The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Hi everyone, I’m Snowberry. I’m super new and I tested as Ebenguard but I feel very much like I belong in Gossmere. I would appreciate any tips on starting out - my friend @AtheliaViolet introduced me to the magiqverse yesterday and I’m at the beginning of what seems like a very steep learning curve!


Hello! Glad to have you! I don’t feel like anything is set in stone and anyone is capable of change. Go where your heart takes you and ask for help from a leader either in the guild you feel most connected to or where you were placed if you have any questions. Welcome :smiley:


Hi baby Snowberry :blush: I’m glad you made it!


Hi! If you’re still looking for a place to land between the two guilds, I’m sure the leaders would be up to help out! @OracleSage and @Augustus_Octavian are your Gossy leaders, and @Deyavi and @Ginger are our Ebenguard leaders! But also follow your gut! The Guide is meant to help point you in a direction, but if you’ve got a strong feeling about a different guild, go for it! Or be both! There’s plenty of polyguilds here!


Ahahaha unfortunately I’m not but I’m always happy to help!

Welcome @LittleSnowberry and @Joshwolftree!!


Hey there, Snowberry!
I’m Oracle, one of the Gossmere guild leaders. So nice to meet you!
If you need help getting started I recommend the forum primer
Or, if you have any specific questions, don’t be afraid to reach out! Leadership is here to help get you settled in any way we can!
Welcome to the guild of Gossmere!


Hi there! So I’m new here, as you probably can tell, but I finished the first book just a little while ago and I must say that my interest was piqued! I followed along with a few other things on here before posting this little introduction but I look forward to talking to and interacting with everyone on here! Oh! I forgot to mention but I did take the guide assessment and I got Ebenguard!


Good evening, everyone. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Reese. I have answered the questions. I have been placed. I am a Balimora, though I’m sure I knew that before the test did. I am excited to join. Well, as excited as one can be when the storms overhead are so strong.


Welcome @AutumnWriter and @Reese! You can both check out the forum primer for the general rules of the forum and a quick catch-up of events. Autumn, nice to see that you’re working on the books, I had just finished the first book when I first joined the forum too. Your guild leaders are @Deyavi and @Ginger, feel free to @ them with any further questions you may have. Reese, your guild leaders are @Steve and @Helios. Simply lurking around on the forum for a little while is a good way to get a feel for how things work.


Thank you, @BrokenVoid. I feel as if I’ve barely begun to scratch the surface here, but I’m eager to learn more. I’ll be in touch.


Yeah it can definitely feel pretty daunting at first. The books are usually the best place to start if you haven’t already. Everyone here is always happy to help out if you need anything.


Hi I’m Mori,

A shy new Ebenguard, nice to meet you all and I hope to learn and have fun with many of you! This is something completely new to me haha totally out of my element.


Welcome @Mori! I put a link to the forum primer and the names of your guild leaders in one of my posts above. Feel free to @ either of the guild leaders with any questions you have after reading through the forum primer and the forum rules. You’ll find that this is an incredibly welcoming community that is always happy to help new members find their way around.



Good to know! Thank you so much haha.


hullo mori! pleasure to meet you!


@Cj_Heighton Nice to meet you as well! Hello :smiley:


@Mori Fellow Ebenguard and fellow graphic designer! The similarities just keep coming. :smile: Welcome to the forums, it’s good to have you.


Great to be here! I guess it was fate that brought me here XD I’m excited to get to know everyone :smiley: @metatomato


Hello to all :slight_smile: I should start by saying I may not be very active here, I have many things going on in life and a 12 hour work shift…
I also suppose I should say I’m definitely new to a forum based community. I feel that I’ll enjoy being a part of this, especially since the basis for this one is immensely intriguing.
According to the assessment, I’m a Thornmouth and Flinterforge (yes I took it twice, I thought it was fun :slight_smile: ). After reading about the guilds, I can truly see aspects of myself in each of them which would mean I’m…polyguild-all…? I’m not sure what to do about that, with regards to joining a guild, so any advice will be appreciated.


Welcome @AutumnWriter, @Reese, @Mori and @RichardPheonix!!!

@Sellalellen is the Thornmouth leader (Yes I’m totally claiming him as one of ours) so if you have any questions you can ask her!

You should start by checking out the Forum Primer as it has loads of useful links and information!

(Sorry Rev for constantly editing this post my phone is not playing nice today :laughing:)