The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Yeah, i think flinterforge is more me not gonna lie


Yep I whole heartedly agree!!

Okay so im sure your really confused, just head over to the Fragment 10 and read up a lil, the excitment will start tonight!


Sounds good. Im on it


Sup J, good to see another Balimoran around! :balimora:


Hello, all! Iā€™m Yamnistadt, though I go by Yam (like the starchy tuber) or Yami (phonetically YOM-ee). Iā€™m a new Balimora. As an avid reader and a whimsical, capricious personality, Iā€™m ready to do my part to help!


I like the introduction! You seem cool :smiley:

Welcome to the Mounties!


Welcome to the clan Yam!
We are in between fragments so you came at a great time to get caught up! Basecamp 33 has really great recap videos!

Im Oracle from Gossmere, ping me if u need any further help! :slight_smile:


Welcome to the mountaineers! It helps to read through the wiki and get familiar with the forumā€™s many various boards, along with the recap videos as was suggested. The more the merrier!


Hiā€¦uh im katheryn im an ebenguard.


Hi everyone! Iā€™m a bit late to the party, by almost a year, but Iā€™m going to try to catch up! Iā€™m Balimora, trying to get more info on that, but yeah, hello new world!


Welcome to the fray @katheryn and @Mr5yy!! Welcome to the Mounties! You are both coming in at a good time (kind of, but I will get into why it is kind of). You are coming in between fragments which is the good part. It will give you both a chance to check out the fragment recaps on the Basecamp 33 YouTube page, read through the weekly recaps that Eaves does, and ask lots of questions (these are merely suggestions, you donā€™t have to do any of these :slight_smile: ) but we do love answering questions over here. Any of us do.

Now why it is kind of a good time. We are currently hoping to rescue some people, as well as potentially the rest of the world from an organization called Kemetic Solutions (KS). We are in touch with someone called Aether, who has been kidnapped by KS. Aether told us KS has others and that we need to help or the fate of the world could be at stake. Oh and Aetherā€™s friend Constance, and another woman close to us, Deirdre, has suddenly gone silent. If that doesnā€™t scare you away (please donā€™t be scared away), welcome to the group and it is awesome having you both!! We can use all the help we can get


@Brendon Sounds fun! Being scared away wouldnā€™t allow the adventure to continue, so Iā€™m going to stay!


Hi everyone. Excited to be apart of such an awesome adventure.


Umā€¦I just joined this group thing I guess. Still trying to understand whatā€™s going on and whatā€™s the point. It is 1:50 pm where I am though so maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m so confused. I definitely donā€™t understand whatā€™s going on.

But hopefully you guys can help? Maybe, I donā€™t know. But anyway, I know my name is long but you can just call me Snow. Iā€™m a Thornmouth. Which strikes true to my personal beliefs of learning all that you can. But Iā€™m a Hufflepuff so I donā€™t know how thatā€™ll merge together. Or if it even does. Like I said, confused.

But yeah, so uh, just go easy on me. I might be a little slow on the uptake is all. Umā€¦Bye then, I guessā€¦


Itā€™s nice to have you! No worries, youā€™ll figure everything out in no time.there isnā€™t a lot happening right now, so itā€™s a great time to watch the fragment recaps on YouTube or weekly recaps on the blog if you want to get up to date. Iā€™m pretty new too, though, so I donā€™t know everything either.


Sellalellen pretty much covered what you can do to catch up. Itā€™s cool to have another Thornpuff here.


Yay, new friends!
Glad you could join the fight!
Iā€™m Oracle from Gossmere, ping me if you need any help!


Hi all. New to all this but delighted to refind the link to the guide. Who would have thought Facebook would actually lead me to something interesting again.

Not so dusty academic, with 18th century, pagan, folklore and educational leanings. How do I help?


Welcome @MissEvans, it is great having you join the group! I just quoted my post above, I think it could give you a good start :slight_smile:.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions!!


Ok, downtime is useful. It seems I have a lot of catching up to do.
But Iā€™ll be here.
Questions: basic ones first.
How do I add my guild badge to my ā€œMā€?
And- hilariously true to my guild already - is there anything I can do to help right now?