, MagicBean


Welcome @OolongCorvid @baconjurer @Eon to the forum, and welcome @Tributary and @MagicBean to Thornmouth! So glad to have all of you here!

Make sure you read the first post of this thread and the forum primer for the rules for the forum and info on getting started. Once you’ve done that we have plenty of fun discussion topics to get you started talking to other Mountaineers.

The Thornmouth guild leader is @Sellalellen, feel free to message her or any of us @Wagoneers if you need anything. We also have a Q&A topic for any further questions.

You can also introduce yourself to your new Thornmouth guildmates and check out our guildhouse!


Hi, I’m Ricklus. I stumbled across the intriguing rabbit hole while studying for a quiz in animal science. I’m an animal science major and so I guess that’s how I got sorted into Balimora
PS: if someone could give me specific pronunciation of our Balimora that’d be great


Welcome @Ricklus to the Ackerly Green Forum!!

Please start by reading the first post and the Forum Primer!

Okay so now you’ve done that I can introduce you to your guild leaders @Nimueh and @Helios!!

If you have any questions you can PM your leaders or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A thread you can check out!

When your ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates!

The pronunciation is Bali-mora

1 Like

Hi Everyone
I’m Miliham, a thornmouth.

I’m very excited to read and participate


Welcome @Miliham to the Ackerly Green Forum!!

Please start by reading the first post and the Forum Primer!

Okay so now you’ve done that I can introduce you to your guild leader @Sellalellen!!

If you have any questions you can PM your leader or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A thread you can check out!

When your ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates!

So now the formalities are over tell us a bit about yourself!


Also here from Insta! I’m currently reading The Monarch Papers and super excited to sink my teeth into all the stuff. I was sorted into Balimora but all the guilds sound super interesting. How do people stick to one!?!

In my day to day life I work in mental health/psychology so a little escapism is super appreciated. I’m also into tabletop RPGs, DIY and music, as well as looking at pictures of cute pets!

Looking forward to chatting with everyone :3


Hello and welcome @CherryBiscuit!

The Balimora guild leaders are @Helios and @Nimueh! So if you have any questions feel free to reach out to them, us @Wagoneers, or consulting the Q&A topic! There is also the Balimora Guild Hall for when you want to meet your guild mates!

As for your interests it seems like you’ll fit right in! We have the work/job topic, I’d love to hear more about your work if you have time! We have a DND topic and i’m sure they’ll let you talk about about other tabletops there, but if not we have an overall gaming topic! There is also a pets topic that has various pets with varying degrees of cuteness! I know that we have a couple of people that actually preform music so I’m sure they’d talk with you over in the before mentioned work thread!

I’m sorry if my reply is a little knowledge heavy! If you need me to explain a little better, feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll help in any way I can! Once again welcome to the Ackerly Green Forum Community!


Thanks @Ignatius ! It’s way too late where I am to look into these now, but I’m excited to explore over the weekend :3
(And I would be happy to talk more about my work :slight_smile: )


Welcome @Ricklus and @CherryBiscuit to the forum, and welcome @Miliham to Thornmouth!


Welcome @CherryBiscuit!


Hey. Recently found the Magiqverse on my off day. It’s been interesting and slightly confusing. I love to read and it will be a welcome distraction in my free time. Currently trying to catch up on the Monarchs narrative. I was sorted into thornmouth and couldn’t agree more. Excited to get in and get started.


Welcome @Mohicanmud!

Please start by reading the first post and the Forum Primer!

The Welcome Super Topic: Come Say Hello!

If you’re here, it’s most likely because the Guide to Magiq found you and sorted you into your guild, and you got an email telling you to come here. If so, welcome! You’re probably wondering where to go next, and what’s going on. It’s a lot to take in, we know. We’re here to help. So sit tight, grab a snack, and read this to the end.

Okay so now you’ve done that I can introduce you to your guild leader @Sellalellen !

If you have any questions you can PM your leaders or any of the Wagoneers!! We also have a handy Q&A thread you can check out!

When your ready you can introduce yourself to your guild mates!

You should also check out the #the-creationary as that has some super cool writings and works of art by your fellow forum goers!

Once again welcome to the Ackerly Green community!


Greetings! New blood here.

A cup of coffee sat next to the right of me on my reading table, steam wafting upwards to indicate that it was still quite warm. I had only taken to my chair a moment before and had set down the mug to retrieve my phone from the left pocket of my sagging black sweatpants. I hadn’t needed to put down my coffee mug for this action to occur, but it was a reflex at this point.

The same sort of reflex in me opened Instagram and began to scroll through the still-captured lives and stories of people I had never met, or the advertisements of some company looking to push it’s latest product. It was then that my finger slid the screen upwards to reveal an image with a white background, bolstered by a crest sitting within a four-sided diamond all in black. This was the first of a series of similar images, which I proceeded to scroll through out of pure interest of their designs. Each seemed to represent some sort of group and features regalia that would seemingly match with ideals likely attributed to such. Below the images, the description stated that these were sigils of guilds and that an exam could be taken to ascertain which one I could belong to. This all seemed interesting and something to do while sipping on my coffee for the next hour or so.

Hours had passed before I had realized that my coffee had gone cold and I had taken the exam five times. This was all connected to something called Ackerly Green’s Guide To Magiq, although the exam itself was (for the most part) nonsensical in spots or needed knowledge that I did not possess. And this didn’t frustrate me, but propelled me further into the depths. Upon taking the exam the fifth time, and getting the result of Thornmouth three times in a row, I was content with stepping forward and proceeded to the next page.

It was here that my interest truly began. This was far larger than an Instagram page and a strange exam, there was something here. I needed to look further. After all, being a Thornmouth meant learning all there is to learn. I downloaded the attached files and began reading The Beginner’s Spellbook immediately. This had entranced me at this point, and my coffee had been long abandoned. The first book was a starter tome on some base knowledge and painted the path towards this forum, in which I now write. It also suggested that I begin reading the second file I had been given titled The Monarch Papers: Flora & Fauna, which has been keeping me preoccupied with its story for a good amount of hours now and still for quite a few more judging by the page count.

My journey in the realm of the Magiqverse has just begun.

As for who I am? I am a seeker of lore and lost knowledge. The arcane has always held a firm grip on my sense of wonder and has led me from religions to the occult, to sciences, and now here. I have taken many notes on what I’ve seen thus far regarding anything relating to The Guide or the Book of Briars, and will continue to do so. My notes will be shared eventually, likely through a mass image drop, although as of now I just seek to learn more.

I will generally lurk far more than post. My nature is to observe silently, and will generally be the shadow in a room hiding within the shadow of a larger being. Although that does not mean I am not here, simply just learning what I can learn. My posts will generally come as needed or if a thought arises that needs more help than I can find myself.

That being said, I look forward to talking with some of you and sharing in the knowledge being presented here. This world is full of mysteries waiting to be unravelled and stories to be told.



Ahahaha our first welcome essay! You sir are definitely a Thornmouth!! :laughing:


Okay so now I have use of both arms I can give you a proper welcome!

Welcome @TheMadHare to the Ackerly Green Forum!!!

Before you dive into the forum please ensure you have fully familiarised yourself with the First Post and the Forum Primer as both are super important!

Now assuming you’ve done that I can introduce you to the First Word @Sellalellen! She is our guild’s wonderful leader who can help you with any questions you might have! The Wagoneers are also at your disposal and you can ask questions in the Q&A topic as well!

After that you can introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates and explore the Thornhouse! We also have an evening hangout you can look in on!

So now the formalities are over tell us a bit about your interests and where you’re from!