The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

I’m up for work at that time, so I can check.

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Yeah, I’m thinking the same unfortunately… That why I’m hoping this works and we’re asking the right questions…


lol I really hope it’s not like “wishing with Genies”. You know cause you have to be really specific with the wish otherwise it’s always disastrous and isn’t what you were needing or expecting.


I think I’d only be okay with that if I knew it before hand lol, otherwise it’s be a nightmare. But then again, we are dealing with magiq here… urg, at least one of them was specific ish.

Maybe we should use the time here to think of other questions we could be asking, or trains of thought we may want to follow depending on the answers?


Wording questions. I think it’s important how we word them so that they come out friendly, not demanding.


Hmm… well perhaps we should consider all of the things we want.

  • We want Deirdre to go safely to the Neithernor and do…something? protect the world from The Storm.
  • We want to save the Council from whatever peril they are in.
  • We want to repair the Book of Briars and, eventually, unlock it.
  • We want to defeat the Storm, once and for all, and liberate magiq from its shackles.
  • We want to bring Marty, Aether, Portencia, and Climber back from wherever they went, and maybe save Sacha as well if she’s managed to survive.

That…seems like everything? So here are some questions we can ask from all that -

  • What is the Neithernor? What is so dangerous about it and how can someone safeguard themselves from its pitfalls? How can someone gain magiqal knowledge in the Neithernor?
  • Where is the Fray? If the Council is banished to the Fray and fading away, how can they be saved and their power restored? How can more Wells be unlocked to give the Council more power?
  • How can we defeat the Storm? How can we open the doors they have closed?
  • How can we rescue people the Storm has attacked? How can we find people who are lost in time?

That’s all I’ve got right now, but these are the major worries I’ve had currently.


Third paragraph:

What messages would we like to pass on, if this is the past we’re speaking to?


Maybe a warning? To the Mountiees that helped us like Eaves, Itsuki. (RIP), and others.


Possibly if they know who might have knowledge of how to summon and control a storm!?! And if so the name of this person.

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I mentioned the off-capitalization, but now that you mention both letters together, that’s the state code for Colorado.


I’ve thought a lot about that, but the concern there is if it’ll make time rend. I would absolutely love to give a warning about the coercion video so we can save our friend, but I’m terrified it will lead to some kind of Butterfly Effect disaster. :cold_sweat:


Anything new? * sips coffee *


Not yet. We have to wait until 4am.


I’m thinking that us warning them is what keeps them safe from the Storm.

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Let’s not forget that any sort of warnings or saving of people could have dire consequences in the here and now. If you are talking about warning people, maybe we never get to here. Who knows

EDIT: Didn’t see that Rev posted this but better up above, disregard this


Well, my reason for saying it is that the Mountiees we have to talked to are the only ones. Maybe if we ask them now, they can tell us something to say to then in the past. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


4am?!? Man Magiq is exhausting…


Ya. Magiq makes me sleepy.


I agree wholeheartedly with @Revenir and @Brendon. Best not mess with time.


If you guys wanna send a message at 0400 I can do that seeing as it will only be 1800 my end :grin: That way no one has to set an alarm to be up early (finally being on the other side of the world has its perks)