The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

It’s not that they’ve done something we haven’t per se. It’s that their assessment came in a different form than ours. Technology and circumstances considering, that makes sense.


Asking about Fletcher is a good idea.


Okay, so maybe we should start writing a message?

"Hello again Augie,
Hope you are well and that your lodge is holding okay still. All I can say about the spell is that I wish we’d been able to give it to you guys sooner. But as a couple of my lodge mates keep telling me, the flow of magiq is a strange and unpredictable thing. At least you have it now.

A few of us were wondering if you’d like some help with your missing mountiies too. It was someone called Ascender who said was looking for them, right? If you think we can help him in any way, please do let us know!

Yeah, fragment 12 was a killer for us too! In all honesty, I’m still wondering how we got through it! There was something we were wondering though, if you knew anything about a Fletcher Dawson? There’s a bit of excitement going around the lodge at the news that we might be back on the fragement trail and helping you guys out with this.

Anyway, stay safe!

Oh, also, yeah, I’m Balimoran. I take it from your first guess that you’re an Ebie? It’s funny though, we have another here who uses another name for the Lady, Viviane, and she’s Flinterforge. Strange, huh?"

If people want to add in something else about the spell we can use it to introduce other names? Other than that, anything else we want to say?


I also think that we may not be on the same path as them, though I may be misinterpreting what Sullivan said. The way Sullivan seemed to be talking about the path which we tread with Deirdre to be different, built for crumbling ruins of the paths of silver and of wool (I don’t remember where exactly this was first mentioned, but Deeds talk about it here on her blog). I think this new path, along with advances in technology (imagine trying to map the constellations onto cities before the advent of Google), are the main reasons why we have had different challenges in our Fragments.

Also, I think it should be noted that usually it takes “decades, sometimes centuries” (from Deeds’ newest blog post) for the Council to be able to send the Book to a groups like us. It’s only been 23 years since the last time the book was summoned, but in that time a lot of technological advancements have taken place. In times when it took centuries to garner enough magiq to send the book, technological changes would have taken place, especially once the Industrial Revolution kicked in. So every challenge is probably slightly different due to technological constraints, but I think ours is also special because of the path that we are on.


I think that’s an excellent start. You have a good mind for asking the right questions.


All very valid thoughts. I was specifically thinking of the technological aspect, myself, but the concept that our path is a very different one from previous generations of Mountaineers holds quite a bit of water.


Do we know exactly when the storm took them, or just that it s going to happen?

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I think someone said it was after they completed frag 12, and they’re now working on 13 after having their forums down and mountiees go missing, so we’re assuming like any day I think…


As usual, I agree with Deyavi in regards to the differences between their assessment and our’s. We can mention something about placing constellations in read world cities in our note back and leave it at that.

What we really need to get to is the meat of helping them with Fragment 13, but without sounding too coercive.


That’s right. When Marty spoke to Augernon of our time, in the mental health facility, Augie said that it came for them at Fragment 12. And they’ve begun to disappear now.

He didn’t say it came all at once, so we have a little time, but that time is… slim, at best. I can only hope that the Joradian Safeguard spell will be of use in holding off what’s coming long enough for us to do what we have to do.


I think he’s planning to put us in the right position by feeding us information, at the very least. We just won’t know everything until Monday, at least, unless something happens before then to require him to get in touch.


or unless our timelines aren’t synced and we skip to Monday tonight. I’m doubting it, but it’s possible.

Anything we want to ad about finding the spell? He specifically asked about that.


We could just say the truth. Someone we contacted for fragment 10 gave it to us. They said they were from some place called the low but we don’t know much about them exactly.

Any time you can work the complete truth into your half truths it makes everything else more believable.

Edit. Or was it fragment 9. I forget


I am restraining from just DUMPING info on Augie, but everyone is right, we should pace ourselves,
We could mention that one of our leaders died? To show that we are also struggling? Maybe even mention the spell we used to lay him to rest?
Im just coming up with ideas and throwing them out there, feel free to do with them what you will.


Maybe we could find out if their time syncs with ours by saying we’ve been having technical difficulties (which we have technically cuz book of briars online destroyed) and that we’ve noticed some of our dates on our records have been messed up or not reflecting…or ask them what time they have to message us by of if they have a time restraint too?? I’m just spit balling questions I don’t know if anything has been addressed or not. Between this and work my brain is fried!

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Okay, less than an hour to go, so final pass and editing?

"Hello again Augie,
Hope you are well and that your lodge is holding okay still. We knwo what it’s like to loose members. We lost one of our leaders before I joined, and the guys used some magiq to lay him to rest. We found the spell we gave you though sometime during fragment 9 or 10 though from someplace called the Low. Ever heard of it? All I can say about the spell is that I wish we’d been able to give it to you guys sooner. But as a couple of my lodge mates keep telling me, the flow of magiq is a strange and unpredictable thing. At least you have it now.

A few of us were wondering if you’d like some help with your missing mountiies too. It was someone called Ascender who said was looking for them, right? If you think we can help him in any way, please do let us know!

Yeah, fragment 12 was a killer for us too! In all honesty, I’m still wondering how we got through it! There was something we were wondering though, if you knew anything about a Fletcher Dawson? There’s a bit of excitement going around the lodge at the news that we might be back on the fragement trail and helping you guys out with this.

Anyway, stay safe!

Oh, also, yeah, I’m Balimoran. I take it from your first guess that you’re an Ebie? It’s funny though, we have another here who uses another name for the Lady, Viviane, and she’s Flinterforge. Strange, huh?


I thought we were not answering until sunday?

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I may have misread, I thought the consensus was to reply tonight just in case we aren’t entirely in sync with them. We could have a reply tomorrow morning, if not we’ll have one Monday.


Yes all seemed to agree there’s no appoarent harm responding today. And there’s a chance it’ll get us a faster response.

Your text looks great.


No I believe we decided to reply today, in case our timelines arent the exact same :slight_smile: