The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

In case, by some chance, he does indeed request our help. We should have a team of volunteers ready.


Even though I don’t think there’s a big chance of a message tomorrow morning, if we are doing a message, DO NOT mention getting the spell during a fragment. Why? Because Augie and whomever he tells about us seem to think we are a “lost” group of Mountiees. If you say we got it between fragments 9 and 10, or that fragment 12 was a killer for us too, it sounds like we have a BoB, or there’s another one out there. Also I think Augie literally meant that fragment 12 was a killer.


Unfortunately, in the last message we said we’d received the Cosmos key, which would mean we’ve done fragments before. As much as I like your idea, we’re too far down the line for that.


That’s where you’re wrong. Saying we got the Cosmos key just means we got it from doing the same fragment as them. You’d be telling them we are doing a completely different set of fragments.

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That’s from the last message we sent. Sounds to me like we have access to the book and all fragments. However, we have 10mins before time, so what do we want to do?


We don’t have to send exactly at 4, do we? If we need more time to revise, we should take it.


Nim, I don’t think we have enough time to debate this further. If we’d been talking this over for hours, sure, but we have to act now.

I don’t see anything wrong with your message. It’s in line with what we’ve been telling him so far. Better to be consistent now than change up details because we are trying to lie and deceive. That’s how you break trust.


Dey is wise as ever;)

We don’t have time. Your original message is honest and helpful, without hinting at who we really are.
I say go for it.


Okay, sent message as above. Now to wait and see if we get a reply in the morning, or if we have to wait longer…


I just want to point out what @Viviane said earlier. We don’t have to send a message right at 4. I am pretty sure we have from 4PM to 4AM to send something (this isn’t fact, but I can’t see why we wouldn’t). That is just something to be aware of moving forward, because I think the message you sent was really great @Nimueh. But yeah, I don’t think we need to be in a rush to send something right at the strike of 4 if there is something we want to discuss further as a group


I think you’re probably right. I’m just anxious about it because… well… I’m afraid of being wrong.

Probably knowing what happens if we fail is getting to my head a bit. I know, dramatic. I just… want to act decisively. I’m scared for them all and excited all at the same time.


So, now a question is raised. If they know that we are working on a set of fragments, does that mean there was more than one group of Mountiees in 94? What happened to them if they existed?


that should also make us wonder…are we the only ones in our time?!


I’m going with yes, since the Council sacrificed the book for us.


^^^ Yeah, that makes the most sense.


^ And with magiq running out, I’d imagine they wouldn’t have enough to keep more than one group going at a time at this point.


Augie mentioned there were other Mountain Lodges similar in aim to the '94 Mounties around the same timeframe, I think, but I think only one gets the Book, typically. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been as big of a deal to sacrifice the book, since we could have tried to find another one of these groups in our time to work with instead of reaching back in time to commune with the '94 Mounties.


I think the book communicates with all of the Lodge’s, maybe only one gets to see it though?

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Okay I was just looking through some of the past fragments and In one of them it said that king rabbit stole Sullivan’s pocket watch from Deirdre. Now if you look at the picture of the Chronocompass on her site you’ll notice that it in fact looks alot like a pocket watch! Maybe king rabbit was after the Chronocompass and not the watch! It would be very easy to mistake one for the other if they’re not open.


The reply is exactly the same as last time