The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Oh my gosh, welcome @Jgriff547, @Gideon_13, @Canterbury, @Torli and @Mr.Fern

This is the starter post that you guys might want to take a look at, as well as the weekly recaps. You should also check out the fragment recap videos, they’ll really help.

If you have any specific questions, let us know!


Hi I am a new Thornmouth
I look forward to pushing back the darkness and through knowledge discovering the hidden and unseen with you all. :slight_smile:


Welcome @Balkazarno, glad to have you with us!


Hi! I am a brand new Ebenguard. I’ve already started reading up on all the puzzle-solving, and I can’t wait to lend a helping hand. Side note: Since the moment I joined this morning, I’ve gotten 7 calls on my cellphone from “No Caller ID”, one call on my cell phone from 000-000-0000, and two calls on my home phone from “None.” Are any of these related to joining The Mountaineers, or is this a separate thing? Should I pick up?


That’s odd. I’ve not heard of anyone here getting calls like that.
Sounds like telemarketing/scammers.


Thank you. That’s a relief :sweat_smile:


Yeah, you shouldn’t be getting any calls. You shouldn’t have needed to submit your phone number anywhere on the sites (and if something prompted you to do so, please kindly click on that friendly hippocampus on the very top right of this page).



Vahildr here! I joined a few days ago and have been lurking a bit! I usually go by Vahildr or Tage, so whichever name you feel more comfortable using, go ahead! I was placed into Balimora, and it is a rather solid fit for me (I went through the book four times, three of them I was Balimora)! I am in the middle of a big move and some other personal things, so my helpfulness in learning about fragments might be lacking, but I will help where I can!

Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
–Vahildr {Tage}


Hello, I am a brand new mountaineer, trying to find my way around and figure out what the heck I’m supposed to do! I want to be immersed, but this will take some serious investigation!


hello everyone, I’m a new guy.

My name’s Morgan, and I tested as a Balimora. It’s nice to meet you all and I’m looking forward to my activity in this community.


Woah, welcome to Basecamp. Welcome to the Mountaineers. You guys should be able to find everything you need in Kelsey’s prior post.


Hello, my name is Deyavi! Welcome to everyone newer than me, also. (… you know. Since Saturday.) I’m an Ebenguardian! Can’t wait to interact with you in the forum!


hi im new and love mysteries


Hi everyone. Brand new Ebenguard. Looking forward to helping out. I’m from Missouri.


Hey, im a new Balimora. And i have no idea what to do…


Hi I am a new Person, Thornmouth,


Welcome all new members! @Radonary, @Matt, @Hermittramp and @Heather_Johnson! (And I suspect a few more I’ve missed)

There’s a lot of advice floating around recently on how to get up to speed. There’s weekly updates that Eaves writes that are linked at the top of this site. Also there are video recaps of the previous 10 fragments we’ve worked on on the Basecamp33 youtube channel

Make yourself at home and don’t hesitate to ask any questions . We were all new once and it’s a lot to get up to speed on. But our work here tends to move at a pretty good, measured pace with the occaisional few days for catching up and breathing.


@Robert Thank you very much are there recaps on 9 and 10 and how do we contribute towards fragment 11


@Brendon Sorry, didn’t mean to @Kelsey you! (Yes, she’s a verb now)

@Radonary The Fragment 9 recap has been written but the video hasn’t been shot yet.

Fragment 10 recap. Dang if I don’t see one. I should get off my lazy butt and do that today.

As for contributing to Fragment 11:

Well to recap where are so far, Aether (A young adept who has been kidnapped by Kemetic Solutions so they can use his ability to talk to computers for their own probably nerfarious purposes) has entered the Kemetic solutions website and is contacting us through pages there. One of the more interesting ones is here.

We discovered who this ‘Savnig’ is, and it turns out to be the real name of someone we vaguely know as Augernon, a former mountaineer from the last generation of mountaineers. He is currently in a mental facility in Maryland, and someone is going to try to reach him in person tomorrow (@Marty.60 who’s a reporter who’s been working with us.) So right now we’re mostly waiting til Wednesday to find out how that meeting goes, and how coherent Augernon is and if they can help us either freeing the other people Kemetic Solutions kidnapped.

Once Marty gets back to us with information I’m sure we’ll have someone else we need to figure out. It always seems to work that way.


AHHHHH so many new magi!!
Welcome to the battlefield, grab some cookies and coffee while you still can XD