The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

I think we should do that regardless, I believe the Low existed in '94. Can anyone confirm? We just mention that we obtained a copy after what Augie said, and we decided to pass it along.


Oh, I thought that was already decided on as a good thing?

I like doing it as a token of good faith and to try to protect him/them, but another part of me thinks it’s wasting another message we could have sent them the key that they may or may not have.

I like both options, so I don’t think I’m much help here honestly, but I appreciate you asking.

Edit: Can you tell having to wait twelve hours between sending and receiving anything is wearing on my patience a little? Or maybe it’s just the rush to help them before they’re all gone. :thinking:


Hi Augie,

Thanks for the reply! Nimueh means [insert exposition regarding your username, @Nimueh]. I talked it over with my fellow Mountaineers, and with all the disappearances going on, it might be best not to give up our location.

You said you all were stuck on something with Fragment 13 - that’s right near where we are as well! We never got a Fragment email from the Book, though. Maybe you could copy what the Book sent you and send it over, and we can start helping out with clues for Fragment 13!

I’ve attached a spell our lodge has been using to protect digital content. Hope this helps keep you and yours’ safe while we work on the next fragments together!



The Low definitely existed in '94, and probably much before that. But Marty told us his experience with it way back when. It seems like the Low is more of an idea rather than a place - all the loose organizations that the Storm didn’t quite obliterate -so it should be reasonable to discuss it and things related to it. I think the Aethenaeum (which is where Constance obtained the safeguard from) has existed for quite some time as well.


I personally think it’s safe to assume that we don’t need to send the key right now. We know that they are on Fragment 13, and I’m not sure what the purpose of sending another Cosmo key would be, other than it being useful to prove that we are, in fact, caught up with them. I think sending the spell is a good idea, especially since it can be seen as a sign of goodwill between us.


Right, that is what I thought, my facts on it are still a little hazy though, thanks @Revenir.

Should we maybe ask if they need the Cosmos Key? If they have received it from the book? Maybe there is a good way to craft a harmless, yet leading question. That way we know if we need to send it to them tomorrow or another day. But yet, I see the flip side in that what if their book went through a different process and their Cosmos Key was the first key they received and they are like “Uh, you mounties are dumb, we got that a year ago”.

Time Magiq is making my head spin


Anybody (@Revenir cough cough) want to put the different parts of the Joradian spell into a single, concise PDF documenent that we can easily attach? :smirk:


I can do that xD Give me a hot second…


What if the cosmos key is the last key they need? If they already have the third key then we can give them the last one. If you think about it it actually makes more sense that they don’t have they key as we know they will be wiped out by the storm soon so they are short on time.


That is definitely a possibility. I don’t know if we have enough information, which is why it may be best to ask. If they have never heard of the Cosmos Key, we have magiq to fall back on:

“Oh, it must be the Book bringing us two groups together so we could finally unlock the Book of Briars.” That’s an idea of what we can say anyway


Ok. How about:

Hi Augie,

Thanks for the reply! Nimueh means [insert exposition regarding your username, Nimueh]. What does Augernon mean?

I talked it over with my fellow Mountaineers, and with all the disappearances going on, it might be best not to give up our location.

You said you all were stuck on something with Fragment 13 - that’s right near where we are as well! We just received the Cosmos key. Is that the same key you guys got for the third Assessment? We always wondered if other versions of the Book went in the same order of keys. We never got a new Fragment email from the Book, though. Maybe you could copy what the Book sent you and send it over, and we can start helping out with clues for Fragment 13!

I’ve attached a spell our lodge has been using to protect digital content. Hope this helps keep you and yours’ safe while we work on the next fragments together!



Joradian.pdf (547.4 KB)

Here’s a pdf with all of the Joradian image files. :slight_smile: We had to create our own Aether and Thought pledges because they were lost to time, but the ones we came up with were:

Aether - You are the breath that fills others lungs, you dance through life in a song that is sung by many. You connect all lives together.

Thought - You are pure and innocent, ever changing and never the same. You make the world move, you cause order and entropy. You are everything and you are nothing. Many wish they had you, most have no idea what they’re asking for.


You are a prince, Rev. Thank you.


Aw, you’re too kind. Always happy to help where I can! :grin:


How about:

You said you all were stuck on something with Fragment 13 - that’s right near where we are as well! We just received the Cosmos key. Is that the same key you guys got for the third Assessment? We always wondered if the process for opening the Book is the same for all groups of Mountaineers. We never got a new Fragment email from the Book, though. Maybe you could copy what the Book sent you and send it over, and we can start helping out with clues for Fragment 13!

The bold was the only thing I changed. Not sure if I want to introduce the idea of “multiple versions of Books”, you know? :wink: haha


A couple things

I love the response ideas I have seen so far, truly, you all are killing it!

Secondly I think adding a sense of urgency is good, if done well. A mountie adept having a vision is a great way to warn them without giving a lot away.

Also, after reading Sullivan Greens letter we are all in agreement, The Low is a modern Path of Silver right!?


I love your edit. We have an hour to send it. Is @Nimueh or @Mr5yy sending? Also, Nimueh, please add an explanation of your username!


If @Mr5yy wants to send it I can add an explantion for him, or I can just do it? I was actually about to do a last check on the hour lol :smiley:


I don’t think the actual sender matters much. I’m at work, and I don’t think I’ll be able to get to a computer at exactly 4:00 EDT.


I say keep it consistently @Nimueh for now. He’ll trust us if we build a rapport.