@Revenir, you can send one, right?
I can also send one!
I would be VERY cautious about sending recaps of events or anything that might change anything, yet. We should figure out what this is, the purpose, who’s receiving the messages, when, etc.
Guys be careful!
Yes? What should I send?
Okay. Let’s be careful. Each of the messengers should do something.
Agreed with the slow thing.
Just as an aside, the letters we entered could be seen as 9,11,11,7,3,1 on the clock. Does this have any other significance?
There’s a whole lot of 11s there. My inner numerology geek is skipping about.
Everyone breathe. 100 posts a minute is going to break some people.
Lots of us got a space asking us to send a message. As of 4:07 I still get the message box.
I sent a message, and attached a file (*the key, good idea). I just got sent to the entrance again.
I was just helping 5 get a count of how many people can send messages. Let’s see what everyone else agrees on.
Okay. Key is sent. What else should there be?
Remember the “future works” section? That seems maybe relevant to time stuff.
Okay @Robert already sent the key so that might have been a waste. So everyone stop and let’s talk about this slowly and carefully
This is really exciting, but just to summarize, we think we might have opened some kind of messaging system THROUGH TIME. Let’s please be careful.
EDIT: What if whoever is behind The Storm has commandeered this? I am hoping not, but until we know more I’m veeeeeery Thornmouthy about this whole thing.
I can still send a message, but I’m not sending anything until I know what it is it wants from us.
Guys. Let’s not be rash. We can clearly send as many messages as we can. We have time to think about this. Brute forcing whatever we need to do with this Fletcher Dawson fellow will not be sufficient for whatever this is.
We need to figure out who it is being sent to first. So Ill ask who is this maybe?
I sent out a warning for who ever is on the other side
Sound good to everyone?
We don’t know what direction or how far things are being sent. We don’t know who is receiving them and what they’ll do with them. we need to research more first.
Exactly. This seems to be a conduit for us to input our messages. We need to know what to send and where it’s going.