The Currently Reading Super Topic

That was my same reaction to that book, have you read her Court of Thorns and Roses series yet?


I have not, I shall add them to my to read pile :slight_smile:


My pre-order of Tasha Suri’s The Jasmine Throne is here and I can’t wait to dive into it! She’s one of my favorite new authors (new-ish now, as this is her third book). If anyone is looking for some incredible new fantasy, I highly recommend her!


I ended up not finishing The Hazel Wood. I was a bit disappointed with it :frowning:


Yeah… Furyborn has not been keeping my interest… Debating with myself whether to DNF…


I recently started Good Omens. Neil Gaiman’s writing style is my favorite, everything is always just a little bit sarcastic. It makes his books very light and easy to read, even in some dramatic moments. I haven’t watched the Amazon show but I might after I finish the book.


I just finished Preludes & Nocturnes, the first connection of THE SANDMAN comics by Neil Gaiman.

I’m not sure how I felt about it. I don’t hate it, but am also not sure if I want to continue. I’ll likely borrow the next volume to give it a deeper dive, but I’m feeling pretty blah about the whole thing.


There’s definitely some good stuff in there. It’s been a while, but the diner (I think in P&N) and the Corinthian are parts that definitely were… uncomfortable.

My first exposure was Endless Nights, because I think that was all they had at the bookstore after I discovered I needed to read them.

Also recommend The Dream Hunters, it’s very pretty.

(Both of those are stand alone, by the way)


Thanks! I’ll definitely borrow the next one.


I just finished and I’m so :sob: more so by the after, I think, since I knew how things ended up…I have…so many feelings

and now I’m starting Circe


Oh Tink, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

My daughter is obsessed with Greek mythology and we were all discussing over dinner that I’d finished Song of Achilles a couple weeks ago.

She wanted to know what the similarities and differences were to the myth everyone knows, and one thing led to another until I eventually described the ending of the book and burst into tears as I quoted the last line, which I will never forget.


I DNF’d Furyborn. It just couldn’t hold my attention through four chapters.


Hope I’m not interrupting the conversation above, but…

Well, what am I not currently reading. I’m a fan of web novels, so I usually have something or another to read every single day. Here’s a couple of fun stories I’m currently reading or have enjoyed in the past:

  • The Wandering Inn: A story started in 2016 that currently has 6.8 million words to it’s name. If you want lots of content about a fun fantasy world, here’s your stop.

  • Worm: A completed story that’s… sort of a subversion of a superhero genre. Warning, it’s also long, and it gets dark.

  • The Daily Grind: A currently updating story set in current times, about the logical outcomes of an optimistic office worker stumbling upon a… mysterious location within his place of employment. Extra points for great poly representation.

  • The Gods are Bastards: Currently on hiatus, but it has years and years of story to catch up on. Set in a… sort of D&D inspired fantasy world, it meanders through a few genres on it’s way along, from western to science-fiction, following some incredibly interesting characters on their path through life. (Side note, is swearing allowed? Wasn’t sure, so I censored the title a bit)


I just finished Ariadne by Jennifer Saint. Being another retelling of Ancient Greek myth, it had big shoes to fill with Circe and Song of Achilles being read earlier this year. To be honest, I preferred the latter books. Ariadne was good, but it meandered and just didn’t have the narrative power of Circe.

Next up:

A feminist re-telling of Arthurian legend from the point of view of Lady Elaine. This immediately made me think of @Nimueh when I saw it as a choice for my Book of the Month!


Oooo that one’s on my list!!!


Huh, interesting. I’ve heard/read/seen versions of the legends from Morganna/Morgain’s and Nimue’s perspective, but never from Elaine’s. Her’s should certainly be a different story than most would be aware of. Might need to find this and give it a read, and definitely gonna be waiting to hear your opinion of it. Plus, I love and need her dress and sword :cagshearts:


That one’s on my wishlist as well!
The sky has darkened with angry clouds, and the wind is going into a frenzy.
What to read…

:flushed: I went to libby to search for Circe and it turned up The Lost Apothecary in the results.


That’s on the list after Half-Sick!


I’m finally getting myself a Kindle Paperwhite. I’ve considered getting an e-reader for a little while but the prices always put me off until I saw the huge discounts for prime day. I have a few e-books that I’ve acquired from different things which have been gathering virtual dust because I hate reading on my phone or computer, so I’ll finally be able to get into those. This means I’ll finally be able to look into the NNRPG book that I bought on release but haven’t actually read yet…


On Habitica, I joined a book lovers guild to try finding something to connect me more with the site and they had just started The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue as the July book of the Month so I’m working on that.

While also reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mith Albom (my wife just read it and I figured it would a good quick read) and S L O W L Y working my way through the Briar Arcive to create my timeline.