4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

Awesome, edited the list above to reflect (sorry for the pings).


Instead of one person taking up the large mantle of rewriting the entire original spell for this. How about everyone propose one or two for guilds they care about, and we can compile them that way? Easier task, many hands, et al

So, the original verses had an ABB rhyme structure. I’d randomly suggest doing BBA just because. Also probably mentioning something about searching, finding the elements, or binding to the journal.

Here’s my stab at Balimora.

Wild (Balimora)
The darkened world is stirring now
Before dawn breaks its silence
Life and death move hand in hand, the minuet of violence

Wild (Balimora)
Life ends in death, as death ends in life
A calm, placid world of never ending strife
Bring forward the Wild into the written world

(I reserve the right to change that last line…not sure I like it yet.)

How would you express YOUR guild in 3 lines?


The flame of Thought grows ever stronger,
Within the veil we wait no longer,
We seek the truth through the power of written word.


So I tried:
Aether (Gossmere)
The breeze that turns the endless pages,
Adrift and unseen through the ages,
All encompassed in sincere refrain.

If anyone thinks of anything I could do to make it better let me know!


I took a couple stabs at it. Both have the BBA rhyming structure, but I went and reversed the line lengths for one as well.

Moons ascend their nightly ride
Pulling back the ebbing tide
Baring to us what once was hidden beneath the veiling waves

Five moons ascend into the heavens upon their nightly ride
Pulling back the ebbing tide
Showing 'neath the veiling waves


Unrelated to this discussion, but the re-visitation of this poem is suddenly making me wonder if possibly Neithernor has five moons.


So this is what I’ve come up with for Flinter from a blacksmiths perspective. Also I’d love to step in for Flinter if there’s no one else I have an object begging to be used.

“Quench and cool let structure show
Come out of Earth from down below
Moonlight guiding hands and hammer”


[spoiler]I’m not sure, I alwasy took this as 5 phases, is in new, waxing quater, full, wanning quater, new. :ascendershrug:



[spoiler]Well, there are multiple moons on the chronocompass…
Not five of them, but… :ascendershrug:[/spoiler]


There might be five
If the black void in the center is veiwed as a typical crescent Moon then you’d have all five moons.


So I think we have at least one proposed verse for every guild except Weatherwatch (Light).

We have 6 people signed up. They will all need journals and their items of elemental focus. Anyone any else can think of we need or want to for this?


“I am the daughter and the father, energy drawn from the moon.
Set in motion by lovers boone
Gaze and understand the setting sun”

I know I’m not weatherwatch but this is something I came up with. Whoever takes the spot feel free to use it or change it or whatever have you. Just thought I’d throw in a suggestion for it since no one else has yet.


Oh we still need to figure out this part that everyone needs to write in their own journals:

•Physically bind that object to a “peering tome,” like a journal or notebook. It should be blank except for your addition of as much context about the spell as you know. In Peering Arts you would typically have the physical book or art which would have the date, title, author, and the actual work. So you’d need to reference as much as you know about the spell at the beginning of the peering tome. The timeframe the spell was cast, that the Guide to Magiq is now a part of it, etc.

So what do we know about the spell? (Not all of these details need to go into the journals, I suppose, if someone can summarize them well. Or just copy these and other people’s additions into your journal. I’m easy.)

  • It’s big, encompassing everyone and everything associated with the Mountaineers from contact with the outside world.

  • It works in both directions, it keeps us from contacting outside, and the outside from contacting us.

  • It involves mind affecting magiqs.

  • The Veil is using the Guide to Magiq as a doorway allowing some passage into the veil.

  • The guild affinities seem to be able to use the Guide to communicate out as well, for the time being.

  • Casting of the veil involved the Calling the Corners spell.

  • The residue elements we are hoping to find are located within the veil.

  • The timeline for the spell. Marty last successfully contacted us in April 18th, 2018. The Search for Magiq began on March 29th, 2019. So sometime between those two dates.

Anything else anyone knows or remembers?


Hmm. Who else do we know that was hedged out by the veil? Eaves, Marty… There has to be someone else on the other side of the veil that we can use as a reference, search the forum and find when they last posted. Hopefully we can narrow the window during which the Veil was placed to less than an 11 month timeframe.


Marty’s was the last post I could find, but there certainly could be another. Maybe @SpiritSeer has in her logs of correspondence with the Low the first time anyone mentioned being unable to see the site. I don’t think she’s previously given us a timeline, but I may be mistaken.


I know she mentioned something about the number of Low folks being able to see the forum dwindling to practically nothing, don’t recall precisely when it was mentioned…

So it sounds like the walls started closing in about a month after we last heard from Marty.


I can’t access any of my low logins (lowgins?) anymore, which is where I’d be able to see definitively, but according to my previous conversations with my friendly there, who apparently has also been booted (though I have some sneaky theories about where he may have ended up) the “disappearing” started between May or June of last year.


(Compiling for ease, cause you guys know me, I like to keep things neat :D )

So, if we have all of this, when do we want to start? Anyone got any tweaks to the spell? Personally, I’m not so sure on the lunar references for Flinter and Weatherwatch (I still don’t know what to abbreviate that to…) just cause those were references to chronocompass positions. Don’t ask me how to change them though, I really suck at stuff like this. Plus it’s probably good, just a me thing.

Also, apologies, I probably just sent all the pings…


It looks good to me.


Moons in the sun guild elements felt a bit…odd to me as well. I tried adjusting a little.

Quench and cool, let structure show
Make leave of the Earth below
Raw component once hidden now revealed to our seeking eyes

Sunshine hidden from our vision
From horizon you’ve risen
Break these clouds with your radiant glow, shine for us all to see