Have a fun time camping Sel! And remember not to set up your tents at the bottom of a valley!
Thanks guys! I’m back now, and just trying to catch up on everything that’s happened here over the weekend.
I did not cut myself, and did not burn anything, but the entire campsite was at the bottom of a valley. So 2/3 safety points?
Welcome back! Only one Thornmouth recruit! I sent them over to Ash as advised.
2/3 is better than 1/3, or 0/3…
Happy 4th July to all our American Mounties!!!
It sounds like there was a doozie of an earthquake in the SW US, and I know at least a few folks are out there.
Hope everyone in the vicinity is okay.
Somewhere in southern Cali. Which of the Mounties are there?
I don’t know if we have any Los Angeles Mounties but if we do I hope you’re safe!
A YouTuber that I watch who lives in Cali mentioned Bakersfield.
Eyy!! Proud of you! Only 18 people have that badge, nice!
thank ye X3
Welcome to the ranks of the obsessed!
You guys…
I just giggled WAY too hard at this: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz201J7hP1Z/?igshid=1d487pf14173r
I love that. I’ve seen that video many times and it’s just as funny every time.
I keep hearing what sounds like a hammer hitting stone from my backyard, but it only starts when im not there and it stops when i show up
I love how it took us ages to figure out @Ashburn’s puzzles and the new Mounties do it in a day
And I still find mistakes on my part!
[spoiler](at least three between and )[/spoiler]
So…if anyone is having trouble with any particular counts, feel free to ask as publicly or privately as you’d like!
Or if you just want to double-check the first half before digging into part two (since I’m still finding the odd miscount on my part ).