The Welcome Super Topic: Volume One

Hi! Merryadonis here. Merry is also fine. Upon closer inspection, I’m a Thornmere, though the “test” placed me in Gossmere. I suppose arguably I can see traits of myself in each guild, but :woman_shrugging: Anyway, excited to be here and catch up!


Hey @Merryadonis, welcome to the forums; it’s great to have you here! It’s totally fine that you’re a Thornmere (I’m a Weathermere, myself, even though the guild has only ever given me Weatherwatch), but I’ll direct you to both of the heads of both of the guilds. @Augustus_Octavian and @OracleSage are the guild leaders for Gossmere and @Sellalellen is the leader for Thornmouth. They are all really great resources, so feel free to reach out to them with questions if you have them as well as any of the other leaders!

To get started, I’ve got a couple of links! Just above your post, Skylad linked to the Forum Primer which will help you to navigate around here. I’d also suggest you join the Thornmouth and Gossmere groups if you’re interested in being associated with both guilds. It will help you be identified by other members, plus you get a cool little flair next to your name (like my burgundy one)! Make sure that the guild you want as your primary guild (If you feel more like a Thornmouth, for instance) is the group that you join last because the guild group that you join last is the one your flair will be displayed as. I hope that clears things up and I wish you good luck on your journey through the forums! Again, welcome!


Um, excuse you, Sky, we don’t discard the instructions. We reference them selectively. :laughing:

Great to meet you, @thehaileybirdie! Welcome to Flinterforge!


I should have you know I wondered into the workshop by mistake one day (#weatherwatchlife) and saw a bin FULL of instruction manuals! I’m 99.99% sure it wasn’t a makeshift filing cabinet!


Flinterforge most definitely wrote the IKEA instruction manuals :laughing:


Like I said, selectively. Those manuals were just of poor quality and didn’t get selected. :woman_shrugging:

But yes, please stick around and get to know us! I’m afraid we’re not really as organized as Sky claimed (and also typically miles and miles apart in real life…hmm, maybe virtual, magiqal work gloves?), but we’re so happy to have you on the forum! And @merryadonis, and everyone else going back a bit. :blush:


Yey welcome @Merryadonis!!! We always need more polyguilds! Like Viviane who’s also a Thornmouth but is in Flinterforge :wink:


Watch out or I’ll put locks on all of your books. :neutral_face: Those IKEA accusations alone are fighting words!

(Also we’re cluttering the thread, and I don’t wanna alarm any new Mounties, so maybe let’s call truce, mkay?)


Throws popcorn to the side and storms away


You guys are awesome :joy:


Ahoy! I am Dias, and am fairly new to this website. I’m a Flinterforge/Thornmouth, pretty sure at least. I hope i enjoy my stay here in this magiqverse!


Welcome! And welcome to Flinterforge. Hop over to the guild pages when you’re ready and tell me how you like your tea!


Welcome @Just_Dias!!! @Viviane and @Revenir are your guild leaders so if you have any questions you can ask them. You should also check out the Forum Primer!


Heyla I’m Cirydae, a Weatherwatch I suppose? Poking about right now, seeing what I can find. ^.^


Welcome to forums, @Cirydae; it’s great to have another Weatherwatch I’m one of the captains of Weatherwatch alongside @Skylad. Feel free to reach out to us as you’re poking around if you have any questions and we’ll try and answer them as soon as possible. If you want some direction on where to start, I would suggest the Forum Primer that Rimor linked above! It helps by explaining what the forum is and how you can navigate it. I would also suggest checking out The Monarch Papers since they’re a really good synthesis of what happened here on the forum. Lastly, you should join the Weatherwatch group so you can get a cool little burgundy flair, like me! Again, welcome to the forums and Weatherwatch!


Hello Everyone, new Flinterforge member here, names Orion


Welcome @Orion and @Cirydae!!


New Flinterforged here! Just joined upon discovering my talents. I have read over the trust hierarchy and plan on reading all of the required literature to enjoy my time here!


Welcome @Ferrissnmir, looks like you’re on track to getting the hang of the forum. Your guild leaders are @Revenir and @Viviane. Feel free to @ them if you have any questions or need anything. Check out the forum primer for all the required info regarding the forum.


New Ebenguardian. Happy to be here, if a bit overwhelmed at everything.